Saturday, September 16, 2023

Know Your Gematria Manipulation - Dropping Digits


Supposedly, there is an old rule in gematria about dropping zeroes.  Superficially this makes some sense in the sense of zero meaning nothing.  How this rule plays out in practice while actual decoding is more appropriately worded as:

“I got a number I didn’t like, but it’s so close to a number I was looking for and I haven’t gotten any attention from the cult leader in awhile, so imma jus’ gonna say this is close enough and drop whatever digits I want.”

People that decode like this are looking for trouble.  They are dead set on the evil number of the day, however that number was manufactured.  A plane crash killed 117 people?  Date numerology is 17?  Close enough.  Totally unrelated news story with a picture of a license plate containing 177?  Close enough.  If only this was based on Sacred Basic Math instead of Sacred Geometry, what a better place the world would be.

Whether guided into searching for a number or just randomly fucking around with a gematria calculator app on your smartphone, this kind of decoding is encouraged and labeled as doing your own research.  The goal of the practitioners who knowingly put out disinformation based on gematria is twofold, with the one reason being psychologically subtle and scarier. 

The first an easiest to understand, if you are looking for a number, given a full set of digits 0-9 and an arsenal of manipulation techniques you WILL find a number you are looking for.  The real challenge in gematria is to not find a match when manipulating.

More importantly, do we really want and need a bunch of aggressive personalities on social media learning that it’s OK to make up any rule they want to justify their actions?  Conspiracy theorists are looking for hidden truth, evidence buried so deep it hasn’t been uncovered yet.  What better way to be the discoverer of the smoking gun by uncovering the truth by changing the rules to always be right?

The Qanon decoding and MAGA is right about everything crowd is far from dead.  I just watched a video a bit ago from a commenter on one of Dan’s videos.  The plus side, she did correctly state that we shouldn’t jump to label someone as everything doesn’t fit inside a nice and easy package.  On the downside she says she’d rather hang out with patriots than liberals, disregarding that liberals can also be patriots.  If she’s following that account for leadership she’s ass deep in content that is “I’m going to just ignore when I’m wrong or make up a new rule to justify being wrong.”

Let’s flesh out the screenshot wrongness other than the insinuation that 1666=666.

There are three different ciphers on the screenshot instead of just typing the list of only 1666 decodes.  That’s being wrong twice as often as being right from the get go.

Bad grammar counts.  A United States?  Uggh.  If it was talking about the US as a modifier, “a” is correct as in “a United States citizen”, but that’s a stretch.  Don’t even get me started on the one about the breast.  Double uggh.  It’s complete gibberish.  Qanon decoders still yammer on about TRUMP USING ALL CAPITALS and misspelling simple words like “stollen”.

Keep Henry, Charles, Albert and David from being in the same room.  They morph into the Antichrist Voltron style.

Starry Starry Night isn’t too bad.  It is the alternate title of a Don McLean song.  But what about the “Hush hush hush hush hush hush hush” I saw a couple days ago.  Just repeat the word until you get the number you like.

We started with a well known evil number of 666, and somebody got interested in 1666 being close enough.  And presented us with more ways to break anything resembling a rule and insinuates it’s not just Ok, but even desirable to break the rules.

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