Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Know Your Grifter Marketing Techniques - The Persecution Complex


It is unfair to conflate the gematria and other disinfo peddlers with full blown persecutory delusions.  As disinfo peddlers, they are fully aware that they aren’t being persecuted.  It’s not even the main goal to declare that they are persecuted and usually is limited to declarations of being unfairly censored, so Censorship Delusions may be more appropriate for a name.

Within what has been called the Zachosphere, where the main money making hook is emphasis on sports gambling, claims of unfair a cyclical and common.  This is part of what I call the Shill Game.  And things are really hot and heavy right now with Shill Game activity.  The NFL season just underway is heavily emphasized since it’s the biggest cash grab for lower level grifting - flying under the radar of huge scams that somebody would actually report to the authorities.  You lost $100?  Sorry, I have a case where somebody got their retirement savings stolen.  No time for you.

One of the dangers of commenting on online grifting is teaching scammers to be better scammers.  However, what I’m seeing now is nothing new.  It’s merely a repeat of the old cycle from every NFL season since Zach started training other people on how many gullible people appear and fall for the techniques every single year.

As mid level people in the MLM scheme drop out, there’s a push to create new membership to replace them.  Hopefully, people dropping out haven’t been financially crippled before waking up on the lack of fulfillment.  These people tend to quietly slip away unnoticed.  Occasionally, they fire off some parting shots and then “walk away the better man”.  The Shill Game - those are the critics with the staying power.  They comb the Internet looking for what they can capitalize on to point a finger at.  You’re bad.  You’re a scammer.  And it’s not that I’m claiming the fault is your entire system of operation being bogus.  It’s my gematria or other grifting is better.  My sports picks are better.  Sports gematria is a waste of time - you need to focus on Jesus second coming.  Tired of losing money at sports?  My cryptocurrency gematria can suck your money away, too.

The Shill Game has a lot of advantages, one of the largest being decades of being trained by social media that actual persecution and censorship does not exist.  You’ve already groomed a crop of people that have not gained fulfillment long term with the constant wrong predictions.  Among these people are some with genuine feelings of persecution.  After turning to conspiracy as an outlet to vent their dissatisfaction with the way that life has turned out, they have been given some positive feedback - missing from real life since in real life they are displaying undesirable qualities.  The Shill Game is a great way to get somebody fired up to switch teams.  Think of it as a small scale Ron DeSantis vs. Donald Trump.

Shill Game content incorporates a lot of persecution material.  Just last night Zach’s livestream included a caller who claimed that he’s obviously being censored because he’s so close to that truth and the evil powers are tired of him being such a nuisance.  That’s exactly the reaction Zach was looking for.  Someone so closed minded on how gematria doesn’t work and willing to call in to his livestream to get the cult leader Attaboy!.  The persecution content is an appeal to others who instead of a common bond of race, religion, social class, there is a kinship of being told you’re wrong.  Often.

Persecution content is a display of hypocrisy in all its unholy glory.  Memory holing past content is easy.  “I never said” that an easy defense to prior disinformation.  Videos do get taken down from YouTube, just after a lengthy lag time after getting reported and only if it’s a serious infraction.  They are more likely to monetize a video with sports gematria by slapping a Draft Kings ad than admitting that maybe there’s some fraud going on.  And there’s an unwritten rule, as soon as a video gets taken down, or even a channel lost for a third strike, you MUST whine about being censored.  And you can even take down your own material and claim censorship with nobody being the wiser.

There’s some lingo common in the persecution content.  Shill, gangstalking, Big Tech censorship, somebody is declared an “agent” of the evil empire.  As these words and phrases are thrown around it’s fairly easy to see how hypocritical and hollow the claims are.  Not only has Zach not been booted off the Internet completely, a fairly easy thing to accomplish for a massive, well funded evil empire, he ran the live stream simultaneously on two different YouTube channels.  Another evangelical gematria channel recently claimed regret for saying something he probably shouldn’t have that resulted in a YouTube channel strike.  Proceeded to promote the already existing back up channel, never missed a day of new content, then returned to the main channel after “being gone” in his own words.  New people digesting conspiracy grifting content for the first time do not pay attention to anything other than the new notifications popping up today.

In the meantime, in addition to feelings of persecution, these people do have other more mundane interests.  Maybe grandkids, gardening, music, of course sports, other things not harmful that make them happy.  The occasional touching grass.  It looks like the algorithms don’t involve any separation from the weirdness with the innocuous.  It gets mixed all into a big blender of mish mashed recommendations.  Your one of the few people that likes ocarina music?  Here’s somebody that has 20 ocarina music videos from 12 years ago.  Here’s their recent election was stolen content on their channel, too!  Have a nice day!

If nothing else, I hope you are now awakened to the dangers of ocarina music.  Every word has multiple gematria values that you are allowed to pick and choose from, ignoring what you like and don’t like.  And there are people that do not care that it makes no sense to claim ocarina and Michelle Obama have the same value.  These people are digesting confirmation bias grifting content focused on their feelings of persecution and how much they hate the damn liberals.

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