Friday, September 8, 2023

Know Your Gematria Value Manipulation - Basic Math

Four themes for the price of one today.  Even though they’re all free and the price is still zero, getting to use the weasel words gives it the air of authenticity missing from simply saying there are four themes.

#1). Repetition.  Theme #4 is not anything new that hasn’t already been said here before.  Repetition helps to turn short term tasks into long term tasks.  Absorbed often just by doing it without being told.  If you always do your nighttime routine in the same order, you are less likely to miss one of the pieces.  And not have to worry about rushing around in the morning because you forgot to turn on your alarm.

Repetition of the same weasel numbers over and over again.  Get the flock used to seeing that 42 is always racist content.  Get them used to seeing that 113 is always about fakery.  Get them used to seeing that 33 is a Freemason number.  All while trying to mask that these are completely ambiguous out of context of the narrative presented and tiny and insignificant in any statistical setting.

#2). See what I did there with repetition and weasel words?  I repeated content from yesterday to help reinforce the content.  And I’m repeating some of theme #1 to reinforce repetition.  Misinformation researchers often repeat their content to combat the never ending supply of new posts that are really just rehashes of old thoroughly debunked posts.  You never know who’s popping in for the first time.

My grocery store of choice is repetitively consistent with their wording.  If something is Buy One - Get One Free and the item is $2 - if I buy only one of that item it’s $2 and I miss out on the freebie.  Depending on how cranky the cashier is that day, I may not ever be told I missed a free item.  A terrible thing if that was a free box of Little Debbie cookies.  If it’s Two for $2, that means when the cashier rings one up it’s $1, regardless of how much the cashier hates me because I wore a shirt that is the same color that Phoenician baby killers wore a millennia ago.  There’s a subconscious psychological tickle to go ahead and buy the second item whether you need it or not.  Gematria aficionados are partially immune to this, as they have no real friends that they would buy another box of cookies for.  And ordinary people may think that while they’re there to go ahead and treat a buddy to a box of Little Debbie’s.  If the grocery store is particularly disreputable they can drastically overstate the price of one item, make it a Two or Three for the price of one, still get the psychological tickle and sell the item at a normal one for one price.

#3). I’m guilty of this as I find most of my topics to be things that don’t make their way into a social media thread without gematria content.  There is a tried and true format to not spreading misinformation by talking about misinformation.  When you post content that has misinformation in it, from some quack source that has no friends to share Little Debbie’s with, you should alter it in some way.  Like this:

Since the goal for disinformation accounts is to spread the message and make it at least temporarily go viral, there’s no reason to make it easier for someone to copy it from your debunk.

#4). Because there’s really nothing missing in the altered image, so it’s fine as is for the debunk.  What we have here is our old favorite, the word list of the same number, allegedly all with the same theme.  This can be used in a YouTube video presentation with the weasel words, “There are those that say the numbers are always below 300, but can this be a coincidence?!?  What are the odds?!?”  Sorry, every single item is using the Sumerian cipher, which is the basic value X 6.  So that means everything is really 149.  And use of “Sumerian” is a weasel sneaky way of sounding occult instead of saying 149x6.  149 is right in the sweet spot for a short phrase like the list and statistically not terribly difficult at all for Phraseshopping like calling Donald, “Donnie” and loosely associated phrases that don’t have any real connection to whatever theme that’s trying to be conveyed.  The goal of the list was to produce as many 894s as possible.  I can easily make a long list of 894s in this manner if you paid me or bribed with me free cookies.

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