Friday, August 3, 2018

The Brilliant Marketing Plan Expands

And that is by no means at all sarcastic, as finding a way to get paid to produce next to nothing takes some chutzpah, a degree of intelligence and a group of mindless drones that will believe just about anything.

The “What is 47?” awareness campaign will soon (or maybe already is) selling merchandise.  You gots yer bumper stickers, t-shirts, license plate holders, a reference book the usual swag.  Emblazoned with the cryptic “What is 47?” logo.  Well at least the license holder is.  Not sure about the T-shirt and reference guide shown in the video.  But the word “gematria” is there and that’s a sufficient warning label to identify who you’re dealing with.

So what exactly is 47?  The idea is that the average schmuck won’t know and they’ll get all curious.  Then you tell them that it’s the number of a degrees on the Freemason compass and it’s a representative of true evil.  What we can presume is left out of the conversation is that it isn’t really the number of degrees in the Freemason compass, literally every other number is turned into a representation of true evil and how easy it is to manufacture out of every possible source material.

I perceive a few problems here.  So far the creator of this material is some mysterious, unnamed dude.  Hardly somebody proud enough to identify himself.  Hey, I’m Bob!  I used to be a NWO hitman, but now I’m into numbers!  I’m definitely not Zachary Hubbard and keeping 100% of the profits for myself!  I definitely have produced these items in mass quantity ahead of time because it’s cheaper!  So let’s throw the idea out there to see how much interest there is before I mass produce these items and get stuck sitting on a bunch of stuff that won’t sell!

Granted the template is there and a small run is done before going all in on the plan.  However, the plan was first brought up in April and there are about, let me see....0 people talking about it other than Hubbard, the not rage quit like promised Gematria Forum and a couple of loyal minions who came forward to state buying these trinkets is a given.  Don’t you think that pretty much everyone of the linked blogs and YouTube channels off FTFM should have said at least something about this in almost four months?

The video mentions our mystery man as possibly finding this on the Letters and Numbers listing on Etsy.  That would be a good spot to sell them.  They’ve already proven that they have no standards and even allow the book to be sold as a “hand made item” which goes against their rules.  The trade off is that even with more exposure they get their cut.  Which for a low price tag item like a shirt is pretty ouchy.  Another logical choice is use this as a freebie for tiers in the patron levels on Patreon.  People are more willing to walk 10 kilometers to raise more money for charity if they get SOMETHING tangible.  But....

Uh oh.  The Patreon thing is still a problem.

Now it’s down to 100 patrons.  Every month has seen about 10 patrons drop off and there’s never been more than about 140-150 at a time.  So nowhere near 1000 people interested in getting a daily podcast on how to make 33 or 47 or the two digit number of the day.  And maybe the fact that so far the patrons have gotten one patron only video and one patron only post is a little irritating.  And the video was about What is 47? (I think). And that ended up on the Internet available to everyone.

Knock yourself out selling at most a couple hundred pieces of swag to the die hards.  Maybe you can top 500 if you get the Gematrinator to work some more 47’s into eclipse sacrifices.

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