Saturday, August 11, 2018

Because I Told You So

Here we have another bullshit story from someone talking about bullshit stories.  The interesting twist this time is usually when somebody is deemed a “friend” of some sort there isn’t any actual gematria done.  For an example, if Alex Jones was cool (which they don’t think and from what I’ve seen he’s declared a shill providing misinformation to make the real truth look bad) the recent incident would have been ignored and the story would just read about how terrible censorship is.  Without a stitch of numerology, even though the math is every number=evil.  Name and date numerology on any person=numbers.  Therefore person is evil.

Indeed, this time is a rare but not completely isolated case where we get a vague acknowledgment that I could provide a story that Hunter Lurie was evil.  People have gone on record that the industry is evil.  But in this case the victim is not part of the “cabal”.

Why?  Exactly what is the criteria for hand waving away this other than the extremely weak fallacious debating tactic of, “just because I said so”.

This is dipshitmatic immunity at its best.  Although most often reserved for the narrators themselves who seem to ignore the math that any number can be generated to match a million different postulates while none of them have any actual real proof.  Finish of the hand waving by 100% absolutely positive in bold print and you’ve got a recipe for success in faking the weak minded into not realizing that the full phrase is really “100% absolutely positive because I told you so”.

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