Friday, August 24, 2018

Birds Aren’t Real!

With much respect to the creators of this site, I report that after being subjected to the utter vileness of Elsagate that the cosmic balance has been adjusted by the existence of Birds Aren’t Real.  There is a Twitter account, Facebook page, Instagram and YouTube channel as well.  All dedicated to the concept that there is more to our feathered friends than you have been lead to believe.  Most importantly that they don’t have feathers and are hardly our friends.

Now before giving away any information you can get from the sources quoted above I decided that maybe some readers like myself hadn’t heard of this, so I’ll let you review it without my comments on the specifics.  I can say this though, it is decidedly tongue in cheek.  And if you have an acquaintance that is leaning towards the odd, occasional leanings towards some of the more well known nonviolent conspiracies such as Moon landing faking, flat Earth or such this could be a good test to see how far gone they are.  Because, although it is well done and has a good bit of effort behind it, this is not a case of Poe’s Law.  The intent is for the laughs and not for a minute to be taken seriously.  (A well done Poe’s Law satire would be a little more believable in the context of the material being satirized.)

Now for my “friends” in the gematria community that read this, it’s not just one of these little throw ins for amusement.  It has a point.  The same way that when you get pushed and fight back even harder when you are challenged, ordinary people with properly functioning critical thinking will get fed up and push back.  I do find their approach to be a slam dunk.  In the bigger picture they sell merchandise, and what better way to say you’re flipping the bird to conspiracy theorists than a t-shirt that says, “Birds aren’t real”?  A great conversation starter, like someone who would actually put the effort into getting a Jenna Coleman is the Antichrist bumper sticker.

At face value the merchandise shop is sold out completely of some items.  Who knows how many were produced for sale to an unwitting public.  I’d like to think that there are just as many t-shirts and stickers for the Birds Aren’t Real movement already in existence than there ever will be for the “What is 47?” campaign.

Anticipating the being misquoted defense, “Of course birds are real, that’s just stupid.  Gematria is real!” I point out that yes, sadly gematria is real.  It’s the dubious belief that the manner that it’s used that you might think it actually works that elevates it to the comical realm it exists in today.

And I do want to mention to my friends that I have a birthday upcoming this year and the holiday gift giving season still pending.  I’m a shirt size Adult medium or if unavailable a large would do.

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