Saturday, August 18, 2018

Extra Extra Capsa

Let’s put that up again instead of referencing it.  My research has uncovered darn near nothing.  One of the things I checked was to take a peeky poke at the YouTube channel.  I found two comments left on the most recent video.  And one of those is gone.  The other is still up.  It was posted days later than the first one.  And with it going up just yesterday maybe if there’s a reason the other comment disappeared that same reason will catch up to this one.

Now don’t give me this Google deleted comments crap.  They don’t do that, even when they should.  I’ve seen a lot of nasty comments that are clear violation of their arbitrary guidelines.  Long ago I have seen people brag about reporting channels and comments that nothing ever came out of it.  Google doesn’t care.  The only way a comment disappears is the channel owner or the commenter gets rid of it.  Pretty unlikely someone commented and then deleted it.  It was a “Hey, sorry to hear about your blog disappearing” kind of message.  And I’m not suggesting this as any hard kind of evidence as I have no proof that the magic disappearing comment ever existed.  I wised up and got a screen shot of the comment that’s up now.  It’s a name I’ve seen before and if that disappears it’s a better indication of what may be going down.

Now about the “no longer available” message.  There are two explanations provided and it’s unfair to suggest that the official party line of the truth community must be right.  Brother Berg could have simply given up, archived the blog and that takes it offline.  He sure hasn’t responded to the YouTube comments.  The most recent video is 6 months old.  The other videos much older and hardly ever topped 1k views.  From the looks of it there’s as much evidence that he’s just not interested in the game anymore and gave up.

And why not?  He is one of the smarter of the bunch.  Smart enough to understand that CHRIST=77 and ANTICHRIST=77 doesn’t help the cause much when trying to deny the constant shoehorning.  Things are a lot tougher than they were a couple of years ago.  Like, not worth the effort of making a 20 minute video than only reaches a couple hundred views.

And it doesn’t even have to be a bad thing at all.  Maybe he ran off to Monaco and got hitched to his girlfriend and has more important stuff going on.  Like, taking a break.  When you archive a WordPress blog you can reinstate it intact.  I checked the Internet and found multiple queries about archived blogs.  This is not the first time since I started that a frequent contributor just up and disappeared.  Actually, it’s the ones that announce that they are disappearing that linger around since it’s just a pity ploy of a petulant putz.

It’s probably time to go through the links on FTFM again and see what kind of activity is going on around the community.  For example, Denim has all the way *3* posts in August which is more than halfway over.  Because nothing says waking up sheep like disappearing.

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