Friday, June 29, 2018

Gematria Debunked By Peter Jackson

It’s getting difficult to tell how much staying power the trolling of the XXXTentacion Eclipse Sacrifice Video has.  A week after its release there are over 2100 comments.  Half or probably more are not flattering.  But literally the criticism is losing sight of the forest because of all the trees.

There aren’t actually 2200 unique comments.  There’s a lot of repetition of slight variations of the same basic thoughts.

The pro side has these:
1). Cool decode, bro!  Keep up the great work!
2). It’s dangerous to be sharing this knowledge.  Be careful or they’ll get you!
3). Wow, this is interesting.

The first indicating that this is someone who already practices conspiracy related gematria.  The second, probably a gematria mook, stating that the selectively incompetent evil empire can find and put a hit on XXXTentacion and that the Gematrinator could be next.  The third, somebody new that got clickbaited into watching and considers the fantasy merit might have some credibility.

On the negative side:
1). A few regarding that this playing around with numbers just doesn’t work.  But without any details.
2). A good number that felt the need to mention that his name was pronounced wrong, which has very little to do with the content of the video other than pointing to lack of research into it before release.
3). The forest of comments pointing out that XXX’s tattoo is incorrectly described as a tree.  Also indicating lack of research, but better criticism than the second variety as the Cross was a feature of the content.

Interesting that as I type this the top comments of the video are all negative sides #’s 1,2 and 3.

I’ve learned enough about the way comments work on YouTube to know that these are sorted by # of likes for the most part.  There’s an adjustment for Twitter style “trending”.  So although it’s getting hammered by trolls the criticism isn’t specific enough.

Early on the collective community cross criticism commentary was defended by the suggestion that, yeah I was wrong but the symbolism is obvious.  Even if this was a valid defense, which it isn’t, it’s likely to be missed.  A lot of pro and con comments are buried so far down that it’s hard to believe that anyone will find the time to view them all.  You can only stand to see a repeat of “It’s a tree.” so many times before losing patience.  I imagine lots of the comments were posted without ever bothering to see if someone has already posted the obvious.  So the forest grows.

But it doesn’t need to be so difficult.  If I were to get there early so that my comment was viewed before the forest grows, all I need is the best Peter Jackson movie ever to debunk any video of a celebrity death.

That movie being Dead Alive.  Something pretty important to either the Organic Matrix or what those selectively incompetent Illuminati are up to.  The matter of life and death.

I don’t spend time harping on the inconsistencies provided in reductions because from a math standpoint it’s way easier to find matches.  Comparing nine possible outcomes per letter versus 26 possible outcomes per letter.

So in the big picture though, the matter of life and death also does not work.  DEAD=22, ALIVE=22.  Imagine how long my comment would last if it was, “Gematria doesn’t work, DEAD and ALIVE both equal 22 in the basic reduction ciphers.  Don’t waste your time on this.”

It wouldn’t last past the first review by the author of the video.

Instead of direct trolling I prefer to put out a wide variety of my own clickbait titles like this one.  Now if somebody Google’s Peter Jackson and gematria in the same search they can find the real story.  Whether they want to look deeper into the more powerful but somewhat harder concepts like the math and linguistics or simply look at the mockery is up to them.  The fact that I’ve taken the time to compile  such a wide variety of effective counter arguments is far more annoying than the satisfaction I might gain by trolling with a comment that will get deleted.

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