Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Gematria Debunked By Numeronyms And Kettle Logic

Oh goody! The teeming masses dozens of people who regularly follow here cheer!  A break from cognitive biases!

Urk condition level two achieved, repetition of something I’ve covered  and debunked before.  So repeating the mistake is a sure fire way to annoy me.

So the problem here is the indirect yet bold assertion that there are only three numbers that sum to 1,331.  I could have made short work of this by simply pointing out that if these are supposedly equations adhering to the rules of mathematics that a fairly obvious fourth number is 1331 itself.  Trying to argue that 1331 does not equal 1331 isn’t going to get you anywhere.  So let’s translate the assertion to either:

“Other than 393 there are only two other numbers to sum to 1331, 133 and 331.”

Now let’s correct the translation to point out that this is converting numbers to words and to save time point out that very unscientifically they aren’t going to debunk themselves because that would just eat them up inside if they were wrong.

“The only three numbers that sum to 1331 when you spell out numbers as words and ignore the myriad of other ways to convert a number into another number that could reasonably be expected to have a useful value as part of a gematria narrative because they aren’t too big and suit my confirmation bias are 133, 331 and 393.”

The use of kettle logic in gematria turns this into an extremely simple math problem, easily showing a plethora of alternate solutions.  Solutions that can be duplicated on the Gematrinator calculator screen.

First of all no denying spelling out numbers.  That’s already been done.  There’s no rule that says you MUST spell out numbers.  That would be just stupid.  Then 1331 would never be 1331 and they couldn’t claim these are equations.  And I can already imagine the defense of “oh, that’s not one of the PRIMARY ciphers.  Jewish is much better.  Then why does my screen even allow me to use all of these?  They’re there for a reason, right?

Last time I addressed this I didn’t know numeronyms added the value of the digits to the values of the letters.  So, all you have to do is start typing out random numbers (digits) as words until you get close to 1331, then just finish it off with 0-9’s.  It’s that easy.

Here’s mine:

Cool.  In the primes cipher!  The same way the bold assertion is supposed to make 393 look super special, prime numbers are supposed to be super special to the NWO!

Rearrange the words and the actual digits of that and there’s already a butt load of numbers other than the special three.  The all powerful Organic Matrix must be displeased that all these other lovely numbers it created are being dissed.

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