Sunday, April 14, 2024

The Most Terrifying Movie Ever

Within the personalized interests displayed by the long term active gematria promoters, one stands out as far more bizarre than the others.  We’ve come to expect the major professional sports stories.  We’ve come to expect the megachurch pastor wannabe cult leader fake Christian stories.  We’ve come to expect that any astronomy related news is going to be assumed to be related to spirituality within cryptocurrency markets.  We’ve grown accustomed to how the occult is sliding into your direct messages to show you that the world that surrounds you is fake.  You are just a puppet; your entire life an illusion never being awake to the fakery surrounding you.  At least until you start donating money to an internet grifter, that will wake you up in hurry - the size of the donation with nothing practical in return is directly correlated to how fast you realize you’ve been had.

What is truly bewildering and amusing is the numerous times that someone produces gematria content about professional wrestling.

Without a doubt, professional wrestling is fake.

This could be written off as a simple case of putting out the most batshit crazy narrative possible to see who is totally invested in their own confirmation bias.  The “I have a bridge to sell you” in the gematria world teaser.  Who is elderly in cognitive decline in their twilight years seeking nostalgia while investing quality time with Fox News.  Who is young and green without sufficient life experiences that might be willing to borrow Mom’s and Dad’s credit cards to buy purchases of survival gear.  Do not, however, let the big concept here get distracted from your attention.  The fakery of gematria to show wrestling is fake.  That’s some major overkill.

While pondering this and getting myself into a generous mood I’ve decided to add how the narrative can be dialed up to 11.  In general these gematria clowns take TV shows, movies, and less often but still occurring books.  (They don’t like books too much, being force fed their psychological projection is much more palatable.). The Simpsons predictions get way more credibility than they should.  There is a couple bazillion metric tons of old film to use as a database for any “predictive programming” content you might want.  I’m thinking something more direct though, like the Rocky III scene where Hulk Hogan’s character, after pounding the snot out of Rocky admits it’s just a show for a good, charitable cause.

And there is at least one movie that fits the bill.  This is the Most Terrifying Movie Ever.  Because why stop at showing wrestling is fake with fake evidence from gematria when you can show that it’s also fake because it’s ALIENS doing the wrestling.  Getting someone to believe aliens are wrestling out there somewhere in the universe and the gematria proves it.  That’s got to be the Holy Grail of conspiracy grifting.

Ladies and Gentlemen (and gematria clowns as they don’t always act like ladies or gentlemen) I present to you, ARENA (1989)

It’s a film, and it’s not both silent and missing subtitles.  That means there are WORDS.  WORDS means there are NUMBERS.  Lots of numbers.  And lots of them when gematrified with the proper amount of subdivision and shaving down to statistical insignificance are really, really small numbers.  And don’t forget that there are aliens.  Lots of aliens.  Aliens means cool stuff like chemtrails, weird shot in the sky and Chinese spy balloons.  At least to these gematria people.

Claudia Christian?!?  Holy shit.  That’s Babylon 5 and alcohol rehab material.  Armin Shimmerman - Buffy, and Star Trek.  And get this, there’s a 2011 movie with the same name starring Samuel L. Jackson!! If you can’t find multiple gematria connections just from his filmography alone then you really, really suck at gematria decodes.

And that Samuel L. Jackson comment sums up the whole reason why this movie is so terrifying.  It encapsulates how you could literal devote your life to doing gematria decodes for every single news story and tie it in to a shitty but so bad it’s fun 1980’s movie few people have seen and even fewer remember even if they did see it.  I’m a bad example since I’ve watched it half a dozen times or so.  That’s also a problem for gematria newbies, you’ve seen the same movie every day over and over.  It gets old real quick.

Gematria is outrage porn clickbait.  Not openly embraced by the right wing propaganda outlets.  But they certainly don’t mind the extra gullible, lack of critical thinking votes it gets them.  They don’t need policies or long term benefit.  They just need the same shitty but fun 1980’s movie playing over and over just long enough for the next election.  The same way sports decoders just need it for the current playoffs.  

The same movie that is, minus the part of it being fun.

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