Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Fake Etymology


After I found out that, HA FUCK YOU =666 I was thinking about doing nothing but potty mouth gematria for a post topic.  But this will do just fine.  Another trip down gematria memory lane to the pre 2020 insanity.

It used to happen a lot.  Goaded by a news story decoded by the top influencers, the loyalists would try to add their take on to that story.  Personalizing the words and phrases and even preceding the meat of the comment with, “That reminds me of…”, or some variation of that.  Fake etymology is part of that process.  So this kind truth seeking misinformation propagator gives us several examples.

“PayPal sounds like Pay Baal, and BAAL = 92.”  Which could prompt a reply, “And BAAL = 29 in the reverse reduced, the mirror of 92!”  And the inevitable cult leader response.

Attaboy!TM. Plus the channel heart if you were doing a really good job of donating to the leader’s PayPal that week.

There’s already plenty of room for numerical misinterpretations in gematria.  Fake etymology and the That Reminds Me content adds a whole new layer to the crazy.  Not only are you allowed to ignore the numerical part you don’t like, you don’t need to agree or disagree with someone’s personalized interpretation of etymology or enunciation.  You’re allowed, even encouraged to get off topic.  And the more you outstupid the rivals, the more likely you’ll get that precious attention you crave.  A large swath of the target audience will recognize Baal, and instantly associate it with something that will be generally agreed on - Baal means human sacrifice.  Combining that with the mistaken perception that gematria is some form of magical and occult secret knowledge that makes more of a psychological impact than getting off the PayPal topic.  Or even realizing that the magic system allows something as vulgar and silly as HA FUCK YOU to be equal to one of the main magic numbers.

And don’t forget the multiple cases of redefining acronyms and initialisms displayed.  There’s an old bit of incorrect lore that nasa means “deceive” in Hebrew.  So an acronym is fair game.  And what was done with allah for arm leg leg arm head - that’s not even etymology.  Just like, “that reminds me of…” isn’t even gematria.  I personally think MAGA means Make America Grift Again.  But I’m not going to wear a hat because that will remind other people of what it means to them.

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