Sunday, April 28, 2024

Know Your Grifter Marketing - The Hypocrite’s Disclaimer


That’s all just peachy that you threw in that (hypothetical) in your video title.  It doesn’t make up that the entire audio portion of the video barely acknowledges the hypothetical part and plays out like the dark secrets talked about are a reality.

I think the single most common disclaimer is the Fair Use disclaimer, you can even find templates to guide you through creating one.  I have used copyrighted material, but it’s allowed because of the doctrine.  Personally, I don’t see the use for it.  It either falls under Fair Use or it doesn’t.  And you can put the disclaimer up when it doesn’t apply and legally it doesn’t change a damn thing.

A big subset of that is music.  YouTube creators can get away with a short clip of a popular song.  Play the entire thing - that’s trouble if it’s copyrighted.

Grifters use this to their advantage as an anti-establishment display of their bad assery.  You’re about to see bullshit, lots of people know it’s propaganda or factually wrong, but let me bring it to your attention that I’m doing something I shouldn’t be doing, and whining about the need to put a CYA statement to my material.  The Secret Underground Cities would have been a perfectly fine title without the hypothetical attached.

Instead of hypothetical, another common word to throw in is ‘allegedly.’  “Notice that politician is wearing red and black which I know means baby sacrifices…allegedly”. Hypocritically back pedaling on the “I know” versus the “allegedly”.  The correct translation is, “This part I’m saying about the color of the clothes, yeah, that’s bullshit, but it’s fun bullshit for the dim witted audience I have following my channel.  So YouTube, what exactly do you plan to do about it?” <wink wink>. 

In the gematria truth communities the overused one is celebrity deaths.  The video title will reference the name of the deceased.  The title will often include an RIP.  The start of the video may be, “Tragically, xxxxx passed away”, and then with the disclaimer out of the way the next half hour is about how the Jesuits sacrificed a 95 year old person who had it coming to them since they were just a crisis actor puppet serving their evil masters.  Death by natural causes does not exist in the conspiracy grifting world.

And don’t forget the cryptocurrency gematria fans.  It’s also very fashionable to put out a hollow and meaningless disclaimer there.  “I’m not a certified investment adviser.”  No shit, detective douche rocket*.  A certified financial planner doesn’t have the astrology of phases of the moon involved in any way, shape or form to their investment advice.

*  The use of the phrase “detective douche rocket” comes from a Taylor Tomlinson comedy sketch.  Its use is in this blog post was not authorized by Ms. Tomlinson but falls under the Fair Use Act.  This post is intended to educate people on internet scams and qualifies me a for a little leeway on use of copyrighted material until I get caught and I’m forced to take it down.

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