Monday, October 16, 2023


The Straw Man logical fallacy is a neat little trick used by the kinds of people that want to win arguments instead of actually being right.  If I say, “You didn’t donate to my fundraiser, I guess you like cancer killing children!”, there’s a big disconnect between the fundraiser and the actual reasons for not donating.  Maybe you couldn’t even pay your rent.  Usually something like children dying of a terrible disease is a no brainer, and it’s awfully hard to form a debate argument that’s pro let the babies die.

I’m bringing this up now because there’s a lot of misinformation spread now similar to this regarding the Middle East.  There’s a lot of non sequitur accusations flying around about pro one side means against the other side.  And a lot of calmer heads with some critical thinking skills realizing there’s room for a lot of nuance, with both sides having good points and bad ideas.  Mostly the bad ideas, because hatred sells better in the conspiracy grifting community.

There’s been an odd lull recently in the gematria community.  Some big names that were posting content daily taking a well deserved break from gematria decodes and posting comments on others videos.  There’s no way to tell what the exact reason is.  They aren’t talking about it, it’s impossible to tell what they are trying to communicate if they aren’t communicating.  So my trying to put words in their mouths is also logically fallacious.

But I am allowed to have an opinion based on past experience.  And this is it.  It could be taking advantage of the weakness of gematria evidence.  It’s happened before where a gematria user has woken up to the cognitive dissonance produced by not having the predictions coming true and simply moved on to greener pastures.  Those greener pastures are not spending time with the family, going bowling, taking up a new hobby or learning a new language.  They are the greener pastures of worse content than the gematria content that got them into the rabbit hole in the first place.

Admittedly, I didn’t find this in the gematria community, but it is recent.  The key takeaway is that it’s a conversation between two truthers.  It doesn’t appear to be a part of the shill game.  And somebody has the wrong scapegoat.  Whatever evidence the Covid research had was legitimate.  But now your evidence, whatever that was is bad.  The only thing missing is a direct statement of what type of evidence that is.  But since it’s truth community standards of evidence, we know it’s bullshit.

Historically, gematria has been great at getting people hooked for at least awhile, and then moving on.  Strawmatria, where the evidence of it actually working is nonexistent and debunking is prevalent at this point.  As a part of the Alex Jones conglomerate of the grifting economy, truthers have been exposed to doomsday prep for about three decades now, and here we are still.  There’s always something wrong in the world to pick on.  Now it’s just Ukraine and the Middle East instead of January 6th 2021 and Covid.  None of these events had successful truther opinions or predictions related to them.  All the evidence was spammy, clickbait viral seeking nonsense.

Again, a reminder.  Pre Alex Jones mass emails were used to convince you that a Nigerian prince wanted to give you money.  Phishing for those gullible enough to reach the next level of having your bank account drained.  Now things like Strawmatria are the phishing.  You aren’t a legitimate truther if you use that, it’s dumb.  By the way, now that you gave up your email address for an ad free experience on the gematria calculator, here’s some other lovely content you might enjoy.  Maybe you aren’t going to make an impact on this world unless you join a militia and take up sovereign citizen don’t pay your taxes stuff.  (Don’t do that.)  Gematria is so weak that somebody out there is bound to have a more lucid argument.  And it would be totally not surprising to find out that the lull was actually because they’ve been busy with the Middle East.  The exact same thing happened at the start of the pandemic.

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