Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Christmas Presents, Patrsecution And Oaths


There's one aspect about the commercialization of Christmas that doesn’t get talked about enough.

Teaching your children to be criminals.

Kids are remarkable tiny humans with a keen instinct for not wanting to follow rules.  If a rule is deemed to be a stupid rule, the child will often lash out and deliberately engage in the breaking of the rule resulting in more receipt of the commodity they desire most - attention.  Parents are in a no win situation, damned if the punishment is too severe, ostracized by their friends and colleagues when the too severe punishment is discovered, and damned if the kid is found to be a spoiled brat for being too permissive.  The only real solution is to not have kids and live vicariously through the actions of other people’s kids.

For Christmas we aren’t talking about major stuff like setting the tree on fire or feeding the dog Christmas chocolates and the ensuing vet bill.  It’s the simpler and more innocuous act, the tradition known as “hiding the Christmas presents”.

Even families that aren’t particularly well off financially make a big stink about the holiday season.  It’s a chance to forget about how much life sucks for a couple of weeks, recharge your batteries for another year of life suckage.  And in order to not have the overwhelming task of wrapping all the presents and finding time for holiday meal prep the presents are purchased in advance.  Part of the presents wrapping tradition includes what is known as “lying to the kids about Santa” and hiding the parent funded goodies somewhere so they can pretend a fat man who regularly engages in trespass, is a terrible dietary role model, and has engaged in elf trafficking to produce the presents decided to reward the children on one magical morning.

Inquisitive children not only find out the Santa story doesn’t pass the smell test.  They look forward to it when the jig is up.  Finding the stash of unwrapped presents is far more enjoyable than the surprise on Christmas morning.  It’s far more fun to pretend to be excited on that morning than genuinely be overwhelmed by the fat slave master.

To their credit, parents are not totally stupid and anticipate or react to that moment when the child has figured out the Santa story.  And this is where the child gets their first taste of, “The Oath of Office”.  Don’t you dare search for the Christmas presents because…I said so?  Game on.  Now the child will look for the Christmas presents for as long as they don’t get kicked out of home.  The parents upping their game to find better and more ingenious ways to hide the loot is far more fun when the parents put extra effort into it.  The bedroom closet is just way too easy.  Try harder, Mom.

Patreon has been a member of the social media Oath of Office crowd forever.  We know this, because they have “Community Guidelines”.  These have not evolved beyond the parents’ closet hiding spot.  Regardless of what social media site they read basically the same.  Don’t be an asshole or we will kick you off.  And as I constantly point out, the translation is always, “Stop, or I’ll say stop again!!”

Hubbard is making a big stink about his Patrsecution, dedicating time in his livestream to share how he’s on the verge of getting banned for producing his amazing life altering content.  Somehow, we doubt that is a serious issue, considering the Oath of Office clearly includes terms about organizing a gambling operation.  Even without being arguably outright fraud, supposedly selling shitty 50% of the time correct sports picks is against the rules.

At the time of this writing, the Hellsite formerly known as Twitter has given me a string of consecutive days where an obvious hardcore porn account has messaged me.  This morning was “Juicy Milf” wanting to hook up.  And the replies to her, “Do I look hot?” message included video content of various acts typical of hardcore porn.  For the record, yes she was hot.  Did I block her account?  Yes, I can find that content if I want to without it being forced on me.  Did I report it?  Hell no.  There’s no point when this type of thing has been going unregulated (mostly Facebook) forever.  It’s a waste of time to report this as the mentality of doing whatever you want has thoroughly diffused through the food chain.  Oath takers who should be enacting sensible legislation promote doing whatever they want to gain the populist vote.  The first order of business for an unscrupulous doctor (if they actually are a real doctor) is to promote the doctor part.  Hey, I’m a doctor!  Here’s some lovely vaccine misinformation for you!  Don’t worry, I took an oath!

If we continue drifting towards a constitutional dictatorship, I’m prepared to live with that and just remain unhappy about it.  When I registered to vote I took on the responsibility of abiding by the outcome.  There’s overwhelming evidence that finding those Christmas presents early DID ruin Christmas Day.

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