Tuesday, October 3, 2023


. At the darkest times of the early Covid response misinformation was flying around Twitter.  A perfect shitstorm of events came together to allow the internet grifting economy to work in a lot of outright disinformation into the mix.  Disinformation that actually ended up helping to get people killed.

The misinformation was bad enough.  The previous major diseases that had gotten a lot of press were so long ago that the memory had faded from the collective consciousness.  Vaccines, being a victim of their own success helped people forget that there were times when the Spanish Flu was pretty nasty and AIDS was in the news daily.

For Covid, people who were genuinely concerned and frightened about the idea of having some unknown chemical mixture put into their bodies were bombarded with a lot of smokescreens.  The accounts that were deliberately wrong about everything latched on to any new story and promoted them relentlessly via retweeting, quote tweeting, subtweeting, interrupting conversations where people talked about masks and social distancing, and making general pests of themselves.  Now anybody that died young, that was the fault of the vax, #diedsuddenly.  A smokescreen because someone was put up to overplay concerns about the statistically not significant cases of myocarditis that are genuinely a byproduct of the vaccine.  These people insisted the cure was worse than the disease.  A lot of people got fired up over the anti-scientific propaganda, because it’s human to be scared of the unknown.  

Another such story of an anti vaccination smokescreen is the heart transplant story.  Transplant recipients have always needed to meet certain criteria to be eligible.  Usually this involves some clear indication that this is not a waste of time and resources.  There’s no point in giving a new liver to a raging alcoholic.  Not only is the operation not likely to succeed, what’s the point if they are just going to ruin the new liver as well?  Smokescreen stories follow a typical pattern.  Now that the attention on the small picture is in focus, and now we’re talking about the big picture on saving lives - both your own that you need a transplant and the societal benefits to being part of the vaccinated herd, here’s some more small picture details for you to get fired up over now that you are somewhat of a celebrity.  Please, act like a hypocrite, I have Ivermectin to sell.

I saw a post I feel someone pretty much nailed the hypocrisy of the transplant story.

So let me see, you need a transplant to live, but you’re scared of getting vaccinated to be eligible for the transplant?  So, your story is, you won’t let someone stick you with a needle for Covid.  But you will let them stick you with a needle to anesthetize you, cut open your body, remove your heart, put a completely different heart in.  And these doctors knowing the dangers of infection are wearing masks the whole time you are unconscious and defenseless?  That’s your story?  That’s the line you won’t cross?  And these doctors have a scientific background and you got your information from Twitter accounts that are cranking out election lies, moon landing hoax nonsense, Jesuits rigging football games, squabbling over the origin of Covid, all these things that have nothing to do with needing a heart transplant to fucking LIVE?  That’s the hill you’re literally going to die on, to prove how serious you are about being scared?

It’s no wonder there’s a meme for a third party candidate of an asteroid destroying the Earth as a better option.

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