Saturday, October 14, 2023

Chemtrails - As Plane As The Nose Of Your Plane

Keep in mind the analogy of conspiracy grifting as a multi level marketing operation.  It’s more important than anything else for the top grifters to invest time and energy into keeping a stockpile of new blood flowing into the clique.  They don’t have enough time to deal one on one with the bottom tier of the pyramid.  The mid pyramid folks are a combination of those fully knowledgeable of what’s going on, and newly promoted bottom dwellers that have showed extra staying power.  That is, they haven’t had a friend or relative able to get through to them with a message of, “What the hell are you thinking?!?”  Ultimately though, it’s the bottom dwellers that haven’t figured out that there’s a bunch of grifting on the internet and are the source of the cash to keep the scam going.

Gematria is really good in its role as conspiracy theory light.  The math is not intensive, even when the weird and offbeat ciphers are brought into play.  And even if it was tough, there’s calculators galore so you don’t even need to do the math.  Type your bad news generated, random, depressing thoughts in and bingo, decode!  Gematria gives the fledgling conspiracist something to do instead of responding to something others have done.  And while the top level grifters work on the business end of finding new fundraisers and emphasizing existing fundraisers determined by their clique (and often a simple “donate to me to support this “great” work message), it’s the job of the mid level people to nurture the bottom dwellers.  Give them a sense of worth with responding to comments, clicking on their videos and posting, and in general give them attention they are missing from their everyday lives.

Whether you like it, don’t like it or don’t give a hoot about it, there is a conflict between scientific based thinking and spiritual content.  Gematria dabbled in trying to merge these two in the prior decade, but has pretty much given up on talking about things like carbon atoms being 666 because they have six of each subatomic particle.  They focus on spiritual thoughts, except when Derek gets on a roll about eclipses.  That may be science in the wording, but it’s really an appeal to those that don’t know that astrology is not astronomy.  

In the grift magnetism economy, there’s a spot for things that are purely anti-science.  NASA is the poster child for this, moon landing hoaxes and curvature of the flat earth being the #1 and #2 talking points (not necessarily in that order).  The debunking of these with the science of what’s really going on is met with resistance by smarter than average people.  That can be counterproductive since more sciency jargon turns off the anti-science promoter even more and they double down on the closed minded crazy.  These are mid level topics, where the closed minded promoter is well practiced in what other misinformation and logical fallacies can be used to counterattack.

So looking through hundreds of low level scam targets I’ve seen and I’m totally not surprised that chemtrails is the biggest piece of newbie content.  Like gematria it’s super easy.  Just pull out your phone and take a picture.  Assign it arbitrary and incorrect evil.  And sit back knowing that if the shit hits the fan your mid level buddies will have your back, step in and do the arguing for you.  Planes have been around a long time and aren’t going anywhere soon.  There will be plenty of opportunities to get your attaboy for your anti science “decode”.

Chemtrails are anti science light.  They are a warning sign that somebody is starting to dabble in the world of conspiracy grifters trying to drag them away to other bad ideas.  Sucking away they’re time and money because they refuse to accept the science behind water vapor, even while using the same science that understands water vapor to snap the picture.

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