Saturday, October 7, 2023

Know Your Fallacies -Amphipoly


It seems like ages ago now.  This goes back to older material already covered by talking about heteronyms.  Gematria is geared more towards heteronym content - a single word being ambiguous when it stands alone.  Some are easier than others to identify.  If you are talking about polish, you’re talking about making something shiny, but if it’s Polish, that’s probably related to Poland.  But if it’s a gematria decode, it’s both because they’ll actively fire off a shoe Polish headline in a current news article and link it to something going on with poland’s Covid death rate.  And then a chain of other “reminds me” of dialogue.

The heteronym is ambiguity on steroids for gematria users.  Not only is the king of conspiracy grifting in love with how its proponents let their minds wander the hallways of confirmation bias, single words are useful for being in the zone where a non reduction cipher can produce a comfortable number that appears a lot.

But they love the ambiguity of longer material too.  A heteronym’s meaning can be determined by context.  As above where I purposefully misused capitalization, you can still tell I’m talking about shoe polish instead of shoe Polish.  Politicians and conspiracy grifters love themselves some lack of context.  As soon as something can be deliberately misinterpreted out of context, it will be.  Speakers on important issues absolutely will have their time at the podium clipped and edited unfavorably to make it seem like the most unfavorable point view is being portrayed instead of what was meant or even what was actually said.


Autos Kill 110 People A Day - Let’s Resolve To Do Better

So are you trying to lower that number because all the death is tragic?  Or can you try harder and start Death Race 2000 to top your record?  Again, that being the headline doesn’t give you the full story.  The needed context is by reading the actual story after you’re done giggling over the misinterpreted meaning.

The way that gematria ambiguity and clipped video examples work in the world of misinformation/disinformation is the lack of human intervention on social media.  As businesses they love themselves cutting costs, and actually having a person you need to pay instead of an algorithm costs money.  You can report videos all day and wait months for action on any of them, even if action is taken at all.  Algorithms simply do not care if you want Death Race 2000 actual killing, or if you simply like David Carradine movies.  Even wikis can have a lag time where dicey content is removed by someone with a conscience, there’s too many disinformation spreaders purposefully muddying the waters.

All ambiguous topics are not created equal.  People’s individual rights get a lot more misinformation activity, especially when there’s money involved.  A supercharged highly polarized political atmosphere is perfect for getting people all fired up to take things out of context, whether that’s deliberately created or you just followed along with your gang.  If someone is putting out gematria decodes or spreading deliberately digitally edited material they are, at a minimum, guilty of misinformation.  Or like the conspiracy grifter leaders full they’ve elevated themselves to disinformation.

Side note one:  The Twitter and YouTube attempts to add context don’t quite work.  There’s the aforementioned lag time before a chemtrail video gets the label slapped on it.  And the real context is the source can likely be traced to a scammer.

Side note two:  The grifters will play the “you took me out of context and clipped my video” card.  Our old, old friend - psychological projection.

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