Monday, April 23, 2018

Gematria Debunked By Lowbrow Choice Of Topics

Inspired by a free week of HBO I broke one of the golden rules of gematria research by actually doing research instead of just calling myself an astute researcher.  Lucy Furcertain was happy this weekend.

This has been covered previously in the Gematria Debunked By series of posts here.

HBO is putting out a film based on Ray Bradbury’s classic novel, Fahrenheit 451, next month.  And as far as I can tell no gematrimooks have ever mentioned it.

451 got one mention years ago, but it wasn’t about the book.

Nothing says scary evil empire like wasting  a tailor made for firemen number like 451 on a story about policemen.

And there’s not really any good reason that it’s not mentioned.  By all rights in addition to several offhand references here and there it sounds like a perfect fit for an entire post

Let’s see, Orwell’s 1984 which is referenced:
Considered to be a classic novel.  Science Fiction.  Number in the title.  Dystopian future.  Censorship.
Fanhrenheit 451, which isn’t referenced:
Considered to be a classic novel.  Science Fiction.  Number in the title.  Dystopian future.  Censorship.

So I guess it must be the number that’s the problem.  1984 doesn’t have a lot of utility on its own except as date numerology which isn’t really gematria.  But our record keeping is a lot better these days and we know a helluva lot more about the year 1984 than we do about 451.  Repeating that search for Orwell you get a buttload of hits for references to 1984.

Or actually as you scan through the key numbers listed in the post titles it’s not 1984, it’s ‘84.

Try to act surprised that a larger number of 1984 has no useful value, but when you shave off the leading 19 now the Weeble Wempire has been busy.  Because in gematria, you don’t just get to drop zeroes, you get to add heavy doses of date numerology that isn’t really gematria and shave off portions of the number until you get one you like.  And you get to use the mirror image of 48, too!

So are we supposed to believe that nothing important happened in 1784 or 1884, or do you just suck at research?  Probably just that you’re making up bullshit.  Turning back to 451, something is available to work with.  Attula, sorry, Attila the Hun was busy ripping Gaul a new butthole. Some Irish saint name Brigid could give Dan some great new, never seen before Bridge material.  And we know that you’re allowed to drop the 4 and make it a nice, tidy, little teensy weensy 51.  Here I’ll give you a head start.  451 is 11x41.  11, the master number.  SUPER BOWL=41.  Something going on with the City of Bridges, Pittsburgh for Super Bowl 51, that nobody mentioned.

Well yeah for ya’ll for mentioning a famous book with 1984, but it looks like your standards of research in regards to using gematria for what it’s supposed to be used  for stinks.  Instead of actually reading books and comparing the phrases within those books we get endless pop culture and current events off the Internet.  What happened yesterday is the most important thing aimingever, until tomorrow comes around and then out of sight, out of mind unless it’s a number that your short attention span remembers from a few days ago.  The thought of Dan ever breaking open a copy of either 1984 or Fahrenheit 451 and doing gematria on it is rather amusing.  Maybe South Park will do an episode about it to give him a clue.

I have read both those classic novels, and to be honest I didn’t really like them that much.  They were OK, but I prefer my reading to be a bit lighter like Fred Saberhagen’s Berserker series.  But I’m not the one claiming I’m using this system to wake up the world to the Weeble Wempire.  I’m all for watching a movie about the most mindless thing like killer donuts as an escape.  But if I were astutely researching I think I’d expect the Weeble Wempire to hide their clues in Fahrenheit 451 instead of The Simpsons.

Based on non-sports activity let’s see what the biggest topics are lately.  All three of my regular targets did bits on R. Lee Ermey and Verne Troyer.  That’s some astutely researched intellectual content for you.

I suppose it’s not a coincidence that the only gematria user that actually reports on book passages is Rita 511, like 51x1=51.  Must be a disinformation agent.

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