Toothpaste and soap are poisonous.
Yes, any terrorist can walk to the local convenience store and buy the rae materials that are typically used around water to kill whoever they want.
They are toxic, but not in the sense that you mean. You're not supposed to EAT them. Which if you're stupid enough to comment this, you might be stupid enough to do.
Toothpaste is the more dangerous of the two. Fluoride in toothpaste works because being used in the mouth is easier to swallow. It's proven benefits outweigh the dangers of the amount you need to swallow to get poisoned from it.
The case for soap is just plain stupid. At least flavoring is used in toothpastes to make it easier to use, otherwise your gag reflex might take over and prevent you from doing a thorough job. Soap is either bland or nasty flavored. And perfume scents added aren't fun to eat.
Dumbed down version of soap and water. Water has two sides. One bonds with soap. One with water. Soap mixes with dirt and bonds to it. Bond dirt with soap. Bond soap/dirt with water. Rinse. Clean.
Maybe your problem is you have something against water? I'm sure between not using soap and toothpaste you are a real joy to be around. In the sense of toxicity you use, water is toxic. Read the story of the radio station give away of a Wii game system for the contestants that had to drink a lot of water and "hold their wee for a Wii." Too much water in a short time messes up your salt balances (hyponatremia).
If you aren't bathing and your teeth are messed up it's no wonder you are hiding behind a keyboard. Maybe any radio station with low enough standards to allow The Gematria Effect radio show can have a "hold your pee for a peach pit" contest. Since those supposedly make arsenic that can be blamed as the culprit even if it's too much water in the fruit part of the peach. Runners up get a cookie. With fluoride in it.
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Gematria Debunked By Anagrams
This one is instructive in regards to the uselessness of gematria, and fun. At least for me it's fun.
During my "Fidget Spinners Are Satanic" post I related that the Satanic portion of fidget spinners came about because FIDGET = 666 in Reverse Sumerian, 111 in Reverse regular x 6, and had nothing to do gematriacally with the spinner portion of the item. GIFTED is an anagram of FIDGET, therefore the same gematria. Grammatically difficult to directly substitute, not direct antonyms yet vastly different in meaning. "A gifted student does not fidget." Not really true. Sometimes gifted youngsters fidget excessively because they aren't challenged. "A gifted student might fidget.". Ok, that covers all the bases. But, "A fidget student might sometimes gifted." like gematria makes no sense.
You get a bit closer with UNTIES and UNITES although these are also not direct, interchangeable antonyms. I believe grammarians would call them near antonyms.
I'm not sure any direct antonym anagrams exist. That's not a problem for debunking now that entire sentences have become so prevalent. News headlines are reported on daily by Hubbard. The Kelvinator pops one into his Sesame Tweets every so often. As if there is some more significance to a larger volume of characters to indicating that the numerology can't be a coincidence. The dark forces of the shadow empire created the language to communicate the numbers more so than the words.
Most single word anagrams are short, like UNITES/UNTIES. The longest single word anagrams are:
unless you include scientific/medical words then you get:
HYDROXYDEOXYCORTICOSTERONES and HYDROXYDESOXYCORTICONE at 27 letters, but just switching placement one letter. And words that are better mixed than either of the last two:
At 14 letters the more common words:
These can be found on the site as well as a slew of others both scientific and more ordinary. (I can't provide links from my phone browser, sorry.)
That should be enough to convince open minded people that some large words with identical gematria in all systems, except the cheating of Francis Bacon, mean completely different things in real language.
Also on are the contest winners. The site name is a play on the Grammy awards. Check out the longest anagram ever at 42,177 characters. It's based off the Jonathon Swift work, Battle of the Books. It was checked by a computer for true anagram accuracy. That's about 8000 *words* long, which puts any newspaper headline to shame in length. And it's a poem. That rhymes and has accurate meter. And it makes sense, no Dr. Seuss or Lewis Carroll made up words (or at least limited; I didn't read the whole work.) Needless to say the end product is 42,177 characters of matching gematria that means something completely different from the original work.
Because that's the way language works. Words are words, not mystical vessels harboring secret numbers. also includes a complete list of anagrams over 2000 characters. Some also have 10s of thousands. They continue to hold contests.
What remains for me is to decide on what to call similar anagramming problems here. A "fidget" would be an homage to my first notice. If I want to get Seussian I could call it a SHILTLUB.
During my "Fidget Spinners Are Satanic" post I related that the Satanic portion of fidget spinners came about because FIDGET = 666 in Reverse Sumerian, 111 in Reverse regular x 6, and had nothing to do gematriacally with the spinner portion of the item. GIFTED is an anagram of FIDGET, therefore the same gematria. Grammatically difficult to directly substitute, not direct antonyms yet vastly different in meaning. "A gifted student does not fidget." Not really true. Sometimes gifted youngsters fidget excessively because they aren't challenged. "A gifted student might fidget.". Ok, that covers all the bases. But, "A fidget student might sometimes gifted." like gematria makes no sense.
You get a bit closer with UNTIES and UNITES although these are also not direct, interchangeable antonyms. I believe grammarians would call them near antonyms.
I'm not sure any direct antonym anagrams exist. That's not a problem for debunking now that entire sentences have become so prevalent. News headlines are reported on daily by Hubbard. The Kelvinator pops one into his Sesame Tweets every so often. As if there is some more significance to a larger volume of characters to indicating that the numerology can't be a coincidence. The dark forces of the shadow empire created the language to communicate the numbers more so than the words.
Most single word anagrams are short, like UNITES/UNTIES. The longest single word anagrams are:
unless you include scientific/medical words then you get:
HYDROXYDEOXYCORTICOSTERONES and HYDROXYDESOXYCORTICONE at 27 letters, but just switching placement one letter. And words that are better mixed than either of the last two:
At 14 letters the more common words:
These can be found on the site as well as a slew of others both scientific and more ordinary. (I can't provide links from my phone browser, sorry.)
That should be enough to convince open minded people that some large words with identical gematria in all systems, except the cheating of Francis Bacon, mean completely different things in real language.
Also on are the contest winners. The site name is a play on the Grammy awards. Check out the longest anagram ever at 42,177 characters. It's based off the Jonathon Swift work, Battle of the Books. It was checked by a computer for true anagram accuracy. That's about 8000 *words* long, which puts any newspaper headline to shame in length. And it's a poem. That rhymes and has accurate meter. And it makes sense, no Dr. Seuss or Lewis Carroll made up words (or at least limited; I didn't read the whole work.) Needless to say the end product is 42,177 characters of matching gematria that means something completely different from the original work.
Because that's the way language works. Words are words, not mystical vessels harboring secret numbers. also includes a complete list of anagrams over 2000 characters. Some also have 10s of thousands. They continue to hold contests.
What remains for me is to decide on what to call similar anagramming problems here. A "fidget" would be an homage to my first notice. If I want to get Seussian I could call it a SHILTLUB.
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
The Satanic Diet Plan (Not Recommended)
These coincidences of a specific complaint I post about being adjusted for keep piling up. 22/7 is Pi vs. an approximation. Sun is 93 million miles away vs. averaging 93 million. And today, gematria done on an actual Bible verse. But leave it to Gematria to get it wrong.
The gematria isn't wrong. That math, especially aided by spreadsheet calculations, is hard to screw up. No, it's the concept. Instead of changing a number into another number by spelling it out, let's change a number spelled out into another number expressed as digits.
Quiz time. Fill in the blank:
The Number of the Beast is________?
Unless you read Hubbard's post today about Joel Osteen you probably said 666. And you would be wrong, at least today. It's 223.
This is not some crazy variation of rounding to get to a number close to 1/3rd of the more famous number. It is the full reduction from the famous Revelation's verse:
It's a like a night without stormy skies in Hell without some PhraseShopping. So just that sentence. Not the next part that rather clearly indicates the number is 666. It's also PhraseShopped because it's from the King James version, and there are others. I'm not religious, but I do know my heavy metal. The Iron Maiden song might be taken straight from another version, but regardless is valid.
The King James in reverse reduced is 272. Iron Maiden in reverse 260. Non reduced higher numbers than reduced. Satanic elision over 3000. That's a lot of Ferrari cake. (Dan, that's a South Park reference if you want to look for clues.) Satan certainly has a lot if wiggle room for where his doctor can recommend an ideal weight. Changing so drastically from one narrative to the next, binging and purging, can't possibly be good, even on a dark lord.
223 was chosen for the Hurricane Harvey narrative since JOEL SCOTT OSTEEN=223. Tagged as being evil (which I agree with), but the additional support of 666 used in the narrative is ISOPSEPHY is out of the blue and has nothing to do with anything other than equaling 666. Which makes you wonder why Joel's name in some form and at least in one of the 5,217,727,094,438 elisions available wasn't equal to 666.
Knowing that the Church of Satan laughed at the fidget spinners being satanic story, I wonder what they will think about the many other things that now are satanic with so many targets opening up. Until official word gets out I recommend that doctors searching for exercise programs to recommend to overweight patients can use fidget spinners for that. There must be other 223 and various other numbers that are equally satanic. In regards to dieting, and a key component of the recommendation to not use the satanic diet plan, MONTEZUMA'S REVENGE =223. So that's a form of purging.
(I'm fully aware that 223 is commonly used as THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN =223. Here we have substituted the evilness of that number in place of 666 when it's the one time that is completely inappropriate. That's gematria for you.)
The gematria isn't wrong. That math, especially aided by spreadsheet calculations, is hard to screw up. No, it's the concept. Instead of changing a number into another number by spelling it out, let's change a number spelled out into another number expressed as digits.
Quiz time. Fill in the blank:
The Number of the Beast is________?
Unless you read Hubbard's post today about Joel Osteen you probably said 666. And you would be wrong, at least today. It's 223.
This is not some crazy variation of rounding to get to a number close to 1/3rd of the more famous number. It is the full reduction from the famous Revelation's verse:
It's a like a night without stormy skies in Hell without some PhraseShopping. So just that sentence. Not the next part that rather clearly indicates the number is 666. It's also PhraseShopped because it's from the King James version, and there are others. I'm not religious, but I do know my heavy metal. The Iron Maiden song might be taken straight from another version, but regardless is valid.
The King James in reverse reduced is 272. Iron Maiden in reverse 260. Non reduced higher numbers than reduced. Satanic elision over 3000. That's a lot of Ferrari cake. (Dan, that's a South Park reference if you want to look for clues.) Satan certainly has a lot if wiggle room for where his doctor can recommend an ideal weight. Changing so drastically from one narrative to the next, binging and purging, can't possibly be good, even on a dark lord.
223 was chosen for the Hurricane Harvey narrative since JOEL SCOTT OSTEEN=223. Tagged as being evil (which I agree with), but the additional support of 666 used in the narrative is ISOPSEPHY is out of the blue and has nothing to do with anything other than equaling 666. Which makes you wonder why Joel's name in some form and at least in one of the 5,217,727,094,438 elisions available wasn't equal to 666.
Knowing that the Church of Satan laughed at the fidget spinners being satanic story, I wonder what they will think about the many other things that now are satanic with so many targets opening up. Until official word gets out I recommend that doctors searching for exercise programs to recommend to overweight patients can use fidget spinners for that. There must be other 223 and various other numbers that are equally satanic. In regards to dieting, and a key component of the recommendation to not use the satanic diet plan, MONTEZUMA'S REVENGE =223. So that's a form of purging.
(I'm fully aware that 223 is commonly used as THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN =223. Here we have substituted the evilness of that number in place of 666 when it's the one time that is completely inappropriate. That's gematria for you.)
Gematria Debunked By Choice Of Source Material
I don't think Pythagoras had Wi-Fi. Yet I won't be surprised to hear that he invented it. Or at least did something to make it claimed that he fathered it. about his wife was a notorious gossip and that lead to widespread knowledge being spread throughout amcient Greece and then thanks to Alexander the Great's quest for good coffee shops eventually all neighboring the lands, then the world. Wifey. Wi-Fi. Them, that would indicate he was the father of his wife and....eeeeewwww! But anything can happen in the gematriverse.
If gematria had any useful value, which it doesn't, it is natural that a lot of the information would be found on the Internet, now. Ultimately, what is the source of that information?
Books. Writing. And how much research on books is done in modern gematria? It's not zero, but pretty close. Everything is the current news headlines. Who died today? Wait....who *famous* died today? There's a gematria sacrifice for you. There's zero research or work done on written work including modern prose much less ancient works. Maybe there's something hidden in Nichomachean Ethics just waiting for the discovery of the smoking hemlock cup that will expose all the invisible empire's desire plans. What if Charles Dickens odd character names mean something? Out of sight, out of mind. Even somebody that knows that the basic premise is bullshit could have latched on to exclusively reporting on written work to become an expert. Just for a refreshing change. Not on the Internet. No bother.
Yeah, you might get a passing reference to some famous work if it conveniently suits the preplanned hoax narrative. "1984 =1+9+8+4=2, the 22nd prime number is blah blah blah, dystopian society, blah blah, blah, Big Brother, blah, blah, blah, freemasons, blah blah ..."
After the Internet story about John Hurt's death appears and he was an actor in the movie based on the book. I doubt these people could make it through a book like 1984 with any inkling of what's going on if they couldn't rely on a Cliff Notes style synopsis off of Wikipedia. There's a huge amount of source material untouched. Which makes no sense since that is admitted to be what gematria is about. Bible references are more likely to be how many goats so and so had as reported one time in an obscure passage than to be actual gematria done on the text.
Surely I'm not suggesting that Gematria be done on something like, Pat The Bunny? You betcha. Because if a truly open minded person did that you would find the same two digit numbers that mean all these lurid things. I for one would love to know exactly who Pat is, whether it's short for Patricia or Patrick, why she/he/it does the bunny things that are done and if there is some animal sacrifice in their future. And since that's not even a name in regards to the actual book material I want to know why these confusing creator's of our language allow verbs and nouns to be the same spelling.
I tired of seeing the claims that say it's not a conspiracy theory, it's conspiracy fact. You choose to make it conspiracy related simply by what you choose as your source material, then provide no facts to back it up.
Edit: Dan blogged about reading Darren Daulton's book. Looking for clues to the World Series. Seems like he just read it for the fun of it. No numerology on the text of the book in the blog post:
DARREN DAULTON'S BOOK "IF THEY ONLY KNEW"=166 in reverse reduction. Don't know how he missed that. 166 is his favorite number.
If gematria had any useful value, which it doesn't, it is natural that a lot of the information would be found on the Internet, now. Ultimately, what is the source of that information?
Books. Writing. And how much research on books is done in modern gematria? It's not zero, but pretty close. Everything is the current news headlines. Who died today? Wait....who *famous* died today? There's a gematria sacrifice for you. There's zero research or work done on written work including modern prose much less ancient works. Maybe there's something hidden in Nichomachean Ethics just waiting for the discovery of the smoking hemlock cup that will expose all the invisible empire's desire plans. What if Charles Dickens odd character names mean something? Out of sight, out of mind. Even somebody that knows that the basic premise is bullshit could have latched on to exclusively reporting on written work to become an expert. Just for a refreshing change. Not on the Internet. No bother.
Yeah, you might get a passing reference to some famous work if it conveniently suits the preplanned hoax narrative. "1984 =1+9+8+4=2, the 22nd prime number is blah blah blah, dystopian society, blah blah, blah, Big Brother, blah, blah, blah, freemasons, blah blah ..."
After the Internet story about John Hurt's death appears and he was an actor in the movie based on the book. I doubt these people could make it through a book like 1984 with any inkling of what's going on if they couldn't rely on a Cliff Notes style synopsis off of Wikipedia. There's a huge amount of source material untouched. Which makes no sense since that is admitted to be what gematria is about. Bible references are more likely to be how many goats so and so had as reported one time in an obscure passage than to be actual gematria done on the text.
Surely I'm not suggesting that Gematria be done on something like, Pat The Bunny? You betcha. Because if a truly open minded person did that you would find the same two digit numbers that mean all these lurid things. I for one would love to know exactly who Pat is, whether it's short for Patricia or Patrick, why she/he/it does the bunny things that are done and if there is some animal sacrifice in their future. And since that's not even a name in regards to the actual book material I want to know why these confusing creator's of our language allow verbs and nouns to be the same spelling.
I tired of seeing the claims that say it's not a conspiracy theory, it's conspiracy fact. You choose to make it conspiracy related simply by what you choose as your source material, then provide no facts to back it up.
Edit: Dan blogged about reading Darren Daulton's book. Looking for clues to the World Series. Seems like he just read it for the fun of it. No numerology on the text of the book in the blog post:
DARREN DAULTON'S BOOK "IF THEY ONLY KNEW"=166 in reverse reduction. Don't know how he missed that. 166 is his favorite number.
Sunday, August 27, 2017
A Gematria Critic's Primer For Alternate Events
Every gematria narrative has four key ingredients.
1. Numbers
2. Person/People
3. Major Event
4. Script tying 1,2 and 3 together
The numbers are easily debunked by viable alternatives. Simple word substitution tricks I've detailed previously.
Persons involved and the major events are tied together by chronological proximity. Although it's not clear exactly how close they need to be. E.g. Glen Campbell's death weeks before the solar eclipse. Generally the person part of the narrative is within a day or two of death.
The event part gets tricky since the introduction of the predetermined event as a viable alternative. Nothing is ever foretold in advance, the event needs to be completed. The person has died. The lottery numbers are already drawn, the box score is in the books. Predictions are avoided. Even after mentioning numerology showed that McGregor might be destined to win the boxing match, the guru who showed that did note that DEFEATED and UNDEFEATED have the same reduction gematria. (Which was an escape hatch because his prediction is wrong* not the proper regard that shows his entire premise is bankrupt of any utility.)
I admit that the solar eclipse was a significant and rare event. I admit that pro sports are more significant than children's games. But there are alternatives to work with that the lamprey argument holds true. What exactly is the dividing line between what is significant and what can be ignored?
The annual Perseid meteor shower occurred around the time of the eclipse. Chronologically closer in proximity to Campbell's death than ty eclipse. The Little League World Series is being played out. If these are "Manchurian Candidates" being bred into performing for a scripted future then who's to say that there's no significance to these numbers? And even in the world of professional sports we are now treated to the utterly meaningless charade of preseason football where the actual games are not genuinely contested but a training tool for the games that actually mean something in the regular season.
I highly doubt you'll be able to cite an expert reference to Pythagoras or Francis Bacon having an opinion on eclipses versus meteor showers. (If you Google"Francis Bacon solar eclipse you do get a reference to a restaurant that serves a bacon cheeseburger with eclipse sauce.) It's even more unlikely they had thoughts on Little League baseball, preseason football or while we are at it, preseason little league baseball.
The numbers are always there. It's a fact. I've seen enough use of the prime numbers elision to verify it produces larger numbers that inevitably get shaved down into smaller two and three digit numbers. Somebody will always do something. Now that a preordained event also counts as an extra anniversary you can substitute whatever event you want. So if John Smith's death is supposed to be a freemason sacrifice for the eclipse you can validly change it to he died happily of old age a week before his daughter's birthday.
*. Mayweather TKO round 10. Slow start, but the non-rigged conclusion was never really in doubt. The other numerological defense for the outcome is quite amusing and worthy of its own post.
1. Numbers
2. Person/People
3. Major Event
4. Script tying 1,2 and 3 together
The numbers are easily debunked by viable alternatives. Simple word substitution tricks I've detailed previously.
Persons involved and the major events are tied together by chronological proximity. Although it's not clear exactly how close they need to be. E.g. Glen Campbell's death weeks before the solar eclipse. Generally the person part of the narrative is within a day or two of death.
The event part gets tricky since the introduction of the predetermined event as a viable alternative. Nothing is ever foretold in advance, the event needs to be completed. The person has died. The lottery numbers are already drawn, the box score is in the books. Predictions are avoided. Even after mentioning numerology showed that McGregor might be destined to win the boxing match, the guru who showed that did note that DEFEATED and UNDEFEATED have the same reduction gematria. (Which was an escape hatch because his prediction is wrong* not the proper regard that shows his entire premise is bankrupt of any utility.)
I admit that the solar eclipse was a significant and rare event. I admit that pro sports are more significant than children's games. But there are alternatives to work with that the lamprey argument holds true. What exactly is the dividing line between what is significant and what can be ignored?
The annual Perseid meteor shower occurred around the time of the eclipse. Chronologically closer in proximity to Campbell's death than ty eclipse. The Little League World Series is being played out. If these are "Manchurian Candidates" being bred into performing for a scripted future then who's to say that there's no significance to these numbers? And even in the world of professional sports we are now treated to the utterly meaningless charade of preseason football where the actual games are not genuinely contested but a training tool for the games that actually mean something in the regular season.
I highly doubt you'll be able to cite an expert reference to Pythagoras or Francis Bacon having an opinion on eclipses versus meteor showers. (If you Google"Francis Bacon solar eclipse you do get a reference to a restaurant that serves a bacon cheeseburger with eclipse sauce.) It's even more unlikely they had thoughts on Little League baseball, preseason football or while we are at it, preseason little league baseball.
The numbers are always there. It's a fact. I've seen enough use of the prime numbers elision to verify it produces larger numbers that inevitably get shaved down into smaller two and three digit numbers. Somebody will always do something. Now that a preordained event also counts as an extra anniversary you can substitute whatever event you want. So if John Smith's death is supposed to be a freemason sacrifice for the eclipse you can validly change it to he died happily of old age a week before his daughter's birthday.
*. Mayweather TKO round 10. Slow start, but the non-rigged conclusion was never really in doubt. The other numerological defense for the outcome is quite amusing and worthy of its own post.
Saturday, August 26, 2017
Another Apufeemic Simpsons
This one is for real. You can look this up and verify I'm not making this one up.
From season 20, Gone Maggie Gone.
I don't understand how this couldn't even get a mention with the solar eclipse being the huge sacrificial rage that killed people weeks in advance. A huge part of the plot is a solar eclipse.
Marge gets temporarily blinded by looking at it. Maggie is a sacred jewel that the nuns are looking for. Lisa goes undercover in the convent to find missing Maggie. And, I'm really not making this up. We hear how the jewel was hidden and Freemasons led by George Washington, Ben Franklin and King George stage a hoax revolutionary war to cover up their search for the missing jewel. There's other occult references, but Freemasons mentioned by name alone should have gotten someone's attention. Instead the most recent Truther video is about Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. I found the episode on YouTube and not from a gematria user. Thousands of comments and although I didn't have time to scan them all it wasn't about the numbers. Mostly apocalypse and religion stuff.
An entire Simpsons episode with Freemasons and the solar eclipse. I waited this long to see if anybody noticed by now and not a peep. Your standards of what's important to report on are bizarre. Johnny Depp? Geez...
My readers expect some sort of mockery from me, so I can't disappoint them. I believe this should suffice.
Some of the occult like goings on are related to puzzles. Included is a fairly famous logic puzzle that involves crossing a river with a rowboat. There are three items each one not to be left alone with another of the other two. In this Simpsons version Homer, Maggie, Santas Little Helper (the dog, if you don't watch the show) and a bottle of poison need to get across the river. All together they are too heavy. Homer has to row the boat. Maggie can't be left alone with the poison. The dog can't be left alone with Maggie. Only Homer and two other items can be in the boat at the same time.
The Gematria Variation. These numerologies are real. You can check them out.
Homer is an allegory for a normal person. He's just the transporter. HOMER SIMPSON and NORMAL PERSON both equal 160 and 164. DOG and STUPIDITY both equal 55. POISON and SANITY both equal 88. NUMEROLOGIST and MAGGIE SIMPSON both equal 66. STUPIDITY and the NUMEROLOGIST are safe alone together. But the NUMEROLOGIST can't be left alone with SANITY. STUPIDITY and SANITY can't get along.
Now, I take a break from the set up. If you are not familiar with the classic solution you might want to try and figure it out on your own. There's a hint below.
The Gematria style lack of logic solution:
The Normal Person takes the numerologist and sanity together in the boat. Forgetting that he is in a famous logic problem the numerologist thinks he is instead in the parable of the frog and scorpion crossing the river. Unable to take it any more the normal person commits suicide by throwing himself overboard and drowns, taking any chance for sanity with him. Left alone, stupidity withers and dies on the shore line. The numerologist doesn't know how to row and dies of starvation. Quentin Tarantino buys the screenplay and turns it into a Johnny Depp movie.
Yes, I realize that the matches are not the exact same in regards to poison/baby/dog to the modified version. Poor Maggie. It's not my fault that this is what the numerology says. Now the hint: The key is that the Sanity can't be left alone with either. Or in the case of the Simpsons, Maggie can't be left alone with either. Hint #2. You can make more than one trip.
From season 20, Gone Maggie Gone.
I don't understand how this couldn't even get a mention with the solar eclipse being the huge sacrificial rage that killed people weeks in advance. A huge part of the plot is a solar eclipse.
Marge gets temporarily blinded by looking at it. Maggie is a sacred jewel that the nuns are looking for. Lisa goes undercover in the convent to find missing Maggie. And, I'm really not making this up. We hear how the jewel was hidden and Freemasons led by George Washington, Ben Franklin and King George stage a hoax revolutionary war to cover up their search for the missing jewel. There's other occult references, but Freemasons mentioned by name alone should have gotten someone's attention. Instead the most recent Truther video is about Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. I found the episode on YouTube and not from a gematria user. Thousands of comments and although I didn't have time to scan them all it wasn't about the numbers. Mostly apocalypse and religion stuff.
An entire Simpsons episode with Freemasons and the solar eclipse. I waited this long to see if anybody noticed by now and not a peep. Your standards of what's important to report on are bizarre. Johnny Depp? Geez...
My readers expect some sort of mockery from me, so I can't disappoint them. I believe this should suffice.
Some of the occult like goings on are related to puzzles. Included is a fairly famous logic puzzle that involves crossing a river with a rowboat. There are three items each one not to be left alone with another of the other two. In this Simpsons version Homer, Maggie, Santas Little Helper (the dog, if you don't watch the show) and a bottle of poison need to get across the river. All together they are too heavy. Homer has to row the boat. Maggie can't be left alone with the poison. The dog can't be left alone with Maggie. Only Homer and two other items can be in the boat at the same time.
The Gematria Variation. These numerologies are real. You can check them out.
Homer is an allegory for a normal person. He's just the transporter. HOMER SIMPSON and NORMAL PERSON both equal 160 and 164. DOG and STUPIDITY both equal 55. POISON and SANITY both equal 88. NUMEROLOGIST and MAGGIE SIMPSON both equal 66. STUPIDITY and the NUMEROLOGIST are safe alone together. But the NUMEROLOGIST can't be left alone with SANITY. STUPIDITY and SANITY can't get along.
Now, I take a break from the set up. If you are not familiar with the classic solution you might want to try and figure it out on your own. There's a hint below.
The Gematria style lack of logic solution:
The Normal Person takes the numerologist and sanity together in the boat. Forgetting that he is in a famous logic problem the numerologist thinks he is instead in the parable of the frog and scorpion crossing the river. Unable to take it any more the normal person commits suicide by throwing himself overboard and drowns, taking any chance for sanity with him. Left alone, stupidity withers and dies on the shore line. The numerologist doesn't know how to row and dies of starvation. Quentin Tarantino buys the screenplay and turns it into a Johnny Depp movie.
Yes, I realize that the matches are not the exact same in regards to poison/baby/dog to the modified version. Poor Maggie. It's not my fault that this is what the numerology says. Now the hint: The key is that the Sanity can't be left alone with either. Or in the case of the Simpsons, Maggie can't be left alone with either. Hint #2. You can make more than one trip.
The NIPTUCKs Reexamined
Hard to believe that within a couple weeks I'll be hitting 5,000 page views here. As I check the stats I can see some country visits that never appeared before. Although I try to not be too repetitive recent events lead me to think that just so there isn't any confusion I should put in a refresher. Just so a casual NIPTUCK reference doesn't worry someone so much that they have more trouble sleeping thank do.
The NIPTUCKs are an acronym for Nearly Infinitely Powered Though Utterly Confusing Knuckleheads. I have events on a daily basis that could have a NIPTUCK mention. Two stick out.
At times gematria proponents have outright admitted that our language is created and modified to encode numbers into it. Assuming that things like, "Dammit, Jill, I'm hungry. Let's go get a burger." are a necessary evil to be lived with while the words are not functioning in their primary capacity of hiding two digit numbers.
So we had a solar eclipse. The Sun is 93 million miles away. And other words mean sacrifice. So everything about the Sun, even before we knew its distance, was coded into language about the Sun. That takes a hell of a lot of power. Deity type power. And certain other words mean other two digit numbers. So you match up SACRIFICE, with <person's name>, with distance to the Sun and it becomes a ritual solar eclipse sacrifice.
It's 50 years of government sponsored weather control this year. So STORM equaling 50 matches this 50 year anniversary. So not only do these NIPTUCKS have the power to make sure the language matches, the event, Hurricane Harvey, was manufactured in its entirety to....yes in this case also be a sacrifice. Once it was upgraded to a Category Four storm the numerology of CATEGORY FOUR matches RITUALISTIC SACRIFICE.
In the meantime, all contradictory numerology is being suppressed. Someone named Mortimer might be in possession of a ball. Although MORT'S ball has the same letters and the same gematria, 50 can only possibly ever mean STORM. Unless they have another gory purpose in mind. Because in the 91,424,509,732 different other numbering systems that numerology is suppressed for this storm sacrifice. Add that to the confusion of the many other things that equal 50 that aren't the same letters as STORM. And the confusion of PhraseShopping to make it RIRUALISTIC SACRIFICE instead of RITUAL SACRIFICE.
They won't explain this, because they can't. So we get all kinds of crazy stuff like something happened that is a sacrifice, but who exactly us involved isn't mentioned specifically. Freemasons/Government/Bavarian Illuminati/Jesuits/Pi/Satan etc... Combined, individual, who knows? Hence, the NIPTUCKS.
The NIPTUCKs are an acronym for Nearly Infinitely Powered Though Utterly Confusing Knuckleheads. I have events on a daily basis that could have a NIPTUCK mention. Two stick out.
At times gematria proponents have outright admitted that our language is created and modified to encode numbers into it. Assuming that things like, "Dammit, Jill, I'm hungry. Let's go get a burger." are a necessary evil to be lived with while the words are not functioning in their primary capacity of hiding two digit numbers.
So we had a solar eclipse. The Sun is 93 million miles away. And other words mean sacrifice. So everything about the Sun, even before we knew its distance, was coded into language about the Sun. That takes a hell of a lot of power. Deity type power. And certain other words mean other two digit numbers. So you match up SACRIFICE, with <person's name>, with distance to the Sun and it becomes a ritual solar eclipse sacrifice.
It's 50 years of government sponsored weather control this year. So STORM equaling 50 matches this 50 year anniversary. So not only do these NIPTUCKS have the power to make sure the language matches, the event, Hurricane Harvey, was manufactured in its entirety to....yes in this case also be a sacrifice. Once it was upgraded to a Category Four storm the numerology of CATEGORY FOUR matches RITUALISTIC SACRIFICE.
In the meantime, all contradictory numerology is being suppressed. Someone named Mortimer might be in possession of a ball. Although MORT'S ball has the same letters and the same gematria, 50 can only possibly ever mean STORM. Unless they have another gory purpose in mind. Because in the 91,424,509,732 different other numbering systems that numerology is suppressed for this storm sacrifice. Add that to the confusion of the many other things that equal 50 that aren't the same letters as STORM. And the confusion of PhraseShopping to make it RIRUALISTIC SACRIFICE instead of RITUAL SACRIFICE.
They won't explain this, because they can't. So we get all kinds of crazy stuff like something happened that is a sacrifice, but who exactly us involved isn't mentioned specifically. Freemasons/Government/Bavarian Illuminati/Jesuits/Pi/Satan etc... Combined, individual, who knows? Hence, the NIPTUCKS.
Friday, August 25, 2017
558, Numerolgy's Favorite Two Digit Number
This is not a reference to 58, although if I futz around long enough looking for it I bet I can find it. It's typical for them to find a lengthy news article, happen to see it gematrifies into 558 then suggest that 58 is a match. Direct matches in simple elisions are nonexistent. The top search on being "Illuminati put the zombie virus in H one N one vaccines" which is a stretch of the imagination. Vaccines instead of vaccine. Not H1N1, but spelled out. Last I checked we didn't really have a lot of true zombie activity in real life, or even a zombie conspiracy theory about that this deserves more than 860 searches.
A couple of normal words show up in the Jewish elision, like "syllable". There's not a whole lot. The mine that this 558 number is extracted from is almost always the same, and yesterday Hubbard commented he sees 558 a lot.
As he is a self proclaimed math whiz I shouldn't need to explain this, but I will since he is indicating it just seems to appear at random. 558 is 93 in a thinly veiled disguise. Elementary divisor tricks- even numbers are always divisible by two. 558- even. Check. Sum the digits, if the total is evenly divisible by three, the number is divisible by three. 5+5+8=18. Divide by 6=3 with no remainder. 558 divisible by three, check. 2x3=6. So 558 is evenly divisible by six, it's 6x93. Which means that anything that equals 93 in simple or reverse equals 558 in the corresponding Sumerian elisions which are simply simple x 6.
In true gematria there was never this cross matching between systems. You took the text. Applied the single numbering system you had, then checked the results. Now you can mix results together between any of the 4,833,906,271 different elisions. 558 sucks as a useful number, but 93 is right in the range of usable two digit and low three digit totals. And it has the decency to be the total for SATURN which is used all the time. And after investing so much narrative effort into it they are sticking with 93 meaning the Sun based on the misquoted distance from the Earth. Which again is not something that historical gematria ever did. Strictly text. Needless to say THE SUN or SUN or SOL do not equal 93.
Whether reading this blog or figuring it out on their own, the bodybuilder that choked to death was proclaimed a ritual sacrifice for the eclipse because his name, Dallas McCarver, happened to be 93 in the reverse elision. As soon as they see 93 the light bulb goes on and instantly it must mean Sun in some fashion. Since this happened near the eclipse date it's a ritual sacrifice. For an event that's going to happen whether the sacrifice is completed or not. In a manner that doesn't remotely indicate that something ritualized occurred. Oh let me guess. Choking on food was a cover up. More on that in my concluding comments.
93 is the important number, 558 always appears. Gotta have the Sumerian elisions ready so you can see that 666 jump out at you when it's really just 111 x 6. As a concept I find it will that a cosmic force would think, "Just in case I want to bury magical numbers in text let me also give you multiplying by 6". I understand 6 being significant. But if they have that much power the language would probably be individualized to the point there wouldn't be the need for an arbitrarily applied multiplier. In practical use the Sumerian elisions are right up there with Francis Bacon for taking the raw data and simply having another option available. And somehow from what I've read I doubt Francis cared about capital letters, astronomical distances or cross matching between 69,355,010,829 different elisions.
I did find one useful match for 558 in Jewish gematria. PHONY. If anything comes out to 558 I can choose to interpret the Sun/Saturn/ whatever interpretation as fake or phony. Come to think of it. Since I can cross match between elisions 93 is now phony, too. Which in reality I'd what's actually going on.
A couple of normal words show up in the Jewish elision, like "syllable". There's not a whole lot. The mine that this 558 number is extracted from is almost always the same, and yesterday Hubbard commented he sees 558 a lot.
As he is a self proclaimed math whiz I shouldn't need to explain this, but I will since he is indicating it just seems to appear at random. 558 is 93 in a thinly veiled disguise. Elementary divisor tricks- even numbers are always divisible by two. 558- even. Check. Sum the digits, if the total is evenly divisible by three, the number is divisible by three. 5+5+8=18. Divide by 6=3 with no remainder. 558 divisible by three, check. 2x3=6. So 558 is evenly divisible by six, it's 6x93. Which means that anything that equals 93 in simple or reverse equals 558 in the corresponding Sumerian elisions which are simply simple x 6.
In true gematria there was never this cross matching between systems. You took the text. Applied the single numbering system you had, then checked the results. Now you can mix results together between any of the 4,833,906,271 different elisions. 558 sucks as a useful number, but 93 is right in the range of usable two digit and low three digit totals. And it has the decency to be the total for SATURN which is used all the time. And after investing so much narrative effort into it they are sticking with 93 meaning the Sun based on the misquoted distance from the Earth. Which again is not something that historical gematria ever did. Strictly text. Needless to say THE SUN or SUN or SOL do not equal 93.
Whether reading this blog or figuring it out on their own, the bodybuilder that choked to death was proclaimed a ritual sacrifice for the eclipse because his name, Dallas McCarver, happened to be 93 in the reverse elision. As soon as they see 93 the light bulb goes on and instantly it must mean Sun in some fashion. Since this happened near the eclipse date it's a ritual sacrifice. For an event that's going to happen whether the sacrifice is completed or not. In a manner that doesn't remotely indicate that something ritualized occurred. Oh let me guess. Choking on food was a cover up. More on that in my concluding comments.
93 is the important number, 558 always appears. Gotta have the Sumerian elisions ready so you can see that 666 jump out at you when it's really just 111 x 6. As a concept I find it will that a cosmic force would think, "Just in case I want to bury magical numbers in text let me also give you multiplying by 6". I understand 6 being significant. But if they have that much power the language would probably be individualized to the point there wouldn't be the need for an arbitrarily applied multiplier. In practical use the Sumerian elisions are right up there with Francis Bacon for taking the raw data and simply having another option available. And somehow from what I've read I doubt Francis cared about capital letters, astronomical distances or cross matching between 69,355,010,829 different elisions.
I did find one useful match for 558 in Jewish gematria. PHONY. If anything comes out to 558 I can choose to interpret the Sun/Saturn/ whatever interpretation as fake or phony. Come to think of it. Since I can cross match between elisions 93 is now phony, too. Which in reality I'd what's actually going on.
Thursday, August 24, 2017
I'm Going With My Initial Reaction To This Numerology
Her name is Shailene Woodley. An actress best known for the movie Divergent. And she announced an intention to enter politics, hopefully under the "Anybody is better than Zachary Hubbard Ticket" which is unlikely because the membership is filled with everyone that isn't Zachary Hubbard.
So to scrape up one lousy little match of D.C., as in Washington D.C. and politics equaling 42 in the Sumerian elision (cipher) he did numerology on her initials, S.W.
This post would have been made regardless, but I do want to point out the only critical comment about my blog (unless someone snuck something in I haven't seen) is the Kelvinator objecting to my use of his first initial and last name to point out that its gematria was 113, the number of dishonesty. Certainly the initials of both first and last name only is a bigger infraction. Somehow I get the feeling that the chances he'll point this out to his buddy are somewhere between zero and zero percent.
The reason for this post, regardless of the above, is the appropriate initial reaction to the numerology of initials. B.S. That's bull shit, not "brilliant scoop" or "bravo, sir!" I'm not the only person that has a grasp of the basic concepts of statistics and probability, so it's concepts like this that since they belong in the realm of "not terribly well thought out before doing the numerology" will destroy any chances of the alleged book being taken seriously.
On to some math and stuff.
As if PhraseShopping on first name only, last name only and both together isn't enough, now you're telling me it's legit to do numerology on initials? There are only 26 letters to choose from. Combinations of first and last are limited to 351 distinct pairs (1+2+3+4....+26=351). Now let's check out Shailene's initials specifically. The following are census statistics. They are a couple of years old, but things don't change that drastically from year to year. This is just the United States. Number of boys vs. girls is assumed to be 50%-50% which doesn't alter the overall outcome.
The % of girl first names beginning with S is a big one. 7.8%. The % of last names beginning with W is 3.5%.
0.078x0.035 x 325 million US Citizens / 2 since half are female = 438,000.
Boys . 0.038x0.035 x 325,000,000/2 = 213,000.
213,000+438,000= 651,000
Just by dumbass luck 2/3rds of a million people in the US alone have the initials S.W. And yet we're supposed to believe that there's some magic connection for this one particular individual.
But wait, there's more! Don't worry I will leave the math out.*
DC is 42 in the Sumerian elision. S.W. is in another. There are other combinations of letters that equal 42. These include a couple of oddball elisions like ALW. But mostly ordinal and reverse.
Don't forget to reverse the order of the initials for a full list.
Now for the ultimate exposure of initial frivolity: Why not just one initial instead of both? You use just the first name. You use just the last name. You use initials. You do stupid combinations of haphazard "rules" all the time.
In our dear friend the Satanic elision the letter G is 42. So anybody with a first or last name beginning with G is now tied into a political career.
*Bonus for math junkies. Sooner or later you're noun to bump into numerology of the most common initials. It's simple statistics. Most common girls- A 17.6%, Boys J 15.8% blended equals 16.7%. Most common last initial S -11%
0.167x0.11x325,000,000= approx 6 million. 6 million people share the same exact initials, without reversing the order. Without looking at just the numerology and other letter combos. In just the US.
So to scrape up one lousy little match of D.C., as in Washington D.C. and politics equaling 42 in the Sumerian elision (cipher) he did numerology on her initials, S.W.
This post would have been made regardless, but I do want to point out the only critical comment about my blog (unless someone snuck something in I haven't seen) is the Kelvinator objecting to my use of his first initial and last name to point out that its gematria was 113, the number of dishonesty. Certainly the initials of both first and last name only is a bigger infraction. Somehow I get the feeling that the chances he'll point this out to his buddy are somewhere between zero and zero percent.
The reason for this post, regardless of the above, is the appropriate initial reaction to the numerology of initials. B.S. That's bull shit, not "brilliant scoop" or "bravo, sir!" I'm not the only person that has a grasp of the basic concepts of statistics and probability, so it's concepts like this that since they belong in the realm of "not terribly well thought out before doing the numerology" will destroy any chances of the alleged book being taken seriously.
On to some math and stuff.
As if PhraseShopping on first name only, last name only and both together isn't enough, now you're telling me it's legit to do numerology on initials? There are only 26 letters to choose from. Combinations of first and last are limited to 351 distinct pairs (1+2+3+4....+26=351). Now let's check out Shailene's initials specifically. The following are census statistics. They are a couple of years old, but things don't change that drastically from year to year. This is just the United States. Number of boys vs. girls is assumed to be 50%-50% which doesn't alter the overall outcome.
The % of girl first names beginning with S is a big one. 7.8%. The % of last names beginning with W is 3.5%.
0.078x0.035 x 325 million US Citizens / 2 since half are female = 438,000.
Boys . 0.038x0.035 x 325,000,000/2 = 213,000.
213,000+438,000= 651,000
Just by dumbass luck 2/3rds of a million people in the US alone have the initials S.W. And yet we're supposed to believe that there's some magic connection for this one particular individual.
But wait, there's more! Don't worry I will leave the math out.*
DC is 42 in the Sumerian elision. S.W. is in another. There are other combinations of letters that equal 42. These include a couple of oddball elisions like ALW. But mostly ordinal and reverse.
Don't forget to reverse the order of the initials for a full list.
Now for the ultimate exposure of initial frivolity: Why not just one initial instead of both? You use just the first name. You use just the last name. You use initials. You do stupid combinations of haphazard "rules" all the time.
In our dear friend the Satanic elision the letter G is 42. So anybody with a first or last name beginning with G is now tied into a political career.
*Bonus for math junkies. Sooner or later you're noun to bump into numerology of the most common initials. It's simple statistics. Most common girls- A 17.6%, Boys J 15.8% blended equals 16.7%. Most common last initial S -11%
0.167x0.11x325,000,000= approx 6 million. 6 million people share the same exact initials, without reversing the order. Without looking at just the numerology and other letter combos. In just the US.
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Gematria Debunked By Screwing Up The Concept Of Ritual Sacrifice
The second biggest day of the month passed by with a timid whimper and not too much fanfare. After ignoring Pythagorean Theorem Day on 8/15/17 I expected a fuss on the big day numerology had been building up to for months. The solar eclipse on 8/21.
And that's your problem. Ritual sacrifice don't work dat way. From what I've been told, read about and lack of results from experimentation with my neighbors' miniature poodles. No, I'm joking. My neighbors don't have dogs. Anymore.
I could make up something totally fictional here. Tuathicoitl, demon brother of Attu the Wonder Turtle. Nice little pun set up for interruption of the sacrifice and a Tuathicoitl interruptus joke. That's enough to get punning out of my system for a bit, so I turn to Hollywood for a real example of sacrifice. I have numerous choices.
I'm going to pick Kolchak, The Night Stalker. Because I loved the show. This is an Aztec ritual, but from what I understand the basics are the same. Erik Estrada, yeah the CHIPS guy, is a pampered brat. He's got money, nice toys like expensive cars and bling, and women out the wazoo. Because he's in league with a bunch of Quetzalcoatl worshippers and needs to sacrifice humans every year to maintain his good standing. Quetzy gets beating hearts. Erik gets laid for another year. Karl gets another story. Except things go wrong and the final sacrifice (in a football stadium! Rigged sacrifice!) Quetzy gets all huffy.
In theory, Quetzy could have ordained that if the sacrifices were not completed to his satisfaction that he would wreak his vengeance by blotting out the Sun for a couple of minutes. Vengeful gods don't generally work that way. In our Kolchak episode, snuffing out the lives of the sacrificial bunglers is much more appropriate and what occurred. Fast forward to 2017, "I the mighty Quetzy, demand the destruction of several buildings and death of certain celebrities, all to be determined later, or I will visit my wrath upon you and blot the Sun out for a couple of minutes, thereby enticing people to sit around in lawn chairs drinking alcohol all morning, buying overpriced sunglasses and forcing a shortage of shoeboxes to make cheap ass solar eclipse viewers, and if you don't appease me I will burn your retinas. And if you do appease fuck it, I had this eclipse planned out a long time ago, so I'm gonna do it anyway."
Glen Campbell. Murdered as a precursor to the upcoming solar eclipse. Grenfell Towers. Yep. Upcoming solar eclipse. Lots of others. Sure you're going to claim that these are designed to make sure the eclipse is going to happen. Or what? Eternal darkness? No clues? Can't you give me something better than, "Glen will still be dead!"?
What we have is not bizarre ritualistic sacrifices, but a bizarre form of Tindering. Tindering in advance. Since gematria sucks ass at predicting celebrity deaths in advance, now I guess every major event we KNOW is going to happen, scientifically, is now fair game to be proclaimed an anniversary. Add it it to the list. Celebrity birthday is a date to do numerology on. Death date, which can vary anytime up to and including the event date, sports championship dates, album release dates. And of course the day before and after each of these days depending on what you declare as the span if you use the end date or not.
In real sacrificial situations another reason is to off some slaves or something so your beloved (or despised but feared) king has some flunkies around in the afterlife to trim his nails and run out to Starbucks for a cappuccino or something. But, the king, no matter how despised, is not the sacrifice. It's the flunkies. People generally linger on for a bit even if the end is near. So now you are bypassing the problem of nailing down the celebrity date of the death by.....reporting it after the fact, as always. But it's for an event that is or is not going to happen regardless? Yeah, that makes all kinds if fucking sense.
I turned Lucy Furcertain loose on this. Since there's usually not too much time between the infraction of not completing the ritual and the godly retribution I instructed her to focus on 8/21 and 8/22. Just in case the freemason coroner was wrong about date of death. Hungover from too much lounge chair grog and/or partially retinal damaged. Not too much to go with. Bodybuilder Dallas McCarver was 26. Young sacrifices seem to be a good bet. Wrathful gods like 'em young. But he had the indecency to die of choking. Doesn't seem right for a fiery eclipse thingie. 100 year old cricket player, boring. Pneumonia, heart failure, boring.
Well here we go. Dianne de Las Casas. Filipino born author. Despite Filipino being spelled correctly this looks promising. My high school Spanish tells me that her name translates to "Dianne of the Houses". She died in a house fire. That's freaking weird. She was 47. Not really young, yet not ancient. Died early. And she wrote children's books. Wrathful gods like virginal stuff. Offing a kiddy book writer seems pretty fitting. Not convinced yet? Book title, The Cajun Cornbread Boy. Sacrificing blood for the upcoming corn harvest! Maybe she vacationed in Nebraska recently. Another book, The House That Witchy Built. Bingo, this is our gal, for sure.
And of course not a peep from the so called astute numerology researchers. Because why bother with someone semi-famous when I can pick any date I want to do numerology on?
Which reminds me of two other points. Where mixing word numerology with date numerology became accepted is a mystery. And as far as this event, you picked an event that we knew so much about WAYYYYYYY in advance we knew exact times when and where the total eclipse would happen. If we used 22/7 for Pi, we would have been off by a little bit. Not exactly sure how specific wrathful gods are about this stuff, but I would tend to think that 8/8, Glen Campbell's death, might be jumping the gun a lot.
Most people think of Freemasonry in the Simpsons style sense of a bunch of crotchety old farts sitting in a musty castle swilling booze. As far as their involvement or any other nearly infinitely powered entity being involved it looks like the eclipse was just an excuse to get outside for a tailgate with their cardboard box eclipse viewer. Now it's fun to throw around cool sounding words like rite, ritual, sacrifice and so on when we belittle the deaths of people. And in the case of Glen. Massacre. If you look up massacre the term doesn't usually apply to one person. So where are the others? Massacre sure does sound nice in a bogus narrative, eh?
And that's your problem. Ritual sacrifice don't work dat way. From what I've been told, read about and lack of results from experimentation with my neighbors' miniature poodles. No, I'm joking. My neighbors don't have dogs. Anymore.
I could make up something totally fictional here. Tuathicoitl, demon brother of Attu the Wonder Turtle. Nice little pun set up for interruption of the sacrifice and a Tuathicoitl interruptus joke. That's enough to get punning out of my system for a bit, so I turn to Hollywood for a real example of sacrifice. I have numerous choices.
I'm going to pick Kolchak, The Night Stalker. Because I loved the show. This is an Aztec ritual, but from what I understand the basics are the same. Erik Estrada, yeah the CHIPS guy, is a pampered brat. He's got money, nice toys like expensive cars and bling, and women out the wazoo. Because he's in league with a bunch of Quetzalcoatl worshippers and needs to sacrifice humans every year to maintain his good standing. Quetzy gets beating hearts. Erik gets laid for another year. Karl gets another story. Except things go wrong and the final sacrifice (in a football stadium! Rigged sacrifice!) Quetzy gets all huffy.
In theory, Quetzy could have ordained that if the sacrifices were not completed to his satisfaction that he would wreak his vengeance by blotting out the Sun for a couple of minutes. Vengeful gods don't generally work that way. In our Kolchak episode, snuffing out the lives of the sacrificial bunglers is much more appropriate and what occurred. Fast forward to 2017, "I the mighty Quetzy, demand the destruction of several buildings and death of certain celebrities, all to be determined later, or I will visit my wrath upon you and blot the Sun out for a couple of minutes, thereby enticing people to sit around in lawn chairs drinking alcohol all morning, buying overpriced sunglasses and forcing a shortage of shoeboxes to make cheap ass solar eclipse viewers, and if you don't appease me I will burn your retinas. And if you do appease fuck it, I had this eclipse planned out a long time ago, so I'm gonna do it anyway."
Glen Campbell. Murdered as a precursor to the upcoming solar eclipse. Grenfell Towers. Yep. Upcoming solar eclipse. Lots of others. Sure you're going to claim that these are designed to make sure the eclipse is going to happen. Or what? Eternal darkness? No clues? Can't you give me something better than, "Glen will still be dead!"?
What we have is not bizarre ritualistic sacrifices, but a bizarre form of Tindering. Tindering in advance. Since gematria sucks ass at predicting celebrity deaths in advance, now I guess every major event we KNOW is going to happen, scientifically, is now fair game to be proclaimed an anniversary. Add it it to the list. Celebrity birthday is a date to do numerology on. Death date, which can vary anytime up to and including the event date, sports championship dates, album release dates. And of course the day before and after each of these days depending on what you declare as the span if you use the end date or not.
In real sacrificial situations another reason is to off some slaves or something so your beloved (or despised but feared) king has some flunkies around in the afterlife to trim his nails and run out to Starbucks for a cappuccino or something. But, the king, no matter how despised, is not the sacrifice. It's the flunkies. People generally linger on for a bit even if the end is near. So now you are bypassing the problem of nailing down the celebrity date of the death by.....reporting it after the fact, as always. But it's for an event that is or is not going to happen regardless? Yeah, that makes all kinds if fucking sense.
I turned Lucy Furcertain loose on this. Since there's usually not too much time between the infraction of not completing the ritual and the godly retribution I instructed her to focus on 8/21 and 8/22. Just in case the freemason coroner was wrong about date of death. Hungover from too much lounge chair grog and/or partially retinal damaged. Not too much to go with. Bodybuilder Dallas McCarver was 26. Young sacrifices seem to be a good bet. Wrathful gods like 'em young. But he had the indecency to die of choking. Doesn't seem right for a fiery eclipse thingie. 100 year old cricket player, boring. Pneumonia, heart failure, boring.
Well here we go. Dianne de Las Casas. Filipino born author. Despite Filipino being spelled correctly this looks promising. My high school Spanish tells me that her name translates to "Dianne of the Houses". She died in a house fire. That's freaking weird. She was 47. Not really young, yet not ancient. Died early. And she wrote children's books. Wrathful gods like virginal stuff. Offing a kiddy book writer seems pretty fitting. Not convinced yet? Book title, The Cajun Cornbread Boy. Sacrificing blood for the upcoming corn harvest! Maybe she vacationed in Nebraska recently. Another book, The House That Witchy Built. Bingo, this is our gal, for sure.
And of course not a peep from the so called astute numerology researchers. Because why bother with someone semi-famous when I can pick any date I want to do numerology on?
Which reminds me of two other points. Where mixing word numerology with date numerology became accepted is a mystery. And as far as this event, you picked an event that we knew so much about WAYYYYYYY in advance we knew exact times when and where the total eclipse would happen. If we used 22/7 for Pi, we would have been off by a little bit. Not exactly sure how specific wrathful gods are about this stuff, but I would tend to think that 8/8, Glen Campbell's death, might be jumping the gun a lot.
Most people think of Freemasonry in the Simpsons style sense of a bunch of crotchety old farts sitting in a musty castle swilling booze. As far as their involvement or any other nearly infinitely powered entity being involved it looks like the eclipse was just an excuse to get outside for a tailgate with their cardboard box eclipse viewer. Now it's fun to throw around cool sounding words like rite, ritual, sacrifice and so on when we belittle the deaths of people. And in the case of Glen. Massacre. If you look up massacre the term doesn't usually apply to one person. So where are the others? Massacre sure does sound nice in a bogus narrative, eh?
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Undeniable Evidence Of Sports Rigging?
Chapter 21 of Hubbard's Letters & Numbers
Undeniable Evidence of Rigged Professional and Collegiate Sports
I'd like to complain about the use of undeniable, but I really can't. Anything can be, it's a matter of if your denial has any foundation in reality. Choosing to deny the existence of oxygen doesn't change the fact that it exists. Or that we need it.
Buried near the end of the book. I suppose that you can operate under the 'saving the best for last' philosophy. Ultimately, this is the chapter that will doom the entire vanity project. I'll explain.
You're obligated to include the chapter. Too many blog posts, too many videos addressing the subject. You've admitted that the majority of your blog traffic is sports related.
Sports are a huge source of raw data. As long as you can get away with being allowed to pick and choose which numbers mean something and discard the vast majority that don't support you, then you're golden. Once it comes to light how wrong so many numbers are then credibility quickly reaches 0. Which is why predictions are almost non existent and the rigging complaints only rear their heads when the box score is completed.
Just like the Venus Williams Wimbledon Finals misfire that would have matched a fictitious number in regards to planetary temperature, she lost and that match never came to be, we have an actual prediction for a major event. McGregor to beat Mayweather since he record will then be 22-3 and the name Conor (without the last name) equals 223 in the infrequently used Jewish elision.
Good luck with that prediction. From an objective viewpoint this seems unlikely. Mayweather is heavily favored. Then we can expect the old standby defense of a McGregor loss by - ignoring it and hoping nobody notices. In some respects a McGregor win could be worse. Now tho guy picked tho upset, let's check his other work. Our expectations are raised. And we find out things like, "I picked Green Bay instead of the Falcons not realizing that Wisconsin and Georgia both equal 44 in the reduced elision." What kind of defense is that? They ALWAYS equal 44, regardless of which year, which sport, or whether it's even a sport. You can never predictably separate the two. And with 64,982,427 different elisions the overlaps and lack of distinction are overwhelming.
You've also inherited virtually everything into the sports equation. The children were named long before a sports career was picked. Life is just a script. Try explaining to a hardcore gambling addict that your version of events happened starting all the way back to Stephen Curry's parents getting frisky one night and some super powerful cosmic force decided that to enhance his talent magnetic fields helped aim the ball into the hoop. After they lose money based on the numerology. Of course there's always a Wisconsin/Georgia style ambiguity to explain that away. After the fact.
Undeniable isn't the problem word in the chapter title. It's evidence. Enhanced by the adjective, but it's the evidence that's lacking. Remember, the sentences:
Gematria narratives are rigged, not sports.
Sports are rigged, not gematria narratives.
have the exact same numerology. It's really just that easy.
There's actual undeniable evidence we need to breathe oxygen to survive. Some people just make better use of it than others.
Undeniable Evidence of Rigged Professional and Collegiate Sports
I'd like to complain about the use of undeniable, but I really can't. Anything can be, it's a matter of if your denial has any foundation in reality. Choosing to deny the existence of oxygen doesn't change the fact that it exists. Or that we need it.
Buried near the end of the book. I suppose that you can operate under the 'saving the best for last' philosophy. Ultimately, this is the chapter that will doom the entire vanity project. I'll explain.
You're obligated to include the chapter. Too many blog posts, too many videos addressing the subject. You've admitted that the majority of your blog traffic is sports related.
Sports are a huge source of raw data. As long as you can get away with being allowed to pick and choose which numbers mean something and discard the vast majority that don't support you, then you're golden. Once it comes to light how wrong so many numbers are then credibility quickly reaches 0. Which is why predictions are almost non existent and the rigging complaints only rear their heads when the box score is completed.
Just like the Venus Williams Wimbledon Finals misfire that would have matched a fictitious number in regards to planetary temperature, she lost and that match never came to be, we have an actual prediction for a major event. McGregor to beat Mayweather since he record will then be 22-3 and the name Conor (without the last name) equals 223 in the infrequently used Jewish elision.
Good luck with that prediction. From an objective viewpoint this seems unlikely. Mayweather is heavily favored. Then we can expect the old standby defense of a McGregor loss by - ignoring it and hoping nobody notices. In some respects a McGregor win could be worse. Now tho guy picked tho upset, let's check his other work. Our expectations are raised. And we find out things like, "I picked Green Bay instead of the Falcons not realizing that Wisconsin and Georgia both equal 44 in the reduced elision." What kind of defense is that? They ALWAYS equal 44, regardless of which year, which sport, or whether it's even a sport. You can never predictably separate the two. And with 64,982,427 different elisions the overlaps and lack of distinction are overwhelming.
You've also inherited virtually everything into the sports equation. The children were named long before a sports career was picked. Life is just a script. Try explaining to a hardcore gambling addict that your version of events happened starting all the way back to Stephen Curry's parents getting frisky one night and some super powerful cosmic force decided that to enhance his talent magnetic fields helped aim the ball into the hoop. After they lose money based on the numerology. Of course there's always a Wisconsin/Georgia style ambiguity to explain that away. After the fact.
Undeniable isn't the problem word in the chapter title. It's evidence. Enhanced by the adjective, but it's the evidence that's lacking. Remember, the sentences:
Gematria narratives are rigged, not sports.
Sports are rigged, not gematria narratives.
have the exact same numerology. It's really just that easy.
There's actual undeniable evidence we need to breathe oxygen to survive. Some people just make better use of it than others.
Monday, August 21, 2017
The Missing Chapter Revealed
As a fully compensated Freemason/corporate shill/Jew media/whatever disinformation agent*I hired a private investigator to look for the promised chapter in Hubbard's chapter list. Because I couldn't find it.
The answer was mercifully quick and cheap. I used the same P.I. for work on Dan's apufeemia, who uncovered the South Park episode where the boys play detectives to find the missing pie. So the pie P.I. found the Pi chapter is missing.
This chapter should explain a lot. The references to Pi are so numerous that it's just as common if not more common than 666. Like Dan's topic du jour it reads like this:
Bombing=xx, Terrorist =xx, Freemason=xx, False Flag=xx, Anywhere but Nebraska they should be looking at but avoid=xx, Holy shit! Pi!, Person's name =xx.
Knowing that Pi is the missing chapter, at least within 4/1000ths of a %- the amount 22/7 is off by actual Pi being so close you don't need it to be better than this, unless you want to talk about huge distances, like the distance to the Sun) doesn't mean I know what's in it. And it could clear up sooooo much.
Since the references are so numerous I will stick to this previously unreported example from just a few days ago. 44/14= 22*2/7*2 = Pi. 4414 =1444. So 1444 =Pi. Congratulations. You just moved the Sun so far away from Earth we're lifeless ball of ice and rock or so close we're hotter than Venus. Or maybe the NIPTUCKS have a theoretical limit of 462 degrees, the reported hottest temperature recorded on Venus so that if Venus Williams wins Wimbledon this year which she didn't the span of weeks would be 462. You see how a neophyte might want to know how Pi can explain all this stuff, right?
Maybe the NIPTUCKS have suppressed the information and I'm lying about the PI. You could hire your own to find the missing chapter. Perhaps the proofreader you should hire, or the writers' of your testimonials could take a job on the side? Just a thought. Or maybe hire a ghost writer for the entire book. For someone who was going to take one week off from videos and blogging to finish the book it sure is dragging out.
* I am in fact not paid for this. Even if I was my post including comments about Cher look a likes (Twinfirmation bias) would ave been.....wait to it..
pro Bono.
Oh my gosh. Sonny Bono. Sunny. The Sun. Double pun about bono. Twin puns. Twins. Double reference to apophenia. Double double. Quadruple. Quadragons, like a square. Squares have 360 degrees. Like circles. Which mean Pi. See. A chapter on Pi clears up EVERYTHING.
The answer was mercifully quick and cheap. I used the same P.I. for work on Dan's apufeemia, who uncovered the South Park episode where the boys play detectives to find the missing pie. So the pie P.I. found the Pi chapter is missing.
This chapter should explain a lot. The references to Pi are so numerous that it's just as common if not more common than 666. Like Dan's topic du jour it reads like this:
Bombing=xx, Terrorist =xx, Freemason=xx, False Flag=xx, Anywhere but Nebraska they should be looking at but avoid=xx, Holy shit! Pi!, Person's name =xx.
Knowing that Pi is the missing chapter, at least within 4/1000ths of a %- the amount 22/7 is off by actual Pi being so close you don't need it to be better than this, unless you want to talk about huge distances, like the distance to the Sun) doesn't mean I know what's in it. And it could clear up sooooo much.
Since the references are so numerous I will stick to this previously unreported example from just a few days ago. 44/14= 22*2/7*2 = Pi. 4414 =1444. So 1444 =Pi. Congratulations. You just moved the Sun so far away from Earth we're lifeless ball of ice and rock or so close we're hotter than Venus. Or maybe the NIPTUCKS have a theoretical limit of 462 degrees, the reported hottest temperature recorded on Venus so that if Venus Williams wins Wimbledon this year which she didn't the span of weeks would be 462. You see how a neophyte might want to know how Pi can explain all this stuff, right?
Maybe the NIPTUCKS have suppressed the information and I'm lying about the PI. You could hire your own to find the missing chapter. Perhaps the proofreader you should hire, or the writers' of your testimonials could take a job on the side? Just a thought. Or maybe hire a ghost writer for the entire book. For someone who was going to take one week off from videos and blogging to finish the book it sure is dragging out.
* I am in fact not paid for this. Even if I was my post including comments about Cher look a likes (Twinfirmation bias) would ave been.....wait to it..
pro Bono.
Oh my gosh. Sonny Bono. Sunny. The Sun. Double pun about bono. Twin puns. Twins. Double reference to apophenia. Double double. Quadruple. Quadragons, like a square. Squares have 360 degrees. Like circles. Which mean Pi. See. A chapter on Pi clears up EVERYTHING.
Sunday, August 20, 2017
Gematria, An Introduction To Hypocrisy
The Gematrinator (aka Kelvinator) lent his voice to a new introductory Gematria video. Maybe voice over work on video games will be the best he can get in the future and this was practice. The YouTube deleted my video virus struck down his Barcelona baloney video. Writing on the wall, and such.
I think this introductory video is the one that should have been pulled unless we can save it as a prime example of some prime examples of cheating in gematria. Right there in an introductory video, not an advanced course. Simple things a first time, rational observer should question and will question.
Right at the get go we are told that "The English language is based on gematria" and not the other way around. Highly unlikely. Durp tired of one grunt for yes, two for no, thirteen short grunts, two long, four short, one high pitched, two short, seven gargles and the sign language to steal third base means PTERODACTYL. Then he couldn't get out the rest about it protecting the nest of young and attacking Tokyo before he was slaughtered. Gromk saw this and said to himself, "All this grunting is really bullshit. I wish we had gematria."
He hits you with the PhraseShopping quick. In the same screw he has the gematria for the dates written out:
2/2 the 33rd day of the year. "February Second" =33
When it's time for March 11, this is written out "Eleventh of March."
Right there on the same screen. And we're supposed to ignore the fact that "Second of February" and "March Eleventh" have completely different values. This is PhraseShopping at its best. Picking and choosing how a phrase is worded among various grammatically correct options to achieve the number you want to get. In an introductory video with the bold claim that our language is based on the numbers.
Throw in the hypocrisy of the 11 and 22 master numbers in this video. Reducing them is optional. Master seems to be a rather commanding adjective to use for something that is optional. "I'm the schoolmaster, so do your multiplication tables now since I'm the boss. Or optionally sit at your desk and eat cake.". Amidst this master drivel we are also told of the importance of 33 as an integral gematria value. Which of course means lots of non integral COWS PISS.
Perhaps I'm being too harsh since this makes my job that much easier. I don't need to pick and choose, just refer people to this video as an introduction to exactly why gematria cannot have any real value. There's no consistency with no restrictions. Even yesterday Hubbard used DEAD AND GONE to mean 74 which matches with KILLING, STABBING, DROWN =74. Two weeks ago he used FAKE DEATH to equal 47. As shown in my August 9th post on the dangers of PhraseShopping DEAD AND GONE, MURDERED =47.
This is exactly why PhraseShopping is the better part of a chapter in my book.
I think this introductory video is the one that should have been pulled unless we can save it as a prime example of some prime examples of cheating in gematria. Right there in an introductory video, not an advanced course. Simple things a first time, rational observer should question and will question.
Right at the get go we are told that "The English language is based on gematria" and not the other way around. Highly unlikely. Durp tired of one grunt for yes, two for no, thirteen short grunts, two long, four short, one high pitched, two short, seven gargles and the sign language to steal third base means PTERODACTYL. Then he couldn't get out the rest about it protecting the nest of young and attacking Tokyo before he was slaughtered. Gromk saw this and said to himself, "All this grunting is really bullshit. I wish we had gematria."
He hits you with the PhraseShopping quick. In the same screw he has the gematria for the dates written out:
2/2 the 33rd day of the year. "February Second" =33
When it's time for March 11, this is written out "Eleventh of March."
Right there on the same screen. And we're supposed to ignore the fact that "Second of February" and "March Eleventh" have completely different values. This is PhraseShopping at its best. Picking and choosing how a phrase is worded among various grammatically correct options to achieve the number you want to get. In an introductory video with the bold claim that our language is based on the numbers.
Throw in the hypocrisy of the 11 and 22 master numbers in this video. Reducing them is optional. Master seems to be a rather commanding adjective to use for something that is optional. "I'm the schoolmaster, so do your multiplication tables now since I'm the boss. Or optionally sit at your desk and eat cake.". Amidst this master drivel we are also told of the importance of 33 as an integral gematria value. Which of course means lots of non integral COWS PISS.
Perhaps I'm being too harsh since this makes my job that much easier. I don't need to pick and choose, just refer people to this video as an introduction to exactly why gematria cannot have any real value. There's no consistency with no restrictions. Even yesterday Hubbard used DEAD AND GONE to mean 74 which matches with KILLING, STABBING, DROWN =74. Two weeks ago he used FAKE DEATH to equal 47. As shown in my August 9th post on the dangers of PhraseShopping DEAD AND GONE, MURDERED =47.
This is exactly why PhraseShopping is the better part of a chapter in my book.
Saturday, August 19, 2017
It really wasn't easy for me to figure out what to call Gematria's misuse of GPS coordinates. Several candidates came to mind, each with distinct advantages and disadvantages. I've finally settled on Globetrotting.
One choice of "GPS" has some further choices to make. The obvious downside to this is that if I retain the original initialism I would require further explanation on my use in the gematria context instead of the original version.
I like the idea of something like, "Gematria Positioning Supposition". That does describe basically what is going on. However, as far as the definition of supposition goes it doesn't quite work. A supposition is a theory often without proof. There is some proof. It's just stretched.
One such stretch, and the first that brought this to my attention, is to use the "P" for Phoenix, Arizona. That's a record that I doubt will be topped. The original claim was that Phoenix was on the 33rd meridian. Officially Phoenix is listed as 33 degrees, 27 minutes. Or 33.45 as a decimal. Which puts it almost exactly as far away from a meridian as you can get, either 0.45 or 0.55 degrees away depending on direction.
Using "G" for geocaching comes to mind. They are playing games with map coordinates to make up a false point. There is some entertainment value to the exercise of geocachimg so this seems inappropriate since "fun" and "gematria" don't typically belong in the same sentence without a "not" thrown in there.
My acronym team doesn't like initialisms. They get paid for full blown acronyms. Last I knew they went out west to research on using GOOGLE as an acronym. With two G's to work with you can get global and Gematria into the acronym. The other letters were claimed to be a problem, especially the consecutive O's. The entire project became a moot point when they took a wrong turn, unable to find Phoenix, and ended up at a Yuma Indian reservation casino. Which I think was the plan all along. Based on Phoenix map coordinated their alibi is solid. And they are going to bring back some nice tapestries for the office.
The answer came to me as I reviewed Hubbard's poston the record breaking basketball shot. Guinness Record for highest shot ever made from a helicopter. Distracted by the G in Guinness I wasted some time on the GPS initialism. However, the helicopter shot was performed by a member of the Harlem Globetrotters. And Hubbard made a fuss about how he needed to check the cksims accuracy by reviewing the previous record.
"Check, check, check.", he said.
Like you ever took time for that before. Hottest temperature on Venus, arsenic in peaches, Confederate soldiers wearing butternut colored uniforms instead of gray, Pythagoras, on and on and on.... Your lack of fact checking makes Trump look golden in comparison.
So there you have it. Globetrotting it is.
One choice of "GPS" has some further choices to make. The obvious downside to this is that if I retain the original initialism I would require further explanation on my use in the gematria context instead of the original version.
I like the idea of something like, "Gematria Positioning Supposition". That does describe basically what is going on. However, as far as the definition of supposition goes it doesn't quite work. A supposition is a theory often without proof. There is some proof. It's just stretched.
One such stretch, and the first that brought this to my attention, is to use the "P" for Phoenix, Arizona. That's a record that I doubt will be topped. The original claim was that Phoenix was on the 33rd meridian. Officially Phoenix is listed as 33 degrees, 27 minutes. Or 33.45 as a decimal. Which puts it almost exactly as far away from a meridian as you can get, either 0.45 or 0.55 degrees away depending on direction.
Using "G" for geocaching comes to mind. They are playing games with map coordinates to make up a false point. There is some entertainment value to the exercise of geocachimg so this seems inappropriate since "fun" and "gematria" don't typically belong in the same sentence without a "not" thrown in there.
My acronym team doesn't like initialisms. They get paid for full blown acronyms. Last I knew they went out west to research on using GOOGLE as an acronym. With two G's to work with you can get global and Gematria into the acronym. The other letters were claimed to be a problem, especially the consecutive O's. The entire project became a moot point when they took a wrong turn, unable to find Phoenix, and ended up at a Yuma Indian reservation casino. Which I think was the plan all along. Based on Phoenix map coordinated their alibi is solid. And they are going to bring back some nice tapestries for the office.
The answer came to me as I reviewed Hubbard's poston the record breaking basketball shot. Guinness Record for highest shot ever made from a helicopter. Distracted by the G in Guinness I wasted some time on the GPS initialism. However, the helicopter shot was performed by a member of the Harlem Globetrotters. And Hubbard made a fuss about how he needed to check the cksims accuracy by reviewing the previous record.
"Check, check, check.", he said.
Like you ever took time for that before. Hottest temperature on Venus, arsenic in peaches, Confederate soldiers wearing butternut colored uniforms instead of gray, Pythagoras, on and on and on.... Your lack of fact checking makes Trump look golden in comparison.
So there you have it. Globetrotting it is.
Friday, August 18, 2017
Barcelona, Schmarcelona. What Happened In Nebraska?
Here they go again belittling tragedy and suggesting that the events in Barcelona were staged. Always after the fact, despite their system is based on assumptions that are in place in advance.
Lucy Furcetain, our staff research queen and probable anitichrist has figured out what they missed, using gematrialogic.
I really need to find a name for GPS screw UPS to go with PhraseShopping and Tindering of dates. It looks like it's not going away. On Free To Find Truth alone there were 13 (ohhhhhh, scary!) posts about Barcelona yesterday. It wasn't until the last one that 41 suddenly became important. A couple of gematria calculations equaled 41 which is the North parallel map coordinate for Barcelona. Which it isn't. Yeah it's close, rounded down it's 41, but getting awfully close to being just as near the 42nd.
Ok, we've already established long ago that your system sucks ass at prediction. Barcelona didn't happen, hell the entire city might not even exist. How about telling us what did happen for a change? Lucy figured out a prime candidate for a Shriner's convention in Nebraska. Use numerology to substantiate....oh, I don't know, that their corn is more nutritious than Russian corn. Freeasons do eat, right?
There are some tiny spots in Nebraska on the 41st parallel. One, Ravenna, is just geographically a few minutes away. There are others that are just as close as Barcelona, as long as we're playing the "close enough" game. Please note Ravenna and RAVEN. Lucy says that's important later. Maybe there's something going on in Ravenna, Italy that's important, too.
We all now The Simpsons is super duper important. Geographically Kearney is in this ballpark. 40 degrees, 42 minutes. 40.70 as a decimal. That's closer to the 41st meridian than Barcelona at 41.38. Kearney, is part of the group of bullies in the Simpsons cast of characters. Group of bullies. Terrorizing Bart. That sure sounds like ISIS. Shelton is at 40,46,39 and a tad closer to the meridian. Shelbyville, Springfield's neighboring town. Hmmmmm. Kearney's last name is Zzyzwicz which has Satanic gematria of 444, which I've seen suggested as being 666 upside down. Really, I'm not making that up. The commenter didn't necessarily win a cookie, but wasn't chastised for being a Durp.
There's also a Ghost town in this area, Dobyton. Just to document more occult stuff going on. Ravens=crows. Scarecrows. Corn. Group of crows called a murder. Children of the Corn.
There's a lot of weird shit going on in this area. If nothing happened in Barcelona, I want to know what did happen in Nebraska. Without doing the numerology myself, it sure looks like some kind of ritualistic sacrifice is going on to make the corn grow. Or win an NCAA title. So let's wait to hear what these so called experts have to say.
Lucy Furcetain, our staff research queen and probable anitichrist has figured out what they missed, using gematrialogic.
I really need to find a name for GPS screw UPS to go with PhraseShopping and Tindering of dates. It looks like it's not going away. On Free To Find Truth alone there were 13 (ohhhhhh, scary!) posts about Barcelona yesterday. It wasn't until the last one that 41 suddenly became important. A couple of gematria calculations equaled 41 which is the North parallel map coordinate for Barcelona. Which it isn't. Yeah it's close, rounded down it's 41, but getting awfully close to being just as near the 42nd.
Ok, we've already established long ago that your system sucks ass at prediction. Barcelona didn't happen, hell the entire city might not even exist. How about telling us what did happen for a change? Lucy figured out a prime candidate for a Shriner's convention in Nebraska. Use numerology to substantiate....oh, I don't know, that their corn is more nutritious than Russian corn. Freeasons do eat, right?
There are some tiny spots in Nebraska on the 41st parallel. One, Ravenna, is just geographically a few minutes away. There are others that are just as close as Barcelona, as long as we're playing the "close enough" game. Please note Ravenna and RAVEN. Lucy says that's important later. Maybe there's something going on in Ravenna, Italy that's important, too.
We all now The Simpsons is super duper important. Geographically Kearney is in this ballpark. 40 degrees, 42 minutes. 40.70 as a decimal. That's closer to the 41st meridian than Barcelona at 41.38. Kearney, is part of the group of bullies in the Simpsons cast of characters. Group of bullies. Terrorizing Bart. That sure sounds like ISIS. Shelton is at 40,46,39 and a tad closer to the meridian. Shelbyville, Springfield's neighboring town. Hmmmmm. Kearney's last name is Zzyzwicz which has Satanic gematria of 444, which I've seen suggested as being 666 upside down. Really, I'm not making that up. The commenter didn't necessarily win a cookie, but wasn't chastised for being a Durp.
There's also a Ghost town in this area, Dobyton. Just to document more occult stuff going on. Ravens=crows. Scarecrows. Corn. Group of crows called a murder. Children of the Corn.
There's a lot of weird shit going on in this area. If nothing happened in Barcelona, I want to know what did happen in Nebraska. Without doing the numerology myself, it sure looks like some kind of ritualistic sacrifice is going on to make the corn grow. Or win an NCAA title. So let's wait to hear what these so called experts have to say.
Thursday, August 17, 2017
Gematria Is Poweful And Not To Be Trifled With
And I have 1000% proof, look at these numbers from the....
Aw crap. I screwed that up. I mean, "Gematria Is Not Powerful and To Be Trifled With."
It's in the chapter title in Hubbard's book. It's mentioned in the Kelvinator's introductory video. That pesky word, LANGUAGE. It's not just individual words that are buried within text, it's the whole caboodle and kit. Normally that's referred to as kit and kaboode, but it doesn't make a difference. Sometimes, just as with the post title and the correction, the placement of the word "not" makes a huge difference. That's the way language works. Gematria pretending to be real language yields the same total in all except for some yet undiscovered (pulled from their asses) elision to be added to the 18,410,723,788 they already have. Similarly, "Bob is guilty of desecrating the turtle altar, not Stan.", can change meaning by inverting Bob and Stan. It doesn't have to be the word, "not.". LANGUAGE has lots of ways to alter sentences by placement.
So since Dan brought up Gravity Falls and they use some actual ciphering in here, let's talk about ATBASH. This is a simple substitution, in its most primitive form A is replaced by Z, B by Y, etc.... Durp would never be able to figure it out, since his pattern recognition skills suck. Gromk, having done the daily cryptoquote in the morning stone tablet figured out that and other substitution ciphers can be deciphered. Thus moving on to the comics while Durp was busy getting killed by a pterodactyl that he decoded with the "do gematria without vowels" elision and thought it was an apterodactyl, without wings.
Not the most secure, but as far as solving a puzzle goes challenging enough to be amusing for a couple of minutes without being so impossible you move on to Johnny Hart's B.C. strip right away. It's solvable because even if you aren't sure of the exact quote, THE always equals THE when deciphered. (If you are new to solving cryptoquotes, THE, A, THAT and a few others are common starting points.) Which is why I'm sticking with the term elisions instead of ciphers. Because otherwise to get a single direct translation you need to figure out when 33 = THE, instead of for example, COWS PISS.
It all comes down to the translation which conveniently focuses on the most mind boggling stupid shit nobody could possibly believe. You can translate 113 to mean VERACIOUS instead of DISHONEST. You can translate 33 to mean THE instead of FALSE FLAG or COWS PISS. Get a real cipher and we'll talk about it. Lots of things equal 33, which is part of the reason I chose it for my example. Boy they love talking about false flags and 33., like it's a special and rare jewel. I was hoping that NOT equals 33 in a basic elision. No luck. Close, but not quite. Then I was looking for a naughty word, since Not and Naught sound the same and NAUGHTY =33. FUCK YOU =33, but I'm only allowed to use 33 fbombs during my phone plan billing period. So perhaps I'll settle for spamming the comments section of their blogs and videos with COWS PISS every time I see a 33.
Aw crap. I screwed that up. I mean, "Gematria Is Not Powerful and To Be Trifled With."
It's in the chapter title in Hubbard's book. It's mentioned in the Kelvinator's introductory video. That pesky word, LANGUAGE. It's not just individual words that are buried within text, it's the whole caboodle and kit. Normally that's referred to as kit and kaboode, but it doesn't make a difference. Sometimes, just as with the post title and the correction, the placement of the word "not" makes a huge difference. That's the way language works. Gematria pretending to be real language yields the same total in all except for some yet undiscovered (pulled from their asses) elision to be added to the 18,410,723,788 they already have. Similarly, "Bob is guilty of desecrating the turtle altar, not Stan.", can change meaning by inverting Bob and Stan. It doesn't have to be the word, "not.". LANGUAGE has lots of ways to alter sentences by placement.
So since Dan brought up Gravity Falls and they use some actual ciphering in here, let's talk about ATBASH. This is a simple substitution, in its most primitive form A is replaced by Z, B by Y, etc.... Durp would never be able to figure it out, since his pattern recognition skills suck. Gromk, having done the daily cryptoquote in the morning stone tablet figured out that and other substitution ciphers can be deciphered. Thus moving on to the comics while Durp was busy getting killed by a pterodactyl that he decoded with the "do gematria without vowels" elision and thought it was an apterodactyl, without wings.
Not the most secure, but as far as solving a puzzle goes challenging enough to be amusing for a couple of minutes without being so impossible you move on to Johnny Hart's B.C. strip right away. It's solvable because even if you aren't sure of the exact quote, THE always equals THE when deciphered. (If you are new to solving cryptoquotes, THE, A, THAT and a few others are common starting points.) Which is why I'm sticking with the term elisions instead of ciphers. Because otherwise to get a single direct translation you need to figure out when 33 = THE, instead of for example, COWS PISS.
It all comes down to the translation which conveniently focuses on the most mind boggling stupid shit nobody could possibly believe. You can translate 113 to mean VERACIOUS instead of DISHONEST. You can translate 33 to mean THE instead of FALSE FLAG or COWS PISS. Get a real cipher and we'll talk about it. Lots of things equal 33, which is part of the reason I chose it for my example. Boy they love talking about false flags and 33., like it's a special and rare jewel. I was hoping that NOT equals 33 in a basic elision. No luck. Close, but not quite. Then I was looking for a naughty word, since Not and Naught sound the same and NAUGHTY =33. FUCK YOU =33, but I'm only allowed to use 33 fbombs during my phone plan billing period. So perhaps I'll settle for spamming the comments section of their blogs and videos with COWS PISS every time I see a 33.
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
Over Priming The Sump Pump
This could be split up into four posts, so it might get a bit longer than normal.
Our story begins with a new video from Hubbard posted on YouTube August 12th. Even finishing the book can't stop him from multiple daily blog posts and of course the Charlotte incident, not surprisingly called a false flag.
One commented, Zenith of the Alpha, is high enough in the gematria food chain to keep up his own blog. On this video he had to add his two cents with:
My gut reaction was to just assume he was applying the Fillipino mispelllling version to the word SUCCEED. Silly me. I should have known anything regarding a positive such as SUCCESS has no business in gematria. The second offering in the same comment makes it clear:
SUCEED FROM THE UNION = 666 (primes)
Tumultuous turtle turds, Batman! You mean. SECEDE from the Union. Don't you morons have spell checking? Sure lots of people mispronounce this like suh-seed instead of seh-seed, but spell check only recommends SUCCEED for replacing SUCEED. So, since the Kelvinator's online calculator doesn't have the Primes elision (cipher), I had to calculate it by hand, myself. Doing this I SUCCEEDED in duplicating the 666 total.
67+71+5+11+11+7 + 13+61+47+41 +71+19+11 +73+43+23+47+43=666
Using SUCEED instead of SECEDE.
But this phase of the story ain't dun, yet. Hubbard posted a comment following, as well as the Kelvinator. And this is near the top, one of the first comments on the video. And nobody mentions the misspelling. Why am I not surprised.
Now to phase three. Too many ciphers, and what you are allowed to do with them that is acceptable. The Kelvinator's comment regarded a total of 1331 achieved in the Primes elision. There is some prettiness to this number. It's 11 cubed. As gets pointed out, this number isn't really 1331. It's the sum of the divisors, so 11+11+11 =33. At least in this case, it doesn't HAVE to be 33, just can be if want it to. Another obvious use is to mean 13 and/or 31 since it contains the two digit number and its mirror image. Yep. They do that all the time.
Inevitably, when confronted with a number that's too large to directly match the match is forced. Here we have 1331 being shaved down to a more easily matched two digit number.
Another frequent trick is to use prime number lists. 1331 as we have seen does not have the decency to be prime, hence the sum of the divisors application. As for whatever the 1331st prime is, that's probably still too big. So since there is an etymologically related word on my mind, this example in the Primes elision:
CEDED = 5+11+7+11+7=41. Now, 41 is a nice matching target for a reduction. Or, primes can work the other way. The 41st prime number is 179. Here's a nice word that equals that, CONSTITUTION. I can see that in a narrative with CEDED. For extra giggles, TWENTY FIRST =179. In case something happened on a date of the 21st of the month.
Yep, they do that shit all the time.
Now step back and think about what is wrong with this concept. The real flag here is not the false flag proclaimed in the video title. It's the red flag regarding the nature of the Primes and Trigonal elisions, and Attu knows what others already exist or will be created. They are expansions instead of reductions. In theory, you can expand based on prime numbers, and then reduce based on prime numbers in the same illogic chain. Just the way whatever SUCEED FROM.THE UNION was expanded beyond simple ordinal, then reduced back down. I threw in the 21st comment anticipating something like, "I didn't like the ordinal value of 21, so let me expand it to 41, and now change it back to 21. In this case you have magical proof numerology works, mostly in practice you will get a different number, maybe one you like better.
Time to cut tho off. I have some specific thoughts about the word, "Not" to share that for continuity will be my next post. For now, the explanation of the post title. If you prime a pump too much, like the primer button on a gas lawn mower, it wont operate with a flooded engine. The entire idea of arriving at a number and then immediately changing it to another number gets more and more bogus all the time. Considering the shit in gematria, sump pump seems to nail the description down perfectly.
Our story begins with a new video from Hubbard posted on YouTube August 12th. Even finishing the book can't stop him from multiple daily blog posts and of course the Charlotte incident, not surprisingly called a false flag.
One commented, Zenith of the Alpha, is high enough in the gematria food chain to keep up his own blog. On this video he had to add his two cents with:
My gut reaction was to just assume he was applying the Fillipino mispelllling version to the word SUCCEED. Silly me. I should have known anything regarding a positive such as SUCCESS has no business in gematria. The second offering in the same comment makes it clear:
SUCEED FROM THE UNION = 666 (primes)
Tumultuous turtle turds, Batman! You mean. SECEDE from the Union. Don't you morons have spell checking? Sure lots of people mispronounce this like suh-seed instead of seh-seed, but spell check only recommends SUCCEED for replacing SUCEED. So, since the Kelvinator's online calculator doesn't have the Primes elision (cipher), I had to calculate it by hand, myself. Doing this I SUCCEEDED in duplicating the 666 total.
67+71+5+11+11+7 + 13+61+47+41 +71+19+11 +73+43+23+47+43=666
Using SUCEED instead of SECEDE.
But this phase of the story ain't dun, yet. Hubbard posted a comment following, as well as the Kelvinator. And this is near the top, one of the first comments on the video. And nobody mentions the misspelling. Why am I not surprised.
Now to phase three. Too many ciphers, and what you are allowed to do with them that is acceptable. The Kelvinator's comment regarded a total of 1331 achieved in the Primes elision. There is some prettiness to this number. It's 11 cubed. As gets pointed out, this number isn't really 1331. It's the sum of the divisors, so 11+11+11 =33. At least in this case, it doesn't HAVE to be 33, just can be if want it to. Another obvious use is to mean 13 and/or 31 since it contains the two digit number and its mirror image. Yep. They do that all the time.
Inevitably, when confronted with a number that's too large to directly match the match is forced. Here we have 1331 being shaved down to a more easily matched two digit number.
Another frequent trick is to use prime number lists. 1331 as we have seen does not have the decency to be prime, hence the sum of the divisors application. As for whatever the 1331st prime is, that's probably still too big. So since there is an etymologically related word on my mind, this example in the Primes elision:
CEDED = 5+11+7+11+7=41. Now, 41 is a nice matching target for a reduction. Or, primes can work the other way. The 41st prime number is 179. Here's a nice word that equals that, CONSTITUTION. I can see that in a narrative with CEDED. For extra giggles, TWENTY FIRST =179. In case something happened on a date of the 21st of the month.
Yep, they do that shit all the time.
Now step back and think about what is wrong with this concept. The real flag here is not the false flag proclaimed in the video title. It's the red flag regarding the nature of the Primes and Trigonal elisions, and Attu knows what others already exist or will be created. They are expansions instead of reductions. In theory, you can expand based on prime numbers, and then reduce based on prime numbers in the same illogic chain. Just the way whatever SUCEED FROM.THE UNION was expanded beyond simple ordinal, then reduced back down. I threw in the 21st comment anticipating something like, "I didn't like the ordinal value of 21, so let me expand it to 41, and now change it back to 21. In this case you have magical proof numerology works, mostly in practice you will get a different number, maybe one you like better.
Time to cut tho off. I have some specific thoughts about the word, "Not" to share that for continuity will be my next post. For now, the explanation of the post title. If you prime a pump too much, like the primer button on a gas lawn mower, it wont operate with a flooded engine. The entire idea of arriving at a number and then immediately changing it to another number gets more and more bogus all the time. Considering the shit in gematria, sump pump seems to nail the description down perfectly.
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Cipheragette City
Resuming our book tour here. Hubbard's chapter four:
The Kabbalah, Septenary and Chaldean Ciphers
Whoa, Nelly! The Kabbalah? The previous chapter with the 7 complimentary (sic) ciphers includes tributes to Hebrew gematria. Can you get any more Jewish than having a cipher named Kabbalah? What's this doing in the next chapter? Who do you have to sleep with in this town to make it to the title of complimentary cipher? Or maybe in the case of Kabbalah you start as a page, become a squire and eventually a Jewish princess grants you cipherhood? Can you take a shortcut and defeat the Satanic Cipher in battle and instantly become ciphered? Who's making up these rules on which ciphers are foundational, complimentary, and also ran the race but everyone knows not to bet on that pony? So many questions.
There's four foundational ciphers. Seven complementary ciphers. Three more here. And that's all mentions in the chapter list. 14 elisions. You missed even acknowledging the others in the chapter list, and there are about 5,731,982,910 others. The elision manufacturing plant in Cipheragette City is working overtime, wham, bam thank you ma'am! (Hmmm.....apostrophe....maybe that should be maa'm?)
There are clearly more used on a regular basis than the 14. The 3 from this chapter don't even realm count, they're so rarely used. I've seen screenshots that show 24 different elisions on the same page. I've seen reference to Manly P. Hall suggesting there are over 200 ciphers. I'm sure there is some overlap, but how many elisions do you need?
I think tho fiasco falls squarely on the shoulders of the Kelvinator and his spreadsheet. It is a masterful work of engineering database info. It is extremely convenient. It's free. So everyone uses it, including me. But they've gotten too greedy and there are too many elisions. Any scholarly observation quickly sees historically a single elision was used compared to the text source. Not matching between multiple systems, always discarding the numbers you don't like. Anybody with a crude understanding o statistics can understand this. One system. One match. 200 systems, one match and 199 mismatches. Where's the synchronicity in that?
The Primes elision has just popped up recently. Instead of a=1,'s a=2, b=3, c=5 and onward through the list if primes. Now the word CAB has a distinctly different value of 10 that it never had before. And this just appeared out of thin air at most months ago. Same for Trigonal. A=1, B=3, C=6, D=10....(start with 1, 1+2, 1+2+3, 1+2+3+4, etc....). More new numbers. Also just recently discovered. Or more likely invented by the Kelvinator himself. I highly doubt Manly Hall even knew what triangular numbers were much less having a misnamed cipher based in them.
Go ahead and add as many elisions as you want. It just makes you look silly. Not as silly as some of the other tricks, but still laughable. Watch out for something I'm keeping an eye out for. These newer prime and trigonal elisions have created larger numbers, so the range is extending beyond two digit and low three digit results. Conceivably a system could be created that word Xxxxx=1234 in system 1, and 456 in system two. All other words that equal 1234 in S1 always equal 456 in S2. I wil find it. Trust me.
The Kabbalah, Septenary and Chaldean Ciphers
Whoa, Nelly! The Kabbalah? The previous chapter with the 7 complimentary (sic) ciphers includes tributes to Hebrew gematria. Can you get any more Jewish than having a cipher named Kabbalah? What's this doing in the next chapter? Who do you have to sleep with in this town to make it to the title of complimentary cipher? Or maybe in the case of Kabbalah you start as a page, become a squire and eventually a Jewish princess grants you cipherhood? Can you take a shortcut and defeat the Satanic Cipher in battle and instantly become ciphered? Who's making up these rules on which ciphers are foundational, complimentary, and also ran the race but everyone knows not to bet on that pony? So many questions.
There's four foundational ciphers. Seven complementary ciphers. Three more here. And that's all mentions in the chapter list. 14 elisions. You missed even acknowledging the others in the chapter list, and there are about 5,731,982,910 others. The elision manufacturing plant in Cipheragette City is working overtime, wham, bam thank you ma'am! (Hmmm.....apostrophe....maybe that should be maa'm?)
There are clearly more used on a regular basis than the 14. The 3 from this chapter don't even realm count, they're so rarely used. I've seen screenshots that show 24 different elisions on the same page. I've seen reference to Manly P. Hall suggesting there are over 200 ciphers. I'm sure there is some overlap, but how many elisions do you need?
I think tho fiasco falls squarely on the shoulders of the Kelvinator and his spreadsheet. It is a masterful work of engineering database info. It is extremely convenient. It's free. So everyone uses it, including me. But they've gotten too greedy and there are too many elisions. Any scholarly observation quickly sees historically a single elision was used compared to the text source. Not matching between multiple systems, always discarding the numbers you don't like. Anybody with a crude understanding o statistics can understand this. One system. One match. 200 systems, one match and 199 mismatches. Where's the synchronicity in that?
The Primes elision has just popped up recently. Instead of a=1,'s a=2, b=3, c=5 and onward through the list if primes. Now the word CAB has a distinctly different value of 10 that it never had before. And this just appeared out of thin air at most months ago. Same for Trigonal. A=1, B=3, C=6, D=10....(start with 1, 1+2, 1+2+3, 1+2+3+4, etc....). More new numbers. Also just recently discovered. Or more likely invented by the Kelvinator himself. I highly doubt Manly Hall even knew what triangular numbers were much less having a misnamed cipher based in them.
Go ahead and add as many elisions as you want. It just makes you look silly. Not as silly as some of the other tricks, but still laughable. Watch out for something I'm keeping an eye out for. These newer prime and trigonal elisions have created larger numbers, so the range is extending beyond two digit and low three digit results. Conceivably a system could be created that word Xxxxx=1234 in system 1, and 456 in system two. All other words that equal 1234 in S1 always equal 456 in S2. I wil find it. Trust me.
Monday, August 14, 2017
Scary Simpsons Twins Apufeemia
Holy Doublemint Gum! There is something to the Simpsons Illuminati connection! Look at all the twins! Yeah, the Illuminati is mocking us by hiding information in an entertainment show instead of, like, a documentary about twins.
Bart has a double in Double Double, Boy in Trouble. There's a Halloween episode where his conjoined twin is chained in the attic. Patty and Selma are Marge's twin sisters. Sherri and Terri are the snotty twins that go to Springfield school. Rod and Todd might not be twins, but they look like they could be.
There's probably a ton more. I'm going to have to twinge watch....I mean binge watch all the episodes and look for clues! Twins are so rare surely I'm on to something here.
Also, think about this. All the different characters. And the credits only show a few names. A lot of these characters sound an awful lot alike, like they could be voiced by ......
somebody's twin! Just didn't get listed in the credits.
Further proof. I hardly ever post twice a day anymore. This is my second today! Gotta spray some Illuminati repellent around...they're out to get me!
Bart has a double in Double Double, Boy in Trouble. There's a Halloween episode where his conjoined twin is chained in the attic. Patty and Selma are Marge's twin sisters. Sherri and Terri are the snotty twins that go to Springfield school. Rod and Todd might not be twins, but they look like they could be.
There's probably a ton more. I'm going to have to twinge watch....I mean binge watch all the episodes and look for clues! Twins are so rare surely I'm on to something here.
Also, think about this. All the different characters. And the credits only show a few names. A lot of these characters sound an awful lot alike, like they could be voiced by ......
somebody's twin! Just didn't get listed in the credits.
Further proof. I hardly ever post twice a day anymore. This is my second today! Gotta spray some Illuminati repellent around...they're out to get me!
Twinfirmation Bias
Gotta love Dan's remarkable ability to latch on to a topic and beat it to death. Then like a toddler who gets tired of the new toy moves along to play with the packaging until the next new toy arrives.
There's an inevitable transition period between topics. Which is often quite bizarre. Since were dealing with the same two digit numbers daily the numbers are always there for any topic. It's just a matter of what is on his mind. Transition periods often initiate a new topic and have scattered references to the prior topic. And they make absolutely no sense in combination. Space, NASA, Houston, Moon, Jesuits!, John Glenn, Saturn, Society of Jesus! Most of the other regulars don't do this.
Now, after a hiatus, he's back to twins. Superficially twins seem rare enough to be regarded as special, but in reality are drastically more common than most people would think.
A lot of the glamour around twins is driven by society's desire for some sense of perfection. And marketing preying upon that. Not perfection in the sense of Swedish Bikini Team identical twins with blonde hair, blue eyes, perfect alabaster skin and bilateral symmetry. Just seeing resemblance. Pattern recognition.
A couple of weeks ago some people met my brother for the first time. It's was to see that we are brothers; we look similar. Lots of siblings presumably from the same genetic make up look similar. (In other words, their mothers were visited by Attu The Wonder Turtle disguised as their father unexpectedly returning from battle for a night of passion and Scrabble with the mother.) And think of how many times two complete strangers are compared and it's commented how they look like twins. Or at least brothers/sisters. It happens. It's natural to not be a Durp and note similarity. You don't, on the other hand, ever meet two complete strangers and remark, "Well, holy fucking shit! They look so completely unlike each other! I'll betcha they AREN'T twins!"
Marketing jumps on the twinning by producing twin strollers, bikes, twin packs of paper, twin headed, di....mechanical massage aiding devices, twin packs of food, twin bill movies and ball games, etc....
There's an awfully lot of false twinning going on because the concept sounds prettier than saying, "Two." But what of actual real honest to gosh twin twins? Not quadruplets, a twin set of twins, but actual two people born of the same womb at roughly the same time.
Roughly 140,000 twins are born in the US every year. 2% of the US population are actual twins. Just in the US alone. That's about 7 million. That doesn't include triplets, etc...
An in depth analysis of medical issues of multiple birth longevity is beyond the scope of this blog, but one can presume it's in the ballpark of average. Twins are here and not going away any time soon.
Add on all the false twinning. Some specific kinds that have already been used in Dan's narratives and can reasonably be expected. The Minnesota Twins. Now everything about Minnesota is in the database. State number it entered the union, the gematria of the word Minnesota, GPS coordinates, blah, blah, blah. Twin cities. Paris, Texas and Paris, France. Arnold because of the movie Twins. Celebrity look alike contests and Elvis impersonators. Random people that look alike. We've already had specific mention of the same tattoo being encountered (granted, in combination with other physical similarities.). The list of what qualifies as a twin can get insane. And probably will.
Because that's how Dan operates. Now that Twins are on his mind he will latch on to it and the confirmation bias will suck out every bit if rational thought. Now the two digit numbers that used to mean Houston Rockets basketball and therefore space will turn into twins.
Not sure if I shared this joke before. Long time ago the paper reported on the winner of a Cher look a like contest. They had the picture of Cher and the winner side by side. The writer missed a golden opportunity to caption the pictures:
Cher and Cher alike.
There was a resemblance. Any such contest it can be assumed that in this case the winner would look like Cher, as opposed to looking like Nicholas Cage. Now thanks to numerology we are trending to Nicholas Cage look alike winning the Cher look alike contest because they were in a movie tog....oh outer space theme!
There's an inevitable transition period between topics. Which is often quite bizarre. Since were dealing with the same two digit numbers daily the numbers are always there for any topic. It's just a matter of what is on his mind. Transition periods often initiate a new topic and have scattered references to the prior topic. And they make absolutely no sense in combination. Space, NASA, Houston, Moon, Jesuits!, John Glenn, Saturn, Society of Jesus! Most of the other regulars don't do this.
Now, after a hiatus, he's back to twins. Superficially twins seem rare enough to be regarded as special, but in reality are drastically more common than most people would think.
A lot of the glamour around twins is driven by society's desire for some sense of perfection. And marketing preying upon that. Not perfection in the sense of Swedish Bikini Team identical twins with blonde hair, blue eyes, perfect alabaster skin and bilateral symmetry. Just seeing resemblance. Pattern recognition.
A couple of weeks ago some people met my brother for the first time. It's was to see that we are brothers; we look similar. Lots of siblings presumably from the same genetic make up look similar. (In other words, their mothers were visited by Attu The Wonder Turtle disguised as their father unexpectedly returning from battle for a night of passion and Scrabble with the mother.) And think of how many times two complete strangers are compared and it's commented how they look like twins. Or at least brothers/sisters. It happens. It's natural to not be a Durp and note similarity. You don't, on the other hand, ever meet two complete strangers and remark, "Well, holy fucking shit! They look so completely unlike each other! I'll betcha they AREN'T twins!"
Marketing jumps on the twinning by producing twin strollers, bikes, twin packs of paper, twin headed, di....mechanical massage aiding devices, twin packs of food, twin bill movies and ball games, etc....
There's an awfully lot of false twinning going on because the concept sounds prettier than saying, "Two." But what of actual real honest to gosh twin twins? Not quadruplets, a twin set of twins, but actual two people born of the same womb at roughly the same time.
Roughly 140,000 twins are born in the US every year. 2% of the US population are actual twins. Just in the US alone. That's about 7 million. That doesn't include triplets, etc...
An in depth analysis of medical issues of multiple birth longevity is beyond the scope of this blog, but one can presume it's in the ballpark of average. Twins are here and not going away any time soon.
Add on all the false twinning. Some specific kinds that have already been used in Dan's narratives and can reasonably be expected. The Minnesota Twins. Now everything about Minnesota is in the database. State number it entered the union, the gematria of the word Minnesota, GPS coordinates, blah, blah, blah. Twin cities. Paris, Texas and Paris, France. Arnold because of the movie Twins. Celebrity look alike contests and Elvis impersonators. Random people that look alike. We've already had specific mention of the same tattoo being encountered (granted, in combination with other physical similarities.). The list of what qualifies as a twin can get insane. And probably will.
Because that's how Dan operates. Now that Twins are on his mind he will latch on to it and the confirmation bias will suck out every bit if rational thought. Now the two digit numbers that used to mean Houston Rockets basketball and therefore space will turn into twins.
Not sure if I shared this joke before. Long time ago the paper reported on the winner of a Cher look a like contest. They had the picture of Cher and the winner side by side. The writer missed a golden opportunity to caption the pictures:
Cher and Cher alike.
There was a resemblance. Any such contest it can be assumed that in this case the winner would look like Cher, as opposed to looking like Nicholas Cage. Now thanks to numerology we are trending to Nicholas Cage look alike winning the Cher look alike contest because they were in a movie tog....oh outer space theme!
Sunday, August 13, 2017
Truth Vs. Hoax/Miscellaneous
One item of business then on to some quirky things I've noticed.
Like many of the group of sane people that encounter the conspiracy crowd, I'm fed up with how everything is instantaneously declared a hoax. Celebrity death - faked. Mall shooting - drill. Terrorist bombing - false flag. Yadda yadda blah, blah, blah. It doesn't matter what format the conspiratard uses, the evidence is virtually nonexistent. The numerological refutation is simple with an antonym.
One reminder is that they love to copy and past things from headlines, as if more credibility is given to a phrase than a single word. For example, BULLET and QUIET both equal 72. So the SINGER how is also 72 that gets shot matches BULLET and you can ignore QUIET.
Remember as well that they've inherited the entire language. And when you present something with no evidence there's just your word versus the rest of the sane world. That's where the power of the antonym comes in to play.
TRUTHFUL and HOAXES both equal 90 in the reverse elision (cipher). This is a high grade antonym pair since they are directly contrary and equal in the same elision. The only possible complaint is the pluralization of hoax. But, as you've inherited the entire language, you inherit full sentences. "CNN reports are all hoaxes" and "CNN reports are all truthful" equal the exact same in the reverse elision. Or any other not awkward sentence you choose.
How many more ways can you misuse an apostrophe? I've seen these used wrong.
1. Contractions - It's vs. Its
2. Possessives- Missing in 'my girlfriends birthday.'
3. Possessives in wrong spot - The Simpson's instead of correct, The Simpsons'.
4. Date abbreviation - 92' instead of '92.
5. Missing in identifying a letter as representative of a list. Like, "mind your p's and q's.". The Sandy Hook gematria mentioned a bit ago had the original narratives on the little known (translate- bullshit) system of "removing the As in LANZA."
6. Just yesterday. Should of. No. Dammit, you mean "should've", the contraction for should have.
Here's one for Dan's Apufeemia. The Simpsons "Stop or My Dog Will Shoot". Bart fantasizes his robot dog handles his attack by a Hellrsiser Cenobite - and a math book. The book has the Pythagorean theorem on the front cover. Later, Skinner has the class arrange themselves for a head count, finally settling for order by last name with numerical values assigned to the letters in their name - the ordinal elision.
John Chandler Smith equals 666 in the English elision. The values in this elision are disparate and finding out what middle name John Smith shouldn't have to be the antichrist is limited. Pat works, too. So if you call John Patrick Smith John Pat Smith, he is also evil.
Ashley Greene is also 666.
Thomas Cruise.
That's one that numerology got right. No wonder he just goes by Tom.
AZZA has the distinction of being a word palindrome and a reverse vs simple numerical palindrome.
This is somewhat off color if that bothers you.
While researching the Vesica Pigskinis post I realized that Vesica could be the real name of Jessica Simpson. Think about this. She and Tony Romo were a thing. Maybe she was trying to use Tony to get to her real target, Deion Sanders. Who went to Florida State. This would make her a Seminole Vesical.
A lot of this makes me think that Monty Python is an untapped apufeemia resource. Jessica Simpson. The Simpsons episode above has Bart getting a pet python. JPF has English elision value off 666. The Judaen People's Front from Life of Brian.
Like many of the group of sane people that encounter the conspiracy crowd, I'm fed up with how everything is instantaneously declared a hoax. Celebrity death - faked. Mall shooting - drill. Terrorist bombing - false flag. Yadda yadda blah, blah, blah. It doesn't matter what format the conspiratard uses, the evidence is virtually nonexistent. The numerological refutation is simple with an antonym.
One reminder is that they love to copy and past things from headlines, as if more credibility is given to a phrase than a single word. For example, BULLET and QUIET both equal 72. So the SINGER how is also 72 that gets shot matches BULLET and you can ignore QUIET.
Remember as well that they've inherited the entire language. And when you present something with no evidence there's just your word versus the rest of the sane world. That's where the power of the antonym comes in to play.
TRUTHFUL and HOAXES both equal 90 in the reverse elision (cipher). This is a high grade antonym pair since they are directly contrary and equal in the same elision. The only possible complaint is the pluralization of hoax. But, as you've inherited the entire language, you inherit full sentences. "CNN reports are all hoaxes" and "CNN reports are all truthful" equal the exact same in the reverse elision. Or any other not awkward sentence you choose.
How many more ways can you misuse an apostrophe? I've seen these used wrong.
1. Contractions - It's vs. Its
2. Possessives- Missing in 'my girlfriends birthday.'
3. Possessives in wrong spot - The Simpson's instead of correct, The Simpsons'.
4. Date abbreviation - 92' instead of '92.
5. Missing in identifying a letter as representative of a list. Like, "mind your p's and q's.". The Sandy Hook gematria mentioned a bit ago had the original narratives on the little known (translate- bullshit) system of "removing the As in LANZA."
6. Just yesterday. Should of. No. Dammit, you mean "should've", the contraction for should have.
Here's one for Dan's Apufeemia. The Simpsons "Stop or My Dog Will Shoot". Bart fantasizes his robot dog handles his attack by a Hellrsiser Cenobite - and a math book. The book has the Pythagorean theorem on the front cover. Later, Skinner has the class arrange themselves for a head count, finally settling for order by last name with numerical values assigned to the letters in their name - the ordinal elision.
John Chandler Smith equals 666 in the English elision. The values in this elision are disparate and finding out what middle name John Smith shouldn't have to be the antichrist is limited. Pat works, too. So if you call John Patrick Smith John Pat Smith, he is also evil.
Ashley Greene is also 666.
Thomas Cruise.
That's one that numerology got right. No wonder he just goes by Tom.
AZZA has the distinction of being a word palindrome and a reverse vs simple numerical palindrome.
This is somewhat off color if that bothers you.
While researching the Vesica Pigskinis post I realized that Vesica could be the real name of Jessica Simpson. Think about this. She and Tony Romo were a thing. Maybe she was trying to use Tony to get to her real target, Deion Sanders. Who went to Florida State. This would make her a Seminole Vesical.
A lot of this makes me think that Monty Python is an untapped apufeemia resource. Jessica Simpson. The Simpsons episode above has Bart getting a pet python. JPF has English elision value off 666. The Judaen People's Front from Life of Brian.
Saturday, August 12, 2017
Some More Apufeemia And Another Chapter Title
I was going for chapter four originally, but since Dan had an interesting post yesterday we'll skip ahead.
Hubbard's chapter 6:
Sacred Geometry is Where Language, Letter, Number, Shape, & Symbol Meet.
Not having anything more than the title to go on for chapter five I don't have any specific complaints about it. Just heavy suspicions about how vague master numbers are handled. From a writing standpoint though, chapter five is, "Numbers As Language, 1-10, 11, 22 and Sometimes 33."
The consistency of inconsistency in gematria matters continues. In chapter five, after the 22 there's no comma. The word 'and' is spelled out. Chapter six has an Oxford comma after 'Shape' and an ampersand instead of 'and'. Neither is wrong, but sloppy to not match. This could be on purpose to defend the inconsistency in when so called master numbers aren't that masterful. But I don't give him that much credit.
Shape AND Symbol. Do you know what a symbol is? A lion is a symbol of courage. Attu the Wonder Turtle is painted on tribal shields as a symbol of indomitable fighting spirit and exceedingly good taste in designer sweaters, striking fear into the enemy making their brave warriors swoon and women tremble. Something concrete represents something else. Symbol alone is sufficient. Geometric shapes are often used in symbols. As for straight up geometry, you botch that up all the time. Just look at your Pi bavardage.
But this episode is really more about Dan's apophenia. Technically not the case here, but close.
Dan watched part if an episode of Gravity Falls and his eagle eye noticed multiple freemasonry references. Now he has to watch all of the episodes to get more clues.
I never saw this show before, so I checked out the Internet and watched episode 13 from season one. (Notice, that's 'one', not '1'.) Yes there is occult symbolism, hence the tie in to the book chapter narrative above. This in itself is not apophenia. It's not disguised in the slightest. It's part of the premise of the show. Dan's efforts are akin to proudly reporting James Bond references in Get Smart. Holy shcnitzel! He's agent 86! A number, just like James Bond has a number! And there's fancy spy gadgets! Just like Bond! The Apufeemia is threatened. He intends to watch the whole series for clues about how this show is made to either promote the Illuminati evil agenda or try to wake up the mindless sheep to avoid the evil Illuminati agenda. In other words, manufacturing big deal about nothing.
The creator, Alex Hirsch, admits being influenced by the Simpsons. Maybe there really is something to this Apufeemia specific to Dan. The female voice lead (this is animation) is Kristen Schaal. Whether she talks like that normally or she is always in character as something of a ditz, she has a distinctive pattern of speech that rivals Jennifer Tilly in annoyance value. She's a comedian. The show is a comedy.
Since the occult is part of the pop culture referencing, occult symbolism is used. What's the kids' uncle supposed to wear instead of a freemasonry style fez? A baseball cap? The episode I watched had a supernatural creature called a Gremloblin or Gremgoblin. The setting is The Mystery Shack. It's just for fun. I'm sure the first thing Dan will notice is that these things and remark that it's episode 13. 13. Friday the 13th. 13 Ghosts. That must mean something. I chose it because I only had 13, 14, 15 and 16 available and picked the first one that was the least number of button pushes on my remote. And then I followed up by not doing any meaningless numerology.
Hubbard's chapter 6:
Sacred Geometry is Where Language, Letter, Number, Shape, & Symbol Meet.
Not having anything more than the title to go on for chapter five I don't have any specific complaints about it. Just heavy suspicions about how vague master numbers are handled. From a writing standpoint though, chapter five is, "Numbers As Language, 1-10, 11, 22 and Sometimes 33."
The consistency of inconsistency in gematria matters continues. In chapter five, after the 22 there's no comma. The word 'and' is spelled out. Chapter six has an Oxford comma after 'Shape' and an ampersand instead of 'and'. Neither is wrong, but sloppy to not match. This could be on purpose to defend the inconsistency in when so called master numbers aren't that masterful. But I don't give him that much credit.
Shape AND Symbol. Do you know what a symbol is? A lion is a symbol of courage. Attu the Wonder Turtle is painted on tribal shields as a symbol of indomitable fighting spirit and exceedingly good taste in designer sweaters, striking fear into the enemy making their brave warriors swoon and women tremble. Something concrete represents something else. Symbol alone is sufficient. Geometric shapes are often used in symbols. As for straight up geometry, you botch that up all the time. Just look at your Pi bavardage.
But this episode is really more about Dan's apophenia. Technically not the case here, but close.
Dan watched part if an episode of Gravity Falls and his eagle eye noticed multiple freemasonry references. Now he has to watch all of the episodes to get more clues.
I never saw this show before, so I checked out the Internet and watched episode 13 from season one. (Notice, that's 'one', not '1'.) Yes there is occult symbolism, hence the tie in to the book chapter narrative above. This in itself is not apophenia. It's not disguised in the slightest. It's part of the premise of the show. Dan's efforts are akin to proudly reporting James Bond references in Get Smart. Holy shcnitzel! He's agent 86! A number, just like James Bond has a number! And there's fancy spy gadgets! Just like Bond! The Apufeemia is threatened. He intends to watch the whole series for clues about how this show is made to either promote the Illuminati evil agenda or try to wake up the mindless sheep to avoid the evil Illuminati agenda. In other words, manufacturing big deal about nothing.
The creator, Alex Hirsch, admits being influenced by the Simpsons. Maybe there really is something to this Apufeemia specific to Dan. The female voice lead (this is animation) is Kristen Schaal. Whether she talks like that normally or she is always in character as something of a ditz, she has a distinctive pattern of speech that rivals Jennifer Tilly in annoyance value. She's a comedian. The show is a comedy.
Since the occult is part of the pop culture referencing, occult symbolism is used. What's the kids' uncle supposed to wear instead of a freemasonry style fez? A baseball cap? The episode I watched had a supernatural creature called a Gremloblin or Gremgoblin. The setting is The Mystery Shack. It's just for fun. I'm sure the first thing Dan will notice is that these things and remark that it's episode 13. 13. Friday the 13th. 13 Ghosts. That must mean something. I chose it because I only had 13, 14, 15 and 16 available and picked the first one that was the least number of button pushes on my remote. And then I followed up by not doing any meaningless numerology.
Friday, August 11, 2017
Building A House From The Attic Down
Let's move on to Hubbard's chapter 2. Yes, I started with chapter 3. I'm holding true to the time honored tradition of gematria doing things ass backward, like starting with the conclusion and forcing the numerology to work the narrative.
2. The 4 Foundational English Ciphers and the Geometry of the English Language
I don't like that 4 in there. This is a book about numbers and words. Generally accepted good grammar has you spell out the words one through nine. Optional for larger numbers. As with the 7 in chapter 3 and other chapters this is consistently misused. Just to get the record straight as long as I'm giving free proofreading.
Foundational? I'm pretty sure you don't really know what this means. It sounds pretty and scholarly. But there's another reason I started with chapter 3. That chapter referred to the "7 Complimentary English Ciphers, Tributes to Hebrew Gematria and Greek Isopsephy." (sic)
The complementary ciphers are paying tribute to the foundation. A foundation is a basis to be built upon, like the foundation of a building. You don't start building at the attic and work down, unless you want a house that looks like it was designed by Frank Lloyd Wrong.
Without being listed I have a pretty good idea that the four elisions (ciphers) in question are ordinal, reverse and the corresponding reductions. As near as I can tell the reverse systems were created (acknowledged, if you believe these guys) in early 2017, maybe late 2016. You can't have a foundation started years after using certain numbering systems that didn't include the foundation. And pay tribute to historical systems that didn't use them. I haven't seen any ancient texts or old work showing the Greeks or Hebrews used reductions or reverse alphabetical order.
Now is a good time to remind everyone of a huge problem with the reverse ordinal system. Since by misnaming it foundational you are acknowledging its importance. ARE and WERE, the present and past tense if the same verb, both equal 57 in reverse numbering. The odds that a supremely powerful force has guided all our language, to make numerology instead of just words, allowing such a simple confusion to exist is somewhere between zero and zero. And zero doesn't count.
I don't know if a direct antonym of geometry exists. I know that 108 is used to mean geometry in Gematria in the sense of "look how cool this word is, it equals 108! That's geometry/gematriot!" I do know geometry is a course taught in school. There are other things about school that =108. Health is 108. I had health education in high school. We got to talk about sperm and ovaries and stuff. And speaking of health, HEALTHY and SICKLY are direct antonyms with the same numerology. Business is 108 in both ordinal ND reverse, just like geometry. That seems appropriate because the math was easier. Me and my fellow nerds always looked down on the poor schlubs in the business curriculum. And unlike GEOMETRY, BUSINESS has the added benefit of equaling 666 in the English elision. Another thing that could happen to a school student is getting kicked out. Like trying to pretend numerology has any semblance to real math could lead to. EXPULSION =108. I think since like the Kelvinator said, all numbers have duality, I'll use that last one when I'm told 108 has to equal geometry in narratives.
2. The 4 Foundational English Ciphers and the Geometry of the English Language
I don't like that 4 in there. This is a book about numbers and words. Generally accepted good grammar has you spell out the words one through nine. Optional for larger numbers. As with the 7 in chapter 3 and other chapters this is consistently misused. Just to get the record straight as long as I'm giving free proofreading.
Foundational? I'm pretty sure you don't really know what this means. It sounds pretty and scholarly. But there's another reason I started with chapter 3. That chapter referred to the "7 Complimentary English Ciphers, Tributes to Hebrew Gematria and Greek Isopsephy." (sic)
The complementary ciphers are paying tribute to the foundation. A foundation is a basis to be built upon, like the foundation of a building. You don't start building at the attic and work down, unless you want a house that looks like it was designed by Frank Lloyd Wrong.
Without being listed I have a pretty good idea that the four elisions (ciphers) in question are ordinal, reverse and the corresponding reductions. As near as I can tell the reverse systems were created (acknowledged, if you believe these guys) in early 2017, maybe late 2016. You can't have a foundation started years after using certain numbering systems that didn't include the foundation. And pay tribute to historical systems that didn't use them. I haven't seen any ancient texts or old work showing the Greeks or Hebrews used reductions or reverse alphabetical order.
Now is a good time to remind everyone of a huge problem with the reverse ordinal system. Since by misnaming it foundational you are acknowledging its importance. ARE and WERE, the present and past tense if the same verb, both equal 57 in reverse numbering. The odds that a supremely powerful force has guided all our language, to make numerology instead of just words, allowing such a simple confusion to exist is somewhere between zero and zero. And zero doesn't count.
I don't know if a direct antonym of geometry exists. I know that 108 is used to mean geometry in Gematria in the sense of "look how cool this word is, it equals 108! That's geometry/gematriot!" I do know geometry is a course taught in school. There are other things about school that =108. Health is 108. I had health education in high school. We got to talk about sperm and ovaries and stuff. And speaking of health, HEALTHY and SICKLY are direct antonyms with the same numerology. Business is 108 in both ordinal ND reverse, just like geometry. That seems appropriate because the math was easier. Me and my fellow nerds always looked down on the poor schlubs in the business curriculum. And unlike GEOMETRY, BUSINESS has the added benefit of equaling 666 in the English elision. Another thing that could happen to a school student is getting kicked out. Like trying to pretend numerology has any semblance to real math could lead to. EXPULSION =108. I think since like the Kelvinator said, all numbers have duality, I'll use that last one when I'm told 108 has to equal geometry in narratives.
Thursday, August 10, 2017
Have An Angle For Dessert, On The House
It has been about a week, so reasonable proofreading time has gone by. That opportunity has gone for this to be caught by Hubbard on his own. His chapter outline includes:
3. The 7 Complimentary English Ciphers, Tributes to Hebrew Gematria and Greek Isopsephy.
Compl*i*mentary. Like, "That's a nice suit you have on today.". Or, "Here's our famous Obtuse Pi for dessert, compliments of the house. Can I cut you am angle?"
Normally I can be forgiving for this mistake. These words are often confused. They are etymologically similar and the meaning is close. However, here it's effect is magnified because of its part in the grad scheme.
As we are reminded further down in the chapter list, this is Sacred Geometry. Geometry is important. One of the most common uses for the word 'complementary' is math and geometry.
Get this, the angles in a triangle sum up to 180 degrees. Always. So if you have a right triangle, one of those angles, by definition, is a 90 degree angle. The other two angles have to total the other 90 degrees out of the total of 180. These are the complementary angles of a right triangle. Which is why -
The Pythagorean Theorem works.
Good old Pythie. Revered as some kind of mythical super being. Part of the core of Sacred Geometry. Studied and documented in a slew of blog posts after Hubbard's YouTube channel was shut down (and presumably before that). And you can't even use the correct word 'complementary' in your chapter index.
I doubt the normal commenters would pick up on this. The kinds of people with such wonderful comments about "soap is poisonous" and "the hottest it gets on Venus is 462 degrees". But there is somebody in Hubbard's camp I do expect should have noticed this by now. Fellow calls himself Trutharicy or something close to that. Calls himself a polymath(think Renaissance man) and etymologist. And he just wrote a book. He went to bat for Hubbard and put out a supportive video during the channel shutdown. He must know Hubbard is writing this book. One might expect him to offer up his word knowledge on proofreading. Maybe his price is too steep.
Also, if the gematria universe wasn't so soulless and gloomy the mistake could have been caught by the ok jokes. Google something like "complimentary angle joke" and lol for images. It's been beats to death. One angle calls the other a-cute angle. The other responds that the first is too. The third angle (the 90 degree one, if you've been paying attention) tells them they are right together. Yuck yuck yuck har har har.
Until it gets edited you can find this in Hubbard's blog post from about a week ago. And I do have the screenshot. Editing doesn't change the embarrassment of a mistake that shouldn't have been made in the first place by someone that puts undue importance on words.
3. The 7 Complimentary English Ciphers, Tributes to Hebrew Gematria and Greek Isopsephy.
Compl*i*mentary. Like, "That's a nice suit you have on today.". Or, "Here's our famous Obtuse Pi for dessert, compliments of the house. Can I cut you am angle?"
Normally I can be forgiving for this mistake. These words are often confused. They are etymologically similar and the meaning is close. However, here it's effect is magnified because of its part in the grad scheme.
As we are reminded further down in the chapter list, this is Sacred Geometry. Geometry is important. One of the most common uses for the word 'complementary' is math and geometry.
Get this, the angles in a triangle sum up to 180 degrees. Always. So if you have a right triangle, one of those angles, by definition, is a 90 degree angle. The other two angles have to total the other 90 degrees out of the total of 180. These are the complementary angles of a right triangle. Which is why -
The Pythagorean Theorem works.
Good old Pythie. Revered as some kind of mythical super being. Part of the core of Sacred Geometry. Studied and documented in a slew of blog posts after Hubbard's YouTube channel was shut down (and presumably before that). And you can't even use the correct word 'complementary' in your chapter index.
I doubt the normal commenters would pick up on this. The kinds of people with such wonderful comments about "soap is poisonous" and "the hottest it gets on Venus is 462 degrees". But there is somebody in Hubbard's camp I do expect should have noticed this by now. Fellow calls himself Trutharicy or something close to that. Calls himself a polymath(think Renaissance man) and etymologist. And he just wrote a book. He went to bat for Hubbard and put out a supportive video during the channel shutdown. He must know Hubbard is writing this book. One might expect him to offer up his word knowledge on proofreading. Maybe his price is too steep.
Also, if the gematria universe wasn't so soulless and gloomy the mistake could have been caught by the ok jokes. Google something like "complimentary angle joke" and lol for images. It's been beats to death. One angle calls the other a-cute angle. The other responds that the first is too. The third angle (the 90 degree one, if you've been paying attention) tells them they are right together. Yuck yuck yuck har har har.
Until it gets edited you can find this in Hubbard's blog post from about a week ago. And I do have the screenshot. Editing doesn't change the embarrassment of a mistake that shouldn't have been made in the first place by someone that puts undue importance on words.
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
The Vesica Pigskinis
I'm not sure whether this is a Lucy Furcertain research issue or a full blown pythonym. I have seen this before and it's not going away, so it needs to be addressed somehow.
Football is rigged because the freemasons use the Vesica Piscis symbol.
From a geometrical point of view the Vesica Piscis is a shape derived when two disks overlap like in a Venn diagram. I find tho oddly appropriate because the overlap represents what matches between disk (set) 1 and disk (set) 2. In Gematria, because there is any overlap instead of being two disconnected disks, everything matches. If you want it to be. Set 1 - Boys with blue eyes. Set 2- Boys with blonde hair. Overlap, boys with blue eyes and blonde hair. In numerology, since Billy has blonde hair he matches all blue eyed people even though his eyes are brown.
The piscis part of the name is from Latin for fish, like Pisces. It's possible to have more than two disks overlapping, but if there are just two the shape is fishlike. As far as the muddled gematria universe goes this is also the shape of a football. Except that it doesn't address three dimensions. Fish are generally three dimensional, too. So whatever. I can live with that.
Historically football got the shape of the ball from rugby. Rugby balls got their shape from humankind being lazy fucks. Instead of discovering manufacturing ahead of the NIPTUCKs timetable centuries early an inflated pig bladder was used for the game ball. That's why footballs are called pigskins.
The implication is that these nearly infinitely powered, generally not very nice chaps, guided creation of our language and not just all sports, but football specifically to harbor secret numbers. Which brings up a whole bunch of questions. Why bother with rugby at all? Why aren't we assaulted with rugby stats instead of football? Rugby is still being played. Nostalgia? Why don't we throw fish around instead of footballs? Put fins on the balls to stabilize their flight? Paint them to look like Nemo? Why haven't the Dolphins won more Super Bowls? Why is it Attu the Wonder Turtle and not Arnold the Wonder Pig?
To bring things up to date and acknowledge that modern gematria has evolved I think its appropriate to change the name to the Vesica Pigskinis. You can keep the abundant supply of numbers from the original geometry, which don't really make sense as used. And certainly there's no way you'll give up on the most stat driven sport we have on the planet and switch to soccer. (Though you could get lots of matches just on 1-0 games, alone).
I've also noticed the general lack of thinking in regards to anything three dimensional. "Tornadoes move in a circular motion." They aren't circular. Can't remember cubes or UPS packages being talked about. There has to be something going on with UPS, look at all those geometrical shapes they deal with every day. I have a fitting suggestion for a three dimensional shape you can embrace as your own. Make a conical shaped hat. When the young gematricians are in school and do something that is extra special beyond just winning a cookie they get to sit in the special corner wearing the hat. And for good measure add the acronym for Doing Up Numbers Changes Everything to the cap.
And if they screw up, substitute the acronym for Doing Useless Numbers Confuses Everything.
Football is rigged because the freemasons use the Vesica Piscis symbol.
From a geometrical point of view the Vesica Piscis is a shape derived when two disks overlap like in a Venn diagram. I find tho oddly appropriate because the overlap represents what matches between disk (set) 1 and disk (set) 2. In Gematria, because there is any overlap instead of being two disconnected disks, everything matches. If you want it to be. Set 1 - Boys with blue eyes. Set 2- Boys with blonde hair. Overlap, boys with blue eyes and blonde hair. In numerology, since Billy has blonde hair he matches all blue eyed people even though his eyes are brown.
The piscis part of the name is from Latin for fish, like Pisces. It's possible to have more than two disks overlapping, but if there are just two the shape is fishlike. As far as the muddled gematria universe goes this is also the shape of a football. Except that it doesn't address three dimensions. Fish are generally three dimensional, too. So whatever. I can live with that.
Historically football got the shape of the ball from rugby. Rugby balls got their shape from humankind being lazy fucks. Instead of discovering manufacturing ahead of the NIPTUCKs timetable centuries early an inflated pig bladder was used for the game ball. That's why footballs are called pigskins.
The implication is that these nearly infinitely powered, generally not very nice chaps, guided creation of our language and not just all sports, but football specifically to harbor secret numbers. Which brings up a whole bunch of questions. Why bother with rugby at all? Why aren't we assaulted with rugby stats instead of football? Rugby is still being played. Nostalgia? Why don't we throw fish around instead of footballs? Put fins on the balls to stabilize their flight? Paint them to look like Nemo? Why haven't the Dolphins won more Super Bowls? Why is it Attu the Wonder Turtle and not Arnold the Wonder Pig?
To bring things up to date and acknowledge that modern gematria has evolved I think its appropriate to change the name to the Vesica Pigskinis. You can keep the abundant supply of numbers from the original geometry, which don't really make sense as used. And certainly there's no way you'll give up on the most stat driven sport we have on the planet and switch to soccer. (Though you could get lots of matches just on 1-0 games, alone).
I've also noticed the general lack of thinking in regards to anything three dimensional. "Tornadoes move in a circular motion." They aren't circular. Can't remember cubes or UPS packages being talked about. There has to be something going on with UPS, look at all those geometrical shapes they deal with every day. I have a fitting suggestion for a three dimensional shape you can embrace as your own. Make a conical shaped hat. When the young gematricians are in school and do something that is extra special beyond just winning a cookie they get to sit in the special corner wearing the hat. And for good measure add the acronym for Doing Up Numbers Changes Everything to the cap.
And if they screw up, substitute the acronym for Doing Useless Numbers Confuses Everything.
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
The Dangers Of PhraseShopping And Reduction Elisions
I've been over the use of copying and pasting the news headlines into your calculator. In Hubbard's post about Yung Mazi's death this was done. And something else we haven't seen much of lately.
Numerology on a completely contrived phrased not mentioned in the news articles. Bad move. Really bad move.
Mazi was gunned down after surviving previous attempts on his life.
After some numerology regarding Mazi a quick story about his compatriot, Kevin Gates pops up. Possibly suggesting that 128 and 182 are close enough, but more likely that in the simple elision (cipher) Gates real name, Jabril A, and FAKE DEATH both equal 34.
Now it's not clear if this is suggesting that Gates, who is still alive, is trying to escape media attention or if Mazi, who is really dead, faked his death to escape media attention and/or future attempts on his life. The problem is the mere existence of the phrase, "FAKE DEATH". There's no mention in the mainstream articles of any possibility this is a hoax. So it's completely made up.
I can PhraseShop reductions, too.
In addition to the simple reduction elision, I have reverse reduction elisions to work with. Fake Death =47. Jibril A =56. It's a simple process of substituting antonyms by trial and error once you get a ballpark figure of the number of letters involved.
To be somewhat flippant, HE CROAKED = 47. This has the disadvantage of only working for the male gender. It also sounds silly and forced. But it does equal 47.
DEAD AND GONE=47. That works out really well in this specific case. In addition to a relatively common phrase it's the title of a rap song.
REAL KILLING =56. Just to show that it doesn't have to be the death part of the phrase that can be played with.
MURDERED=47. Simplest and best. It's what really happened and clearly contradicts the faked scenario.
Contradictory information can almost always be manufactured in reduction elisions. The presenter of the narrative wants you to believe that their conclusion is the only valid assertion. And they always pick the most negative story, because that's what the "cool" people do.
Numerology on a completely contrived phrased not mentioned in the news articles. Bad move. Really bad move.
Mazi was gunned down after surviving previous attempts on his life.
After some numerology regarding Mazi a quick story about his compatriot, Kevin Gates pops up. Possibly suggesting that 128 and 182 are close enough, but more likely that in the simple elision (cipher) Gates real name, Jabril A, and FAKE DEATH both equal 34.
Now it's not clear if this is suggesting that Gates, who is still alive, is trying to escape media attention or if Mazi, who is really dead, faked his death to escape media attention and/or future attempts on his life. The problem is the mere existence of the phrase, "FAKE DEATH". There's no mention in the mainstream articles of any possibility this is a hoax. So it's completely made up.
I can PhraseShop reductions, too.
In addition to the simple reduction elision, I have reverse reduction elisions to work with. Fake Death =47. Jibril A =56. It's a simple process of substituting antonyms by trial and error once you get a ballpark figure of the number of letters involved.
To be somewhat flippant, HE CROAKED = 47. This has the disadvantage of only working for the male gender. It also sounds silly and forced. But it does equal 47.
DEAD AND GONE=47. That works out really well in this specific case. In addition to a relatively common phrase it's the title of a rap song.
REAL KILLING =56. Just to show that it doesn't have to be the death part of the phrase that can be played with.
MURDERED=47. Simplest and best. It's what really happened and clearly contradicts the faked scenario.
Contradictory information can almost always be manufactured in reduction elisions. The presenter of the narrative wants you to believe that their conclusion is the only valid assertion. And they always pick the most negative story, because that's what the "cool" people do.
Monday, August 7, 2017
Arnold, Pythagorean Theorem Day And The Mockostrophe
It's been a bit since I did one of these. This combines several jabs at gematria concepts, some of them quite recent. Although pure mockery, there is an intent to make some kind of sense. Almost as if you wouldn't be surprised that it was actually suggested.
There's no doubt that Arnold Schwarzenegger is one special dude. A Commandoing screen presence, political figure and wow, look at that name gematria. You're looking at first, middle and last names combined just to match Schwarzenegger. There's something going on here. Something big. Something the forces that rule the shadow empire have planned for him in the eclipse of his movie career to....wait. I just said eclipse.
That's coming up soon. But eclipse and false flag both equal 33 (1). Something else. If the so called astute researchers missed the details of everything about Arnold maybe they missed something else. Got it. August 15th, 2017. Pythagorean Theorem Day (2). 8 squared+15 squared = 17 squared.
There must be a reason that my life has bern building to this. Numerology controls EVERYTHING. Even if I'm busting on it, I just don't realize I'm a pawn, trained to perform my scripted story. So what are some things that bug me. Pi. Mirror images of two digits. Bad grammar. But other than occasional misspelling (3) the misuse of the apostrophe annoys me to no end. But punctuation doesn't change the numerology.
Or does it? This is the shadow empire. They wouldn't be much of a shadow empire if it was too obvious. Before spaces where used between words the Romans used an intepunct. Funny little shaded in square. Maybe there's a value for the apostrophe (4) and other weird punctuation. Some numerology analysis reveals what it is (5).
It's not an actual apostrophe. That wouldn't have a number. It's a pseudo-apostrophe. Or how about:
That's Dan's favorite number and he's the biggest abuser of apostrophes. Now check this out.
Z=500 in the Jewish elision (cipher). Z. The zenith. The end. Arnold in End of Days about Armageddon. 500+166 =666. Schwarzenegger has a z in it. To further add to his extra specialness there must be a mockostrophe there. Schwarz'engger. Or Schwar'zenegger. Not sure what the Romans did, but the gematria doesn't change (6).
And this bit is fantastic. Go to Search for the value 500. The phrase "The Holy Spirit A Arrival Means The Church Is Over" =500 and has exactly 500 views (7)! And poor grammar! I think it's "AN arrival" and the searchers missed the mockostrophe to give 666! End of the church with 666! Oh you rascally forces that should not be are clever!
Now think back to Arnold. Schwarz'enegger with the mockostrophe is 159+166=325.
The divisors of 325 are 5x5x13.
Holy shit. 13. The dark realm loves 13, too (8). And 5x5. Five squared. The smallest Pythagorean triplet is 3 squared x 4 squared =5 squared. The hypotenuse of the 'prime' Pythagorean triplet. Has to mean something.
August 15 =8/15. 8+15=23.
I don't know exactly what's planned for August 15th, but it involves Arnold and the number 23 (9).
This is not a whole lot more unbelievable than some of the other logic you deal with in numerology conspiracies.
1. False flag is used as a synonym for fake. 33 is a nice number that shows up frequently in reductions of about this number of letters.
2. Since they read this blog now, I fully expect something to be said about P.T. Day, now. They still missed the ones earlier this century.
3. Manilla? How is it you misspelled the capital city and none of your cookie winners pointed it out?
4. New concepts to force the numerology are usually introduced with a vague, "Did you know that there's a form that, blah, blah blah...". Totally out of the blue with no precedent. Just say it with an air of authority and you can make up anything. Notice the interpunct reference? I thought that was a cute touch.
5. Use some numbers to support your new concept. It's confusing to the weak minded.
6. Believe it or not, I started this bit with the huge value of Schwarzenegger being unmatchable. This is partially due to the Z being 26. Mostly because there's so many letters. The fact that it has a z is a happy coincidence.
7. Another happy coincidence. This really does have 500 views now. This could be changed by someone trying to disprove my point. Which is the real point. At some time this phrase was searched for the 500th time. In the comments to videos people brag all the time when their view number matches a number in the video. Stupid.
8. Got the evil theme going. Hammer home every mindless coincidence.
9. Don't make a prediction. Always report after the fact. Something 23 will happen.
There's no doubt that Arnold Schwarzenegger is one special dude. A Commandoing screen presence, political figure and wow, look at that name gematria. You're looking at first, middle and last names combined just to match Schwarzenegger. There's something going on here. Something big. Something the forces that rule the shadow empire have planned for him in the eclipse of his movie career to....wait. I just said eclipse.
That's coming up soon. But eclipse and false flag both equal 33 (1). Something else. If the so called astute researchers missed the details of everything about Arnold maybe they missed something else. Got it. August 15th, 2017. Pythagorean Theorem Day (2). 8 squared+15 squared = 17 squared.
There must be a reason that my life has bern building to this. Numerology controls EVERYTHING. Even if I'm busting on it, I just don't realize I'm a pawn, trained to perform my scripted story. So what are some things that bug me. Pi. Mirror images of two digits. Bad grammar. But other than occasional misspelling (3) the misuse of the apostrophe annoys me to no end. But punctuation doesn't change the numerology.
Or does it? This is the shadow empire. They wouldn't be much of a shadow empire if it was too obvious. Before spaces where used between words the Romans used an intepunct. Funny little shaded in square. Maybe there's a value for the apostrophe (4) and other weird punctuation. Some numerology analysis reveals what it is (5).
It's not an actual apostrophe. That wouldn't have a number. It's a pseudo-apostrophe. Or how about:
That's Dan's favorite number and he's the biggest abuser of apostrophes. Now check this out.
Z=500 in the Jewish elision (cipher). Z. The zenith. The end. Arnold in End of Days about Armageddon. 500+166 =666. Schwarzenegger has a z in it. To further add to his extra specialness there must be a mockostrophe there. Schwarz'engger. Or Schwar'zenegger. Not sure what the Romans did, but the gematria doesn't change (6).
And this bit is fantastic. Go to Search for the value 500. The phrase "The Holy Spirit A Arrival Means The Church Is Over" =500 and has exactly 500 views (7)! And poor grammar! I think it's "AN arrival" and the searchers missed the mockostrophe to give 666! End of the church with 666! Oh you rascally forces that should not be are clever!
Now think back to Arnold. Schwarz'enegger with the mockostrophe is 159+166=325.
The divisors of 325 are 5x5x13.
Holy shit. 13. The dark realm loves 13, too (8). And 5x5. Five squared. The smallest Pythagorean triplet is 3 squared x 4 squared =5 squared. The hypotenuse of the 'prime' Pythagorean triplet. Has to mean something.
August 15 =8/15. 8+15=23.
I don't know exactly what's planned for August 15th, but it involves Arnold and the number 23 (9).
This is not a whole lot more unbelievable than some of the other logic you deal with in numerology conspiracies.
1. False flag is used as a synonym for fake. 33 is a nice number that shows up frequently in reductions of about this number of letters.
2. Since they read this blog now, I fully expect something to be said about P.T. Day, now. They still missed the ones earlier this century.
3. Manilla? How is it you misspelled the capital city and none of your cookie winners pointed it out?
4. New concepts to force the numerology are usually introduced with a vague, "Did you know that there's a form that, blah, blah blah...". Totally out of the blue with no precedent. Just say it with an air of authority and you can make up anything. Notice the interpunct reference? I thought that was a cute touch.
5. Use some numbers to support your new concept. It's confusing to the weak minded.
6. Believe it or not, I started this bit with the huge value of Schwarzenegger being unmatchable. This is partially due to the Z being 26. Mostly because there's so many letters. The fact that it has a z is a happy coincidence.
7. Another happy coincidence. This really does have 500 views now. This could be changed by someone trying to disprove my point. Which is the real point. At some time this phrase was searched for the 500th time. In the comments to videos people brag all the time when their view number matches a number in the video. Stupid.
8. Got the evil theme going. Hammer home every mindless coincidence.
9. Don't make a prediction. Always report after the fact. Something 23 will happen.
Sunday, August 6, 2017
Masterful Math Madness
As a companion piece to my rough analysis of it being insulting to be reminded that 1+1=2 I offer this.
Months ago I broke down and purposefully posted a rare comment at the enemy's home court. A date was used and 11 was not reduced because it is a master number. Or THE master number. It's not very clear. Seems like master means you are allowed to reduce it if you want to, but it doesn't have to be. Maybe it's more like an RA at college where you have limited power and get a nicer room or something.
Now 1+1=2 has been repeated again. The magical word is:
Isn't that nice? It's the word about math and has the benefit of being a core belief of math. There's little doubt that 1+1=2. Children are taught this pretty early, right after receiving their first PlayStation in most cultures. They chant,"1+1 is 2, 1+2 is 3, 1+3 is 4....". And repeat it 10 times in the mirror and depending on which side of the Freemason-Dixon line they fall on either Attu The Wonder Turtle showers them with rewards of scrimshaw and turtleneck sweaters or massacres their enemies for the upcoming solar eclipse sacrifice. Or if you're Ellen Page you get a role in Juneau, move to the capital and away from the Attu Islands. Thus putting you smack dab on top of the Freemason-Dixon line. And you get to date Lucy.
I find this disturbing and not just because Ellen is not playing in the same ballpark that I do. She's cute.
Math is important enough that 1+1=2 is worthy of mention. We have a concept that 11 is a number that should not be reduced. But in this case, it clearly is reduced to individual digits.
No wonder Ellen is confused. And think of her poor pet turtle.
I'm still heavily leaning on the side that says 112=112 and not 1 and 1 and 2. And Aleutian Christmas is on my side. There are TWO turtledoves in the song. My true love didn't give me 112. If you added 111 items every day there'd be 1,222 objects by the end the song. And that's not including the cows that the maids would be milking. Or if they're friends of Ellen maybe.....
Months ago I broke down and purposefully posted a rare comment at the enemy's home court. A date was used and 11 was not reduced because it is a master number. Or THE master number. It's not very clear. Seems like master means you are allowed to reduce it if you want to, but it doesn't have to be. Maybe it's more like an RA at college where you have limited power and get a nicer room or something.
Now 1+1=2 has been repeated again. The magical word is:
Isn't that nice? It's the word about math and has the benefit of being a core belief of math. There's little doubt that 1+1=2. Children are taught this pretty early, right after receiving their first PlayStation in most cultures. They chant,"1+1 is 2, 1+2 is 3, 1+3 is 4....". And repeat it 10 times in the mirror and depending on which side of the Freemason-Dixon line they fall on either Attu The Wonder Turtle showers them with rewards of scrimshaw and turtleneck sweaters or massacres their enemies for the upcoming solar eclipse sacrifice. Or if you're Ellen Page you get a role in Juneau, move to the capital and away from the Attu Islands. Thus putting you smack dab on top of the Freemason-Dixon line. And you get to date Lucy.
I find this disturbing and not just because Ellen is not playing in the same ballpark that I do. She's cute.
Math is important enough that 1+1=2 is worthy of mention. We have a concept that 11 is a number that should not be reduced. But in this case, it clearly is reduced to individual digits.
No wonder Ellen is confused. And think of her poor pet turtle.
I'm still heavily leaning on the side that says 112=112 and not 1 and 1 and 2. And Aleutian Christmas is on my side. There are TWO turtledoves in the song. My true love didn't give me 112. If you added 111 items every day there'd be 1,222 objects by the end the song. And that's not including the cows that the maids would be milking. Or if they're friends of Ellen maybe.....
Saturday, August 5, 2017
ABCD - Apophenia, Bias Confirmation, and Durp
Somebody suggested to me that I was behaving dangerously blogging about numerology. That one person might suddenly wake up and realize that they have been wasting their life and go crazy and murder their beloved pet turtle while it slept or something.
I have said this before. I don't make judgment on mental health issues. I'm not qualified for one thing. I have opinions, but those exist outside this blog. Second, I've seen critics make that suggestion. It doesn't work. Bearing in mind my not making mental health judgments comment, I will suggest that it seems likely if somebody has a mental health issue they aren't open to the idea that they are not stable.
More to the point, is my caveman character Durp. Durp is a satirical representation of total stupidity in regards to pattern recognition. Durp doesn't understand that 83 does not equal 38.
Apophenia is a condition that relates to things like seeing Attu the Magical Turtle's image in a slice of toast. And this came up in conversation about Outback restaurants. The apophenia, not the turtle thing.
It seems that Outback suffered a Twitter storm recently because groups of five restaurants can be connected by mapping them and connecting the lines drawn in the shape of a pentagram.
People. Critical thinking please. I'd like to think that a healthy percentage know what's going on and were amused and joking along. To begin with, you don't put two of the sane restaurant right next to each other unless you are in the Demolition Man universe and all restaurants are taco bells. And you don't have to draw a pentagram. That's one of the prettier shapes. Another nice shape is to connect the outline in the shape of a pentagon. And five equidistant points can have five lines drawn that don't look as pretty. This is apophenia when you see the pentagram once and can't help but only see a pentagram any time you hear about five Outbacks in the same geographic location.
Now confirmation bias (or bias confirmation so I get my ABCD initialism) is related. There's lots of that going on in numerology. Here you have a screen of 16 different elisions(ciphers), 15 don't give you a number you like. Discard those and use the one you do like. Throw out the entire screen and PhraseShop until you get a number you like.
Somewhere in the middle is a condition I will call Apufeemia. Looking for confirmation in the most unlikely (stupid) sources. Like numerology in the Simpsons. A show made purely for entertainment. Your pattern recognition skills, unless you are Durp, should recognize Apu the Kwiki Mart owner and the similarity to apophenia. And for reasons I trust are obvious has numerology of 166.
When everything gets sliced down into confirmation bias of multiple searches yielding two or three digit numbers you can have apufeemia in any source material and thus prove whatever you want. Durping 83 into equaling 38 is starting to go beyond reasonable. If your pet, Attu, is supposed to be fed exactly 38 pellets of Purina Wonder Turtle Chow a day you don't feed it 83.
I have said this before. I don't make judgment on mental health issues. I'm not qualified for one thing. I have opinions, but those exist outside this blog. Second, I've seen critics make that suggestion. It doesn't work. Bearing in mind my not making mental health judgments comment, I will suggest that it seems likely if somebody has a mental health issue they aren't open to the idea that they are not stable.
More to the point, is my caveman character Durp. Durp is a satirical representation of total stupidity in regards to pattern recognition. Durp doesn't understand that 83 does not equal 38.
Apophenia is a condition that relates to things like seeing Attu the Magical Turtle's image in a slice of toast. And this came up in conversation about Outback restaurants. The apophenia, not the turtle thing.
It seems that Outback suffered a Twitter storm recently because groups of five restaurants can be connected by mapping them and connecting the lines drawn in the shape of a pentagram.
People. Critical thinking please. I'd like to think that a healthy percentage know what's going on and were amused and joking along. To begin with, you don't put two of the sane restaurant right next to each other unless you are in the Demolition Man universe and all restaurants are taco bells. And you don't have to draw a pentagram. That's one of the prettier shapes. Another nice shape is to connect the outline in the shape of a pentagon. And five equidistant points can have five lines drawn that don't look as pretty. This is apophenia when you see the pentagram once and can't help but only see a pentagram any time you hear about five Outbacks in the same geographic location.
Now confirmation bias (or bias confirmation so I get my ABCD initialism) is related. There's lots of that going on in numerology. Here you have a screen of 16 different elisions(ciphers), 15 don't give you a number you like. Discard those and use the one you do like. Throw out the entire screen and PhraseShop until you get a number you like.
Somewhere in the middle is a condition I will call Apufeemia. Looking for confirmation in the most unlikely (stupid) sources. Like numerology in the Simpsons. A show made purely for entertainment. Your pattern recognition skills, unless you are Durp, should recognize Apu the Kwiki Mart owner and the similarity to apophenia. And for reasons I trust are obvious has numerology of 166.
When everything gets sliced down into confirmation bias of multiple searches yielding two or three digit numbers you can have apufeemia in any source material and thus prove whatever you want. Durping 83 into equaling 38 is starting to go beyond reasonable. If your pet, Attu, is supposed to be fed exactly 38 pellets of Purina Wonder Turtle Chow a day you don't feed it 83.
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