Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Gematria Debunked By Choice Of Source Material

I don't think Pythagoras had Wi-Fi. Yet I won't be surprised to hear that he invented it. Or at least did something to make it claimed that he fathered it. Hmmm....how about his wife was a notorious gossip and that lead to widespread knowledge being spread throughout amcient Greece and then thanks to Alexander the Great's quest for good coffee shops eventually all neighboring the lands, then the world. Wifey. Wi-Fi. Them, that would indicate he was the father of his wife and....eeeeewwww! But anything can happen in the gematriverse.

If gematria had any useful value, which it doesn't, it is natural that a lot of the information would be found on the Internet, now. Ultimately, what is the source of that information?

Books. Writing. And how much research on books is done in modern gematria? It's not zero, but pretty close. Everything is the current news headlines. Who died today? Wait....who *famous* died today? There's a gematria sacrifice for you. There's zero research or work done on written work including modern prose much less ancient works. Maybe there's something hidden in Nichomachean Ethics just waiting for the discovery of the smoking hemlock cup that will expose all the invisible empire's desire plans. What if Charles Dickens odd character names mean something? Out of sight, out of mind. Even somebody that knows that the basic premise is bullshit could have latched on to exclusively reporting on written work to become an expert. Just for a refreshing change. Not on the Internet. No bother.

Yeah, you might get a passing reference to some famous work if it conveniently suits the preplanned hoax narrative. "1984 =1+9+8+4=2, the 22nd prime number is blah blah blah, dystopian society, blah blah, blah, Big Brother, blah, blah, blah, freemasons, blah blah ..."

After the Internet story about John Hurt's death appears and he was an actor in the movie based on the book. I doubt these people could make it through a book like 1984 with any inkling of what's going on if they couldn't rely on a Cliff Notes style synopsis off of Wikipedia. There's a huge amount of source material untouched. Which makes no sense since that is admitted to be what gematria is about. Bible references are more likely to be how many goats so and so had as reported one time in an obscure passage than to be actual gematria done on the text.

Surely I'm not suggesting that Gematria be done on something like, Pat The Bunny? You betcha. Because if a truly open minded person did that you would find the same two digit numbers that mean all these lurid things. I for one would love to know exactly who Pat is, whether it's short for Patricia or Patrick, why she/he/it does the bunny things that are done and if there is some animal sacrifice in their future. And since that's not even a name in regards to the actual book material I want to know why these confusing creator's of our language allow verbs and nouns to be the same spelling.

I tired of seeing the claims that say it's not a conspiracy theory, it's conspiracy fact. You choose to make it conspiracy related simply by what you choose as your source material, then provide no facts to back it up.

Edit: Dan blogged about reading Darren Daulton's book. Looking for clues to the World Series. Seems like he just read it for the fun of it. No numerology on the text of the book in the blog post:

DARREN DAULTON'S BOOK "IF THEY ONLY KNEW"=166 in reverse reduction. Don't know how he missed that. 166 is his favorite number.

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