Thursday, November 14, 2024

Contradictory Dystopia

The left wing in the U.S. is still reeling from the shock of the election results.  How could so many people not care about democracy?  Well it all starts with how education WAS (not is) systematically disabled and we’re a globe of idiots trying to survive among other idiots.  Think of it like a Dickens story where paupers are forced at gunpoint to get a Christmas goose so that the wealthy businessman can feed it to his dogs in front of an orphanage.

The beauty of Earth and the laws of physics versus greed is the Earth doesn’t give a shit about misinformation.  The whole self correcting system is getting pumped up more and more to strike back.  A global fascist dictatorship(s) may be the best option for the upcoming population and life expectancy decreases.  We don’t know, man made climate change has never happened before.  And the hypocrisy of claiming to want limited regulation instead of total deregulation is not just some vague and avoidable possibility.  It’s here now.  One of the big losers in the fight for an existence with some form of dignified retirement is education.  We might not have a chance to have a future society unearth what went wrong.  But for that brief shining moment from last post’s cartoon, we really did a good job of glorifying the biggest assholes on the planet and we’re still pretending that some sort of actual greatness is “just around the corner”.

The left and the group of conspiracy theorist operating off that is brewing up stories even know.  Gung ho Trump is the bestest thing that ever happened supporters are already shifting the grifting.  Now it’s a two headed monster - a two faced beast that has gone too far.  And as with the above picture, Hubbard has always been about saying whatever he deems to be the most engaging, regardless of the contradiction with memory holed previous material.  A key part of the developing BlueAnon grift seems to be FAFO.  Fuck Around and Find Out.  The last generations that actually understood what democracy was are dying off and more tragically dementia issues and being an expensive burden on resources that are more important for buying your 17th gun, a new phone so you can make YouTube videos about how great Trump is while complaining about your job, and doing  gematria.  History has taught us that belligerence in a nation is responded to not with compassion and seeking to teach others what they’re doing is self destructive.  It’s met with belligerence in return.  And know the world is headed towards a phase of fucking around with the ultimate belligerent adversary.  A planet stripped of low hanging fruit and its main weapon - an unpredictable climate in response to the increasingly arbitrary choice of who you should hate most this day.  A contradictory dystopia of the new promised greatness with the harsh reality of not being able to trust anybody.  Everyone doing their own thing in a dog eat immigrant world.  And the rest of the planet already has been using elderly Americans as a primary source of you’re stupid enough to believe Nigerian prince content.  Try explaining that to people who don’t even understand that democracy isn’t voting in a dictator.

The dumbing down of the world is mostly complete.  Concentrating wealth in the hands of a few people who have no actual interest in the people has never worked well.  Deliberately gearing up to force your government back to that, oh yeah.  It’s a different world.

Monday, November 11, 2024

Pseudo-Economics Cartoon


More Gematria & Economics

Both the grifter community and actual day to day living economics.

The gematria community is easy.  Whatever is currently trending - go with the flow.  And almost universally they are back to nothing but sports unless you’re one of the types that would have been called Qanon in previous years.  Those are taking their victory laps and putting out a lot of hooray for us! content.

Now since this is a two for one special today let’s talk about what gematria, flat earth, and other online scammy content doesn’t address.  If you seriously think a two digit number has any control over global economics, that’s sad.

Purposeful lack of education has done a remarkable job of getting us to where we are at.  The cult mentality of being fed positive reinforcement for dumb ideas has produced a worker pool that isn’t the most brilliant of minds.  There’s a big whirlpool of conflicting information that is impossible to make sense of.  And the indoctrination might not be what you think.  At least part of it.  Usually indoctrination is used referring to a religious context, and gets thrown around a lot with phrases like “cult indoctrination.”

There’s also economic (or class) indoctrination.  And that’s where the confusion of misinformation works best.  Gematria is never, and has never been in the 21st century, used to prove something like “Christianity is better than Islam”.  What it has been used for is an appeal to people who aren’t as smart as they think they are to post bad ideas about economics on Twixter and Facebook.  Gaining confidence in their bad ideas being reinforced online and “taking it home to the dinner table.”

Economic indoctrination.  The goal of economic indoctrination is to conflate economic policy with democracy.  Keep people misinformed about the core issues to make them fail to realize they end up voting directly against what they think they are protecting.  (Jan 6th 2021 and gun rights, free speech and shitty scam ads on social media, pretty much anything that comes out of Trump’s mouth).  Because the cognitive dissonance of the technology used to sustain unchecked capitalism versus the inevitable conflict with religious incompatibility is getting harder to ignore.  The framers of the Constitution deliberately separated church and state for a reason.  They saw how conflict over thousands of years in Europe was economically disastrous at intervals.  A huge shock to the system.  Nothing was better than religion for an excuse to start a holy war, incorrectly framed as a divine inspiration when it was just an excuse to take or retake lost “stuff”.  Cooperation and trade work much better to keeping people happy than dying because someone wants to take your stuff.

As social progress increased the strength of capitalism versus other economic systems has become obvious.  But how do the rich elites keep their power?  By being better at stealing other peoples stuff - what is illegal for a low class or working class citizen is off limits to being charged to and making it stick on to a wealthy citizen.

Now instead of a comfort in religion, we have the conspiracy theories.  Conspiracy theories that more and more make the idea of various divine entities look like the saner and more believable choice.  Religion could get you through socially.  Where I live, if you wanted to date a “nice girl”, she was inevitably a “good, white Christian girl”.  Then you get married in a big Christian wedding.  Get some decent income.  Share expenses which economically is a lot better than single people trying to live alone.  And make divorce shameful and expensive.  And don’t even think about suicide because buying an expensive funeral plot is the far better for the state than being responsible for cleaning up the mess.  (No, don’t commit suicide, it’s really not THAT bad, yet.). The point is, religion is good economics.

And that’s as opposed to baseless conspiracy which is bad for economics.  The content appeals to violence and hatred.  Unless your good Christian girl adopts the same mindset forget about a compatible long term relationship.  She’s more likely to have a bit of empathy.  Women, especially when treated as second class citizens like they are regressing to now, have always been the more compassionate of the genders.  Probably something to do with giving a shit for babies and not giving a shit about arbitrary scapegoats.

As conspiracy thinking takes hold we get sample conversations like this:

Trying to explain to a conspiracy theorist even the most basic economic facts is already impossible.  Now you average nice Christian girl has also been indoctrinated into believing that everything the liberals have ever said is wrong.  And when that doesn’t work out, instead of getting some comfort in a religion that promotes a kind and loving deity we get things like Haitian immigrants eating dogs.  While the rich republicans who created the inflation (no effort into mitigating climate change, because of MONEY) has made economic teaming up of people a necessity.

We already have some good educated guesses about the next four years. People have been voting against their long term self interest for a very, very long time. One prime example is super charged climate change hurricanes destroying lots of property in the southern U.S.  The odds of getting serious economic relief are pretty slim.  Insurance companies won’t touch policies, it’s even now.  Although they’ve mastered million dollar bonuses instead of paying out on legitimate claims it’s too obvious that bankruptcy is a serious problem.  Another fun one will be economic warfare on the global stage.  The kind of things that really drive gas prices instead of what Joe Biden said three days before.  We already have four years of Trump the terrible businessman and his go to tactic of not paying his bills.  When his tariff plan is put into place (relax for now, it was probably just an empty vote getting soon to be broken political promise) other sovereign entities will just stop doing business with us, or raise their prices to the U.S. as long as there’s enough demand elsewhere.  Again, blaming the liberals when you’re in full control of what is supposed to have checks and balances in place has been disastrous.  Get ready for the very, very real possibility of a global economic recession even as early as next year.  The pieces are already in place.  And that’s the shock to the system that results from pseudo economics.  Nothing in moderation.  The working class gets screwed over, the banks and insurance companies with their bloated CEO salaries survive.  And this is generated by populist voting activity by people who think the U.S. is a completely self sustained corporation that doesn’t ever need outside help.

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Education Failure

Somewhat of a relief that all the big fuss is over with.  Most unfortunately, I’m better prepared than a lot of newcomers to the misinfo and conspiracy grifting network that is a large part of the grass roots support.  As has been said, misinformation has been around forever, it’s just a little more openly talked about nowadays.

This is mostly bits and pieces of things already said here.

More primitive societies had social issues taken care of much easier.  The internet was a shock to the system where suddenly conflicting social ideas spread around crazy fast.  One of the rings that has disappeared is the “trusted advisor” role to the leader.  And I somebody (like Fauci) doesn’t get you votes, what’s the point of using his wealth of knowledge?  The anti-science/anti-smart people movement has been pushing towards mediocrity.  What appeals to the most people makes sense for getting the most votes.  And now that an openly dictatorial personality has spread out so much contradictory vote getting promises it’s inevitable that promises will be broken.  (Yes, he really pushed the “I never wanted to take away abortion” line heavy at the end.)  Now it’s going to be interesting to see who is going to be available to throw under the bus when things go wrong.

Backing up to my parent’s generation.  A generation that had a lot of young adults that lived when WWII was raging and not being a fascist was considered a good thing.  America knew that ideologically there was going to be conflict with the Soviet Union post war.  The war itself proved a need for technological savvy, and simultaneously keeping people happy along the way.  Being educated, the American dream of going to college, getting a decent job and raising a family and all that stuff.  Capitalism works far better economically than communism.  And the “I must be smart because I figured out how to rip off people better” movement was in full swing.  An educated masses along the way was not a necessity.  It would just lead to a much more widespread group of future economic slaves who had an idea of what’s going on.

The need for too many educated people dropped off dramatically.  The Southern Strategy.  Don’t bother giving them right answers.  Give them a little religion, later some conspiracy theories, a gun and rose colored glasses.  And give them a scapegoat.  Some scapegoats became too obvious.  We never stopped being racist towards black and brown people.  We never stopped being misogynistic to women in the workplace.  We never stopped being selfish and cognitively biased.  The new scapegoat, the arbitrary scapegoat.  One so arbitrary that like a gematria decode that could mean anything was born.  And that more educated, more intelligent arbitrary scapegoat is what is someone living in the is called a Democrat.

Since it’s not a one size fits all scapegoat and just like confirmation bias topics like racism and religion there are only some vague guidelines.  And of course (e.g. RINOs) since it can be applied to anybody, the accuser can point a finger at anyone.  But mostly, it’s empathy.  You’ve either got it or you don’t and it’s slipped away.  Eroded by generations of capitalism combined with instant gratification.

From my real life experience I’ve seen that the average middle class non Southerner with some decent education thinks there is unlimited resources and the goal is to hoard not just enough wealth for a comfortable retirement, but to gain enough passive income to generate more than you spend in a year.  It’s perfectly fine to them that getting into debt is a good thing.  Run up that credit card, and complain about how low your salary is to compensate for the difference.  The financial jobs hammer home the idea that greed is good.  Michael Douglas approves. 

  It's not office politics. It's politics, period.

When the person signing your paycheck is giving you your education on what works in life, it’s now the only source of socialization.  And the rich elites in power are often the worst people on the planet that care only for the continued hoarding of more wealth.  And what has never worked is having a dictator calling the shots when they only care about wealth.


So what can we expect over the next four years?  We can make some darn good educated guesses that the uneducated have proven not to recognize.

1). The internet has made virtually no progress on hate speech and misinformation topics.  They’d rather not alienate a huge swath of the 50%-50% pie.  So belief in stupid shit, the scams and fraud are here for pretty much forever.  This is something that individually you can immunize yourself from.  And maybe it’s time to stop caring about others being scammed.  You figure that out on your own ‘cause it depends on how much you care about the other person.

2). Vaccinations and health care regress.  Doctors and nurses are part of the no-no group of educated empathetic people.  Could to be more likely to vote for compassion to others than goose stepping along with the capitalists.  There will be enough narcissistic doctors for some form of health care.  But an actual functional system, that’s not happening.  And not within just the next four years but longer term - look for life expectancy to drop by a significant amount.  Which of course they’ll blame on liberals because that’s all they know.  There’s too many pesticides, plastics and the unpopularity of vaccines to have anything but a drop.

3). Gun violence will remain unchanged or get worse.  Not caring about kids at school for a long time has become entrenched in the mentality.  And why should you pick a target that fights back?  Proper policing requires some empathy - who is the good guy and who is the bad guy?  Screw that.  I’ve got my gun.  I’ll arbitrarily pick and choose.  Domestic violence has never been a popular topic to get passionate about when people don’t give a shit about each other.  More math added to the life expectancy dropping calculation.

4). Climate change.  The big one that I can’t figure out of any of the group of wealthy people with no empathy has figured out.  The world has been quite literally cooking for a long time.  And Drill, Baby, Drill makes no sense as a solution.  Indeed, some of these wealthy people have no idea that it’s not a hoax.  The chances of there not being several extremely expensive hurricanes in the south over the next four years are about zero.  The inflation for this is going to be astronomical.  Other than blaming the libs I can’t see anything else to be done about it at this point.  And they’ve shoot themselves in the foot.  It used to be buy a retirement home in Florida or Arizona, which are now on the opposite ends of Mother Nature’s too much water too little water spectrum.  The upcoming food shortages and accompanying inflation are going to give them a lot to complain and blame about.

5). Deregulation and dropping out.  Now serious OSHA or FDA or infrastructure oversight.  They’ve been working on this for a long time, and holding people accountable who don’t want their stash affected is super unpopular.  Not that there’s any place safe to go anymore, but I’m not hoping on a Boeing jet anytime soon.  Chemical spill from a train wreck?  Screw that.  We’re all about white guys doing what we want.  NATO membership won’t be important; it’s not our problem, at least not directly and obviously to the uneducated.  WHO?  Why do we care about global health issues even when we know what happens with pandemics.  The only question is which other country gets the blame.

Even though you don’t identify as openly bigoted, you’ve learned it’s OK to use your confirmation bias to attack other people, and the effects on morale at the workplace where politics is part of socializing with people everyday has lead to this bipartisan mess we’re in.  Block and obstruct since that’s all that can be done under the current system.

Monday, November 4, 2024

Meme of the Month

 When people would rather have money than be right:


Who are “they” who are in possession of “their favorite numbers” is a great question.  Because based on the wording you can guess it’s the people who write scripts that are read on news broadcasts.  But you can never count on the psychology of people dead set on their confirmation bias to cooperate with your ideas.

Seven different two digit numbers.  All right in the comfort zone of mathematically turning up a shit load of times for single words or short phrases, even when limited to using the four most popular ciphers on the calculator.  Seven extremely common two digit numbers that if you had the time or a magic calculator that produced gematriot for everything you encountered and fed it into your brain you would quite literally see an insane number of times every day.  Inescapable, evil numbers.  Relentless, gangstalking, politically motivated and grifting numbers.

Of course it’s always 33 for Jeff.  If you go looking for a two digit number you can’t help but find it.  You could train your brain to look for different two digit numbers, but the crowd you hang out with is looking for 33, so that’s what gets you the coveted Attaboy!TM from your cult leader of choice.  I’ve had the misfortune of being around this too long and I know instantly that 33 means Freemason.  In an alternate reality that has a different name for the organization and a magical number of levels to master different than 33, gematria clowns would use that number instead.

And the same applies to the other six numbers.  The conditioning for 42 is racism talk.  56 means Jesuits.  And so on.  This is why gematria concepts are one of stochastic terrorism’s best friends.  The “They” is not the news script writers per se, it’s the evil organization behind the scenes that they are part of that are the evil empire that Jeffrey the sooth tweaker is uncovering with his magic gematria decoder ring.  Even with just his seven two digit numbers he’s really able to point a finger at everyone and everything in the whole NWO/Illuminati/Freemason/Jesuit evil empire complex.  I’m not one to judge until I find out where Jeffrey stands on 46=LOW FAT BUTTER, but I’d bet a lot of money that if I had a few key details about Jeff, if that’s even his real name, that I’d find out a 33, 47, 42, 58, 59, 56, 74 or a million in his background.  Then, I wouldn’t judge him by the color that number paints on him, but by the content of his character and being gullible enough to believe that gematria adds value to an adult conversation.

In theory, I could very easily make an entire cult out of low fat butter.  Not so much by the low fat butter content, but by random association with negativity surrounding what people are making a big deal about.  And sometimes, actually daily, people complain about some remarkably stupid shit that distracts them from the deeper issues that are more meaningful.  This is what the modern GOP has mastered.  Although baseless conspiracy exists for all politics (grifters aren’t too picky) there’s already a lot of work on the books for the color of people’s skin, religion, and libtards that isn’t just going to be thrown out the window.  And certainly that list of seven tiny numbers isn’t going away.

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Know Your Grifter Tactics - The Government Agent Narrative

Lots of gematria clowns will throw in some overused, “YouTube is censoring me” type narration.  My video is stuck on 200 views for a week!  They stopped my livestream!  Even going to the extent of purposefully turning off the sound and claiming social media is responsible.  It’s easy to manufacture that last one.  It’s cheap.  It’s time effective if you do it on a livestream, your followers will notify you of no sound.  Oh Tina!  There’s no sound!! (They are after all super secret agents who are the best at not coming to a consensus on if it’s an alien, reptile shapeshifter, clone, demon, hologram, or low fat butter demon.). Then after a minute or so you drop the stream, start a new one and complain about it.  Or really go all in and claim you had to restart the stream multiple times.  It’s amazing how the follow up with the exact same content that was “censored” in the first place has a 100% success rate in a follow up.  And on Twixter it looks something like this:

Unbelievable!  I deleted my Tweet and these suckers believe I’m a bad ass that’s being persecuted!!  Or even never put up a Tweet in the first place.  I included the famous Covid era 56 list that’s above that since they milked the “I’m being persecuted for talking about Ivermectin so my account was deleted” story to death.

But you know what’s more scary than social media persecution?  Government persecution.  Because a functioning democracy works better when your government is not messing around doing things government shouldn’t be doing.

It’s not my job or desire to pass any moral judgment on whether it’s justified to stop the spread of communism or it’s a clear sign of government failure in treating its citizens.  I am 100% certain that someone at that time doing gematria that finds a two or three digit number showing that Adlai Stevenson is the Antichrist is not the bastion of journalistic integrity to be weighing in.

And when you don’t want to point the finger directly at your social media site of choice, there’s always government agents.  They have infiltrated the  (fake) journalists on social media to disguise their nefarious activities.

Which means it’s time again to reinforce the old truism about the self contradictory nature of gematria and numerology.

Based on gematria alone, every single person living now, who ever lived in the past, and who will be alive in the future can be deemed evil by gematria.

As far as grand conspiracies go that are logistically impossible to occur, sabotaging gematria itself is right up there with the nuttiest, weirdest and most useless gibberish you can post on social media.  The numbers and letters are kind of fixed and know qualities.  What you make of them is what’s open for discussion.  And we can be about 100% certain that gematria sports grifters and paid propaganda spreaders are not the bastion of journalistic integrity to be weighing in on what’s going on.  And we also doubt that someone gullible enough to believe in gematria decoding as facts is worthy of government funded sabotage.

Saturday, November 2, 2024

The Bureau of Gematria Standards


You know what would really fix this world right up?  A little bit of standards.  And as soon as this election is decided we need to start a new cabinet position and appoint the first head of the Bureau of Gematria Standards.

Crystal here doesn’t get the nod.  Crystal Octaball sounds like a Magic 8 ball reference.  And those things are notoriously vague and don’t really answer the questions.  As opposed to gematria which is notoriously vague and never really answers any questions.  Of course, there’s also horoscopes which are notoriously vague and never really answer any questions.  The pattern here?  Shooting for 60% success rate is against the rules.  There are two and only two distinct success rates for gematria.  And to be head of the BGS you’ve got to be promoting one or the other.

First of all, there’s the 50% crowd.  That’s the traditional and more popular crowd because sports is more important than a tolerable temperature to work outside or children’s mental health.  Just slap together the best sounding narrative you’ve got and actually make a pick and suffer the shame of really only being right about half the time.  It’s not spectacular and doesn’t really get any glory.  But you as a newbie haven’t learned how to cheat yet.  You can work your way up the ladder, try to get a position as a staffer with the reputation of getting through life as a battler with the school of hard knocks.  But you really don’t get anywhere politically without cheating.  That’s where the big backs are.

So you’re much better off being part of the 0% crowd.  That’s right, 0% and not 100%.

Sure it’s marketed as 100% or damn close, but in reality being wrong on everything is very intellectually liberating.  In gematria, if you’re focused on looking for a single value as soon as you find it the value in the other ciphers that you didn’t use is bound to be a different number.  Bingo, wrong again.  And the people love themselves the personalities that are wrong about everything on purpose.  Alex Jones - wrong about everything.  See how easy and lucrative it is?  What’s this 60% success rate nonsense?  That’s almost respectable.

For the head of the BSG you need the other qualities in the top influencers and pundits that enjoy being wrong about everything.

- Project that you are being persecuted while you are actually doing the harassment.

- Project that you are being cheated while you are the one doing the cheating.  You can even spend months or years in advance of an election talking about being cheated before the election so you can start an (another) insurrection!  Isn’t that fun?

- Stochastic terrorism.  Keep them guessing by never being able to anticipate the target.  42 could mean the N word, rednecks, Jesuits or butterflies.  I’ve never met a butterfly that I liked enough to want to party with it.  Kill ‘em all.

- Guns.   Because everything is better with guns, not that it seems logical for the Bureau.  But that’s a core gematria value, being illogical is more important for being wrong all the time than any well thought out arguments.

- Identification of what you hate.  Brown people, immigrants, gay people, smart people, atheists, low fat butter, Asians, puppies, Bud Light, sudoku, and gosh the list is too damn long already.  It can be shortened to listing one thing - you hate everyone that’s not you.

- Identification of what you hate stripped away from the projection.  You hate yourself.  You’re so insecure in your own need for attention and lack of humanity that you’re lashing out at anything and everything instead of treating your fellow people with decency and respect.  If you need gematria to prop up you’re own fragile lack of self respect you are a perfect candidate for head of the BGS.

Friday, November 1, 2024

Google Fined By Russia and Gematria


People would rather have money than be right about things.  And I’m pretty sure there are lots of gematria newbies that are going to go through at least a decade of admiring Russia for its wealth because both Google and a multi decillion dollar lawsuit number are really, really big numbers.

Living in a very red part of a swing state I’ve seen the death grip that pseudo economics has on employment.  I’ve seen how it drives a relentless push for mediocrity in financial sector jobs.  Because people that are too smart have bullshit detectors off the charts and don’t fit in with the wear a suit and tie, play golf, and be a good white make Christian nationalist vision while committing fraud on a massive scale.  The names of Trump and Musk are revered for their wealth alone, not because of the manner it was acquired.  A carrot that is dangled that keeps new fresh out of college recruits who absorbed more student loan debt than they can handle thinking I too can become rich and famous if I just keep on the hamster wheel.

Well good luck dealing with your inevitable employee morale issues.  Because as they consume their Fox News originated propaganda, there’s gematria style thinking dragging down the quality of even the somewhat ridiculous to the insanely ridiculous.  If you want to keep your nice job and pay off a tiny portion of your student loan debt, it’s not “cool” to call out your news sources for the really stupid and dangerous shit they say.  Better toe the party line and talk the trash talk, even if it’s from the same crowd that thinks there’s a gematria connection between zero and the letter o since they look the same.  Not necessarily every day, but I can’t go two weeks without somebody saying a sarcastic, “Thanks, Obama!” or “Bleeding heart liberals” while not giving out any specifics about actual evidence for your hatred.  Curiously, the better off financially of these people are the types that decades ago thought it was a good idea to buy real estate in Florida.  How’s that working for you now?

Because the same confirmation bias that applies to the gematria decodes and which religion is the good one or what skin colors are wrong (oh yeah, they do focus more on what’s wrong than what is right) applies to multiple generations of socialization.  Multiple generations of being Republican for the sake of being Republican more than being an American have been driven home.  You’re not a true Republican unless the first words out of your mouth are not some dig against liberal policies.  Gematria as conspiracy theory light gives them more back up for their chatter.  Those grifters help spread disinformation, some of which is paid for by Russian propaganda, that gives the non intellectual social media machinery a boost in confidence.  And now that Russia is just a couple of hours away from collecting more wealth than the entire global GDP, maybe it’s time to start talking up how great they are.

The pseudo economics is driven by one fatal flaw that is buried within.  The economics are designed to maximize wealth TODAY and hoard it.  And it only works with unlimited resources and no waste products to deal with.  Then when the lack of long term thinking hits and the debt is still there, there’s no recourse but to complain about every monetary issue.  Don’t tax ME.  But those other guys…yeah I’m cool with that.  Pay my insurance claim.  Those hurricane victims…yeah, fuck them.  The unsustainable lack of infinite resources for paying climate change related inflation in the upcoming generations, that’s going to make these people a lot of fun to deal with.  And we already know what they’ll say about it.  A gematria decode of the word INFLATION and a hearty, “Thanks Obama!”