Monday, February 27, 2017

The Gematria Scamademy Awards

It's only fitting that we start to gear up for the 2017 awards ceremony since the Oscars were presented last night. There's a long year ahead, so for best worst picture here are the three front runners. Updates as the insanity continues.

1). Chucky had a terrible year in the football playoffs, culminating in this jewel. It was the signs pointing to Atlanta, not Green Bay. Because Wisconsin and Georgia both equal 44. He just never noticed until being derided for his GB pick after Atlanta cleaned their clocks in the conference finals. Probably should have called that one before the loss. It's not like the gematria of the state names changed before the game was played. The correct prediction was, "Sorry, they both equal 44, so I can't tell."

2). Nad gets personal meaning from the Cubs World Series win. Yes, last year but it was his trump card when trolled. Because he worked at Burger King. He is to be commended for staffing the restaurant single handedly (apparently).

3). The Fort Lauderdale shooting was a hoax because policemen wear blue. That's going to be tough to beat. But, as said, it's a long year ahead.

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