Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Elon Musk, The Canals of Mars, Bill Maher, 9/11 Joe Mantegna, The Girl Scouts And Global Warming Conspiracy Revealed

The number one thing that keeps me awake at night remains speed bumps. Why the hell are they called speed bumps if they're supposed to slow you down? Shouldn't they be called slow down bumps? Or at least anti-speed bumps?

Recent events have turned my attention to greater things that will shake our civilization to its foundation. So many things to report I almost don't know where to start.

Almost. But after watching Super Bowl commercials the light bulb came on and after running some of the numbers through my Gematrigatron 5300X (the calculator function on my smart phone) and running those past my crack team of reviewers (the dog when he finally woke up and the cute girl at the grocery store check out line) I can safely say I have this shit pretty much figured out.

As always the starting point for any self respecting numerologist is rooted in three things. Football, the Simpsons, and Uncles.

There was a Super Bowl commercial that had, get this, a secret society promoting sale of avocados!  If that just doesn't scream out conspiracy then nothing does.
Avocados = 51, Super Bowl 51
Bill Maher start date of Cub Scouts 3/15, Guacamole=513, 5 months and 13 days is sometimes 165 days. Thin Mints=165, Canals=156, Jungle =156
Bill Maher star of film Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death.
I previously mentioned Girl Scout ties to Columbo. Joe Mantegna and Elon Musk both appeared in Simpsons episodes. Musk is a fragrance, like Chanel #5. Super Bowl aired on Fox, Channel 5.
My uncle was really smart and we used to call him Brainey. Elon Musk is really smart.
Brainey =165. Elon Musk reported IQ 165.
Elon Musk building Space X rockets to Mars. Super Bowl played in Houston where Nasa is.
X=24, cookies=24, macarons=42
Avocado macarons are a type of French chocolate confection .. Savannahs are a type of Girl Scout cookie. Savannah Geirgia, Atlanta Georgia= Atlanta Falcons.
Bill Maher famous for stance on global warming and 9/11. Remember he had the hecklers on Real Time?
Hecklers=136, Mark Ruffalo=136. Mark Ruffalo rumored to be in remake of Columbo.

Like I said earlier Peter Falk was in a car crash in 2008. Because the Girl Scouts knew he was getting too close to the truth, they tried to kill him.

Realizing that global warming is threatening the avocado industry we are in the process of colonizing Mars to take advantage if their untapped water supply to grow Martian Avocados. Peter Falk was supposed to have been at the World Trade Center on 9/11, but he wasn't. They missed their chance to kill him off again with the car crash in 2008. His death by cardiac arrest later was likely a cover up and was really poisoned with tainted cookies.


So what's the point of this? The trend lately has been throwing around a lot if unsupported numbers by Nad. Football =29. Don't know whee he got that from. Etc......... And lots of rambling and loose assumptions, like Anne Riseborough reported as Anne RISEborough so we can claim that there's meaning to the phrase Rise Up. Lotsa, "Just wanted to document this now in case I find the meaning later."

Through out some real facts. There really is a Bill Maher movie with that title. There really is a an avocado commercial with a secret society. There really is Chanel #5. I could have thrown in a Love Potion #9 Sandra Bullock movie and her Space movie. Mark Ruffalo really was rumored to be in a Columbo remake.

Most if the numbers are just manufactured to make it work. But this is what it's like trying to read through a Mindless Freaks post. Only sillier.

Time to drag my ass to bed. Sure hope I don't hit any speed bumps trying to get back to sleep.

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