Wednesday, February 8, 2017

55, Jenna Coleman, Trump's Wall, Gene Hackman, Mark Cuban And The Girl Scout Avocado Conspiracy

55 is my fourth favorite number. I just realized it yesterday when watching a Doctor Who rerun, Flatline. The Doctor mentions that it's the tenth digit in the Fibonacci series 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55. My own research shows its the largest number in the Fibonacci series that is also a triangular number, the sum of all the digits of consecutive integers, 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10=55. 10th Fibonacci, sum of ten numbers. That is one magic fucking number!

So I knew there must be something more to it. It's the frigging Girl Scouts and their Avocado Agenda, again.

The first thing I thought of was speed limit of 55. Sammy Haggar, I Can't Drive 55. In Van Halen With David Lee Roth. Book of David. Book of Eli. Eli Roth.
Book =58

A Wall is a kind of barrier, like a speed limit. Earlier I mentioned the connection between Jenna Coleman and Donald Trump. Trump being the Antichrist, Jenna the Antiantichrist.
Jenna was in that Doctor Who episode. Doctor Who is also in the episode where Comic Book Guy kidnaps Lucy Lawless.
Lawless=55 (New Zealand, S Reduction)

There's a movie 55 Days in Peking. In China where the Great Wall is. Trump's wall is on the border of Texas and Mexico. Mexican avocados where the Super Bowl commercial thing. Mark Cuban owns the Dallas Mavericks. Which got me thinking about the TV show Shark Tank he's on. Then I thought about Roy Scheider in Jaws and how he was in The French Connection with Gene Hackman. Hackman was in Hoosiers, a basketball movie. French CONNECTION, French CONFECTION. Macarons, the chocolate avocados the Girl Scouts want to sell, lol* how weird is that?

I need to watch some Eli Roth stuff to find more syncing but I can see that tho is all part of how the wall is being paid by Mexico to force the US to get the water from Mars to grow Avocados. I'm also looking for more tie ins with Elon Musk and Mark Cuban. They both have a lot of money and might be building th spaceships together. Also looking for what the Germans think about macarons. The Autobahn has no speed limit and I don't know if Bavarian chocolate goes together with avocados.


*. I'm not normally an lol kind if guy, but Nad throws them in every once in a while. So parody makes me lower my standards.


Nad is consistent with reporting on his magic number 22 and Creighton's ranking of 22. The week before the big game he reported the magic number as 24. Not a word about how he screwed that one up.

I've seen several references to comments on his blog. He moderates them allowing his gonads to post and not allowing dissenting comments unless he can use it to his advantage. That will make my goal of infiltrating and gaining his trust that much harder. I'll have to stick with some normal kind if stuff. Shame really, he's missing out on son great Girl Scout stuff. I wonder if Dakota Fanning ws a Girl Scout? It doesn't matter. I will find a way to work it in somehow

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