Monday, October 14, 2024

Late Arrival to Boot Camp

You have to start somewhere, and your presence in the low levels of conspiracy grifting and propaganda, that’s going to land you menial tasks until you have proven yourself.  Hillary is an account created May 2024.  Only follows a select few accounts, natch that Trump and Musk are two of those.  The only two accounts that Hillary is followed by are spam bots.

This is an account in training.  Trying to look more “normal” so that those that fact check later see some activity instead of an account just created today going nuts.  Doing Gematrix searches of numbers is the pretty useless.  Both tue people who believe in it and the ones who know they’re pushing grift start with words and look at the values.  There’s also some spammed pictures that are tough to make out exactly what they mean or what the point is.  But it gets better.  As there is a brain behind the account.  Maybe not a high quality brain but there is something lurking there in the boredom of being assigned KP duty while going through boot camp.

It’s Bearing False Witness, not Bare False Witness.  That’s why you’re the first because you fucked it up.  And actually, I’m with you on this one.  Gematrix is not very relevant as it’s been hijacked for astroturfing conspiracy numbers ages ago.  And the limited brain power behind the searches produces lots of complete gibberish and misspellings like bare instead of bear.

So now, we’ve talked about the gibberish.  What exactly is the point of the exact cyber kinetic nonsense?  Is there a plan for 2293 and 4391 in the near future? That ‘ref fwia ang amz xatlas’ part is classic all time gibberish.  Autocorrect ducking hated it. Above and beyond the call of duty for normal Gematrix gibberish.  Are you deliberately doing a bad job to get switched to another task?  Boot camp doesn’t work that way.  Or did you do exactly what you were told?

You need to graduate from boot camp ASAP.  There’s really important stuff going on:

The Washington Post reported on that story, but you have to pay for that so we’re running with the freebie for now.  This is so typical and absolutely not completely unexpected for this day and age.  People genuinely trying to help are in danger of getting shot and killed based on right wing extremist lies.  So the people that the militia is allegedly protecting are getting less help, not more, by the armed militia activity.

Now for the record, the conspiracy accounts on social media have within their completely incompatible overall theme some talking points that don’t make sense individually and certainly not together.  The crude basics are this:  The government is making hurricanes to destroy areas that have lithium deposits as an excuse to grab the land.  Destroying huge swaths of property instead of, oh something non violent and not destructive like getting a corrupt Supreme Court judge to declare that the land is now government property and arresting and locking up the land owners.

Every single one of the major gematria using social media accounts is parroting the man made hurricane line.  The lithium part, not so much.  But it crept in there.  And the YouTube channels the comments appear on are <checks notes> 100% pro Trump.  A pretty good taste of what’s to come in a four year term of another Trump stay in power.  Except much worse.  There will be more hurricanes and insurance companies will be insolvent and the victims will have nothing but what is mockingly called “Meal Team Six” to protect them from mudslides and dysentery and toxic residue from storm damage.

Instead of just keyboard warriors posting gibberish you do need some boots on the ground to do the dirty work.  So your gematria gibberish has a function, Hillary.  Somewhere out there right now is another Trump lover that believes in Q drops just waiting for some number to give them an excuse to get all liquored up and shoot somebody that is trying to help them.  And that ref fwia ang amz xatlas will not mean what it should.  Which is “Holy shit, maybe this person is a complete idiot.  I should probably stop now before the next Jan 6th.”

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