Monday, December 31, 2018

My Last 2018 Gift To Gematria Not Working

There’s been a lot of things that used to be way more important to gematria that don’t get much press anymore.  And I’m going to rightfully take most of the credit for it.  Science stuff like GPS coordinates that required rounding and the constant abuse of what was done to Pi.  Even prime numbers that would be featured multiple times in a blog post don’t get as much attention.  The automatic exuberance of finding or manufacturing a 666 is not done anymore.

One of the really annoying and quite stupid games was the video view, like and dislike counts based on the number of the day.  Like if they wanted a beloved 33 to make the narrative for the floor of the shooter in Las Vegas, in addition we had to put up with some jackwipe bragging about the 33rd person to view and/or like the video as if that meant something.

I fully “get” the idea that the nonsimultaneous synchronicity seems miraculous to the slow witted.  But what they fail to realize that this elevates a false flag narrative based on the NWO into Organic Matrix territory.  Just as at the time here that the video was reviewed it had 16 likes and 9 dislikes.  So that moment is forever etched as being synchronous, and any future changes don’t effect the synchronicity of that moment.

So as you read through the original source material we see that this was reviewed since somebody trolled the comments.  So now, this video will never, ever be synchronous again, because I fixed it.

At first I went through some sock puppet accounts and changed it to 19 dislikes and thought, “Whoa, can’t do that.  1619 is way to close to 169 and in fact dropping an extra 1 to turn a four digit number into a three digit number has been and will be used again.  Pattern recognition is a powerful reinforcer.  And since in gematria you always drop zeroes except when you don’t you are allowed to drop 1’s.  Or any repeated digit you want.  Or add an extra digit since you never do that when you do.  So, when I logged back in to my main account the easiest fix was to simply remove one of the dislikes, and for good measure changed it to a like so now instead of 169 this is now 1718.

Thinking about it, I haven’t really ruined the synchronicity.  Since the word is misused it is now always synchronous with 1718.  Because you can always go back in time and claim something from eons ago is synchronous.  So every video is actually synchronous with 0 since it has to start with no views and no likes or dislikes and even when it hits 33 it’s still really zero.  Or actually it might be always synchronous with a null value since in gematria you always drop zeroes except when you don’t.  Or you can add digits without referring to the counts except when you don’t.

Now in theory I could play around with the 10 sock puppet accounts and change the total like and dislikes from 25 to 35 as much as I want any time I want.  And I’m obviously a troll/shill so even though I didn’t post a nasty comment disliking the video is a form of negative commentary.

Congratulations.  You’ve just imbued me with more power than the Organic Matrix.  Because that makes all kinds of fucking sense.  I think what I will do with this newfound power is to travel to Wollongong and have the greatest terrarium temple to Attu the Wonder Turtle ever built and I will reside there (during the seasons that the weather is nice, I could change the weather probably, but I don’t want to show off).  And for good measure I’ll have my harem of semi randomly picked hot babes who can kick ass be there, if they aren’t too busy with other stuff.

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