Monday, January 7, 2019

You're Welcome; ESPN Helps Stop Gematria Super Bowl Madness

Thanks to the same clickbait tactics used to lure unsuspecting people into wondering how Penny Marshall’s death was some sort of (faked and meaningless) tribute or ritual sacrifice, my presents I left behind have had a lot of traffic.  Over 250 page views on how ESPN has involved in gematria instead of just reporting on sports like they are actually doing.

So far no word from ESPN has reached me on if they find my material offensive or regard it as sullying their good name.  Hopefully they either find it amusing or more likely don’t give a damn, the 100% correct approach to gematria madness in sports.

It is possible that somewhere along the way someone open minded has been discouraged by these posts.  Perhaps the many blogs proclaiming gematria proof of predictive ability lured them into a Google search.  Then once they found out they have been dissuaded from betting with anything beyond actual knowledge of sports gambling.

Now as a bit of an update, the Sports Gematria blog spent the last couple of weeks by picking almost completely the team favored by the bookies as shown by the point spread.  Even going so far as to wait until AFTER the Thursday night game was finished to pad the record by picking that one correctly.  At least once for sure I got the screen grab of, and I believe a couple of times.  And Denim Davis hardly piped up at all, only picking four winners, two of which he got right.

So let’s see.  Two right divided by four picks.  Adjust for Pi....factor in GPS coordinates...and synchronicity with the two year old Chicago Cubs World Series and....that’s 50% with the magic of gematria.  Which was added in after the fact once the four games were finished.

And for the record, the previous Denim post AGAIN shows a cropped off photo of a winning ticket that could have had more than that one game and doesn’t prove that any more than a $5 minimum was wagered.  You really would have been better of skipping the Super Bowl this year and starting fresh in 2019.

So ESPN, if you were insulted by my including you please realize that I’m on your side.  There’s no need to repost the material.  The original material says it all in these two links:

And let’s not forget this popular post from 2017, which really details everything you need to know about busting gematria for its remarkable ability to be a huge fail:

And there’s not much about sports in this article, but there’s a lot of material on the NWO bull hockey, here:

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