Sunday, June 3, 2018

Whoa! Talk About Weather Control!

To snark or not to snark, that is the question?

Daggone it, your supposed to know that rain=water and there are other warning signs of flooded roads than driving into a flooded road.  The cars that WERE IN FRONT OF YOU BLOCKING YOUR VISION, did they have any WATER around them?  Was it raining so hard you couldn’t see that, like so hard that maybe you should have pulled over and waited until it subsided?  Do you ever check the weather on your phone?  Mine has an alert for hazardous conditions.  Based on my location, not just my hometown.

And the reaction is in Dan’s case a quite understandable worry about the flood symbolism seen recently.

Now let’s take the story at face value with some logical guesswork added.  Let’s assume this is the first time you encountered a flooded road.  I can believe that because you don’t know that water killing your battery and getting stranded is one of the main reasons you don’t drive into a big puddle of water.  Even if it’s not a really dangerous flash flood like the one that swept away the off duty National Guardsman recently (which I suppose may be a hoax, but whatever) it’s a huge pain in the ass for the policeman that haven’t been killed off from your traffic violation solution and other rescue personnel to deal with.  I think that at least SOME tow truck drivers are not also holding down a second job as a policeman.

Now assuming that the point, even it’s just documenting how odd this is, that this is blog worthy because it ties into all the symbolism flooding your other recent blog posts.  The first time ever experience with a flood sounds like major Freemason weather control or Organic Matrix in origin.

Do you really, really think that this event was orchestrated just for you?  Much of your magical TV viewing synchronicity is when you’re alone or with just family.  Or your GF says something odd that’s out of place.  Often an event that can’t be proven.  Now here, just for the sake for thoroughness I checked and found that indeed there was a flash flood warning in that area.  (Complete with a warning about not driving into standing water).  It may be the wee hours of the morning, but don’t you think it’s a bit odd that other people saw this event or at least it’s side effects like the water and news reports?

Is the Organic Matrix just for your benefit?  Is everything pretend and just for your amusement?  I sure as hell wish it was all pretend because my arthritic hip hurts like a mother f’er and there’s some hope for that going away when you stop dreaming of me.  Because although I’ve read that rain doesn’t really affect arthritis based on my actual experience it does.  So knock it off with the water, flood, rain commentary.

Now let’s assume that you really just wanted to post this lengthy bit and it could have been summarized, “I just drove into flood waters on top of the flood symbolism, lol!”  Do you have any sense of the line drawn between what is odd and what is really significant?  Because I don’t think so. Take hundreds of random events everyday and compare them you will find things that match once you shave them down into a two or three digit number.  You absolutely do gematria on hundreds or maybe even thousands of events.

And then comment how odd it is on those that match and just dismiss everything that doesn’t match.

This is the essence of the lamprey argument.  Puppies, kittens and goldfish are cool.  Black widow spiders are icky.  Lampreys, well I’m not really sure where to put them on the coolness of animals chain of command. If the flood event is not significant, why even mention it?  If it is, well, you kind of didn’t give us the full gematria run down of the story.  I think by now I’ve got enough to go on that I could do that, but I’d rather not since I find all of gematria to be insignificant.

Figure out a line of significance (good luck!) and decide ahead of time where it is.  You need to, and this is important, first establish some things that are obviously, at least in your own mind, not significant gematrifiable events.  You’ll probably find that you are just waiting until after the event is over and letting the gematria decide whether it’s significant or not.  Or maybe even just assume it’s gematria related without putting the effort in to find the numbers like your flood.  Because now the Organic Matrix can stalk you without a bunch of numbers to back it up since you may find out that this number is supposed to mean Mark of the Beast according to Derek or the points that were scored in last night’s basketball game instead of just your own personal flood.

So, did anything remind you of Heavy Metal music, Mel Gibson or the word Giard yesterday?

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