Friday, August 4, 2017

The Gematria Legitimacy Paradox

Congratulations for introducing yet another concept in the realm of things that weren't terribly well thought out, you chucklenoggins.

As soon as the news alert flashes the reaction is to find out what the numerology proves about what really happened. Even if our ok friend #113 doesn't appear there's a good chance we will be reminded that this is fake news. No, it wasn't an electrical fire. It was the Bavarian Illuminati! Mainstream =113! They are lying! Dishonest=113!

If you think about this for a bit, it makes absolutely no fucking sense. You're trying to offer you narrative as the substitute for the mainstream media report. Gotta wake the sheep up to what's really going down. Eventually, if you're not just being whiny little bitches, the sheep will be wakened. And then your story becomes the mainstream. Which means you're dishonest. Which means your report can't be believed. Which means that what was previously reported as the mainstream is now the alternative and what they would have said is true. Which means.........


It's funny that with how much hatred there is of the mainstream media that there's an awful lot of cutting and pasting of news headlines into the Kelinator's spreadsheet. It's our old friend of reporting after the fact. There's never a viable positive alternative offered, even if the numerology can be used to do so. Remember, VERACIOUS=113 in the simple elision (cipher).

The number 113 by itself is paradoxical, not just contradictory. If the mainstream media is always fake, what's the alternative to get the real story out? The go to outlet is to stink up YouTube with your hoax story.

Once we've reached the point of copying headlines into numerology calculators we're in reduction elision territory. Grease Fire Started In Sorority Kitchen Kills 23' isn't going to get you any matches. (And I object to the PhraseShopping of MAINSTREAM to be 113. Mainstream what? It doesn't have to be the word media that follows. It's like claiming fidget spinners are satanic when only the word 'fidget' equals 666 in the reverse Sumerian elision.)

So a quick exercise in reduction PhraseShopping.

Second try here:
YouTube Numerology videos =113 in the reverse elision.

Just want to complain about a single video?
YouTube Gematria Video =113 in the reverse elision.

Both of those phrases are not extremely awkward and arguably valid narrative for 113 in any elision. The paradox isn't even a real pardox, because as far as explaining the world we live in, numerology is and always will be, completely useless.

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