Monday, August 7, 2017

Arnold, Pythagorean Theorem Day And The Mockostrophe

It's been a bit since I did one of these. This combines several jabs at gematria concepts, some of them quite recent. Although pure mockery, there is an intent to make some kind of sense. Almost as if you wouldn't be surprised that it was actually suggested.
There's no doubt that Arnold Schwarzenegger is one special dude. A Commandoing screen presence, political figure and wow, look at that name gematria. You're looking at first, middle and last names combined just to match Schwarzenegger. There's something going on here. Something big. Something the forces that rule the shadow empire have planned for him in the eclipse of his movie career to....wait. I just said eclipse.

That's coming up soon. But eclipse and false flag both equal 33 (1). Something else. If the so called astute researchers missed the details of everything about Arnold maybe they missed something else. Got it. August 15th, 2017. Pythagorean Theorem Day (2). 8 squared+15 squared = 17 squared.

There must be a reason that my life has bern building to this. Numerology controls EVERYTHING. Even if I'm busting on it, I just don't realize I'm a pawn, trained to perform my scripted story. So what are some things that bug me. Pi. Mirror images of two digits. Bad grammar. But other than occasional misspelling (3) the misuse of the apostrophe annoys me to no end. But punctuation doesn't change the numerology.

Or does it? This is the shadow empire. They wouldn't be much of a shadow empire if it was too obvious. Before spaces where used between words the Romans used an intepunct. Funny little shaded in square. Maybe there's a value for the apostrophe (4) and other weird punctuation. Some numerology analysis reveals what it is (5).

It's not an actual apostrophe. That wouldn't have a number. It's a pseudo-apostrophe. Or how about:


That's Dan's favorite number and he's the biggest abuser of apostrophes. Now check this out.

Z=500 in the Jewish elision (cipher). Z. The zenith. The end. Arnold in End of Days about Armageddon. 500+166 =666. Schwarzenegger has a z in it. To further add to his extra specialness there must be a mockostrophe there. Schwarz'engger. Or Schwar'zenegger. Not sure what the Romans did, but the gematria doesn't change (6).

And this bit is fantastic. Go to Search for the value 500. The phrase "The Holy Spirit A Arrival Means The Church Is Over" =500 and has exactly 500 views (7)! And poor grammar! I think it's "AN arrival" and the searchers missed the mockostrophe to give 666! End of the church with 666! Oh you rascally forces that should not be are clever!

Now think back to Arnold. Schwarz'enegger with the mockostrophe is 159+166=325.

The divisors of 325 are 5x5x13.

Holy shit. 13. The dark realm loves 13, too (8). And 5x5. Five squared. The smallest Pythagorean triplet is 3 squared x 4 squared =5 squared. The hypotenuse of the 'prime' Pythagorean triplet. Has to mean something.

August 15 =8/15. 8+15=23.

I don't know exactly what's planned for August 15th, but it involves Arnold and the number 23 (9).

This is not a whole lot more unbelievable than some of the other logic you deal with in numerology conspiracies.

1. False flag is used as a synonym for fake. 33 is a nice number that shows up frequently in reductions of about this number of letters.

2. Since they read this blog now, I fully expect something to be said about P.T. Day, now. They still missed the ones earlier this century.

3. Manilla? How is it you misspelled the capital city and none of your cookie winners pointed it out?

4. New concepts to force the numerology are usually introduced with a vague, "Did you know that there's a form that, blah, blah blah...". Totally out of the blue with no precedent. Just say it with an air of authority and you can make up anything. Notice the interpunct reference? I thought that was a cute touch.

5. Use some numbers to support your new concept. It's confusing to the weak minded.

6.   Believe it or not, I started this bit with the huge value of Schwarzenegger being unmatchable. This is partially due to the Z being 26. Mostly because there's so many letters. The fact that it has a z is a happy coincidence.

7. Another happy coincidence. This really does have 500 views now. This could be changed by someone trying to disprove my point. Which is the real point. At some time this phrase was searched for the 500th time. In the comments to videos people brag all the time when their view number matches a number in the video. Stupid.

8. Got the evil theme going. Hammer home every mindless coincidence.

9. Don't make a prediction. Always report after the fact. Something 23 will happen.

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