Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Over Priming The Sump Pump

This could be split up into four posts, so it might get a bit longer than normal.

Our story begins with a new video from Hubbard posted on YouTube August 12th. Even finishing the book can't stop him from multiple daily blog posts and of course the Charlotte incident, not surprisingly called a false flag.

One commented, Zenith of the Alpha, is high enough in the gematria food chain to keep up his own blog. On this video he had to add his two cents with:


My gut reaction was to just assume he was applying the Fillipino mispelllling version to the word SUCCEED. Silly me. I should have known anything regarding a positive such as SUCCESS has no business in gematria. The second offering in the same comment makes it clear:

SUCEED FROM THE UNION = 666 (primes)

Tumultuous turtle turds, Batman! You mean. SECEDE from the Union. Don't you morons have spell checking? Sure lots of people mispronounce this like suh-seed instead of seh-seed, but spell check only recommends SUCCEED for replacing SUCEED. So, since the Kelvinator's online calculator doesn't have the Primes elision (cipher), I had to calculate it by hand, myself. Doing this I SUCCEEDED in duplicating the 666 total.

67+71+5+11+11+7 + 13+61+47+41 +71+19+11 +73+43+23+47+43=666

Using SUCEED instead of SECEDE.

But this phase of the story ain't dun, yet. Hubbard posted a comment following, as well as the Kelvinator. And this is near the top, one of the first comments on the video. And nobody mentions the misspelling. Why am I not surprised.

Now to phase three. Too many ciphers, and what you are allowed to do with them that is acceptable. The Kelvinator's comment regarded a total of 1331 achieved in the Primes elision. There is some prettiness to this number. It's 11 cubed. As gets pointed out, this number isn't really 1331. It's the sum of the divisors, so 11+11+11 =33. At least in this case, it doesn't HAVE to be 33, just can be if want it to. Another obvious use is to mean 13 and/or 31 since it contains the two digit number and its mirror image. Yep. They do that all the time.

Inevitably, when confronted with a number that's too large to directly match the match is forced. Here we have 1331 being shaved down to a more easily matched two digit number.

Another frequent trick is to use prime number lists. 1331 as we have seen does not have the decency to be prime, hence the sum of the divisors application. As for whatever the 1331st prime is, that's probably still too big. So since there is an etymologically related word on my mind, this example in the Primes elision:

CEDED = 5+11+7+11+7=41. Now, 41 is a nice matching target for a reduction. Or, primes can work the other way. The 41st prime number is 179. Here's a nice word that equals that, CONSTITUTION. I can see that in a narrative with CEDED. For extra giggles, TWENTY FIRST =179. In case something happened on a date of the 21st of the month.

Yep, they do that shit all the time.

Now step back and think about what is wrong with this concept. The real flag here is not the false flag proclaimed in the video title. It's the red flag regarding the nature of the Primes and Trigonal elisions, and Attu knows what others already exist or will be created. They are expansions instead of reductions. In theory, you can expand based on prime numbers, and then reduce based on prime numbers in the same illogic chain. Just the way whatever SUCEED FROM.THE UNION was expanded beyond simple ordinal, then reduced back down. I threw in the 21st comment anticipating something like, "I didn't like the ordinal value of 21, so let me expand it to 41, and now change it back to 21. In this case you have magical proof numerology works, mostly in practice you will get a different number, maybe one you like better.

Time to cut tho off. I have some specific thoughts about the word, "Not" to share that for continuity will be my next post. For now, the explanation of the post title. If you prime a pump too much, like the primer button on a gas lawn mower, it wont operate with a flooded engine. The entire idea of arriving at a number and then immediately changing it to another number gets more and more bogus all the time. Considering the shit in gematria, sump pump seems to nail the description down perfectly. 

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