Monday, November 13, 2023

The Doomsday Clock

Actual Doomsday end of all life as we know it stuff in the conspiracy world is a curious mix.  There’s the “buy my useless shit now to be ready for the end” crowd.  Those same vitamin supplements that in the useless overdoses you spend now on “wellness” will keep you nutritionally good to go on your daily ration of dried meat.  And someone will certainly keep refining oil for that generator of yours to keep pumping out your electricity needs.  (The other option being dealing with zombies to steal dwindling hoards of preexisting supply - messy.)  And you just know there’s bound to be a veterinarian to take care of all your medical needs.  They couldn’t put that in movies if it wasn’t true.  And then there’s the fundies who seem downright eager for the end to be raptured away.  Their timeline on the beginning is all wrong, and their timeline of the end is always wrong, because the world was going to end every day for at least the past several thousand years.

Scientists, not to be outdone in the depressing end of the world news cycle put out their greatest ratings booster ever -
And now that the cat is out of the bag only gematria and gematria style thinking can save us.  Yes, that’s right.  Actual scientists, at least some of which have actual credentials have been trying to factor in sociological factors like disinformation and reaction to scarcity of resources to give everyone the fuzzy, warm feeling of realizing how screwed we are.

Before diving in to the reasons gematria is perfect for saving us, let’s look at the more realistic outcome of something like climate change.  We already know that putting off dealing with it has contributed to where we are today.  Maybe it’s not going to directly finish us off.  But the mind boggling astronomical cost - nobody wants to pay for it.  Whatever superpower(s) exist beyond the near future, in the midst of trying to keep their populace content will have to dispense with their precious super resources as part of that opiation.  A made up but real sounding word to describe a false sense of feeling everything is just hunky dory.  While Finding Dory in actuality is far more difficult.

For example, we here in the US think we are the bestest, while having a bad track record of not electing representatives that are the bestest.  Keep it up, and other governments may decide we’re too not fun to play with any more.  Stopping trade with the US won’t end the world.  But for at least some time, a lengthy time, it’s going to destroy a lot of 1%er 401k balances.

So, how is gematria the solution?  We will cover ignorance, changing the goalposts, always being wrong about everything, and more direct gematria solutions.

Ignorance is bliss.  And gematria grifters are perfect for ignoring the actual problem at hand.  Part of the grifter marketing is to whine about serious problems without providing a solution to the actual current problems.  The mark has money today, they have a mindset of not caring about not having that money anymore.  They are the crowd that needs to start a massive social media campaign regarding how the Doomsday Clock scientists are shills.  No doubt there are numbers proving the Jesuit connections.  Discrediting the Doomsday Clock, life goes on blissfully unaware.

Changing the goalposts involves gematria’s notoriously shady understanding of time.  Like predicting synchronicity.  That’s an oxymoron.  Somehow making lots of sports predictions with a 50%ish win rate and forcing synchronicity after the fact represents meaningful journalism.  A clock has numbers.  NUMBERS, PEOPLE!  NUMBERS!  Gematria is all about any numbers right down to random digits of pi and the % of FDA requirements in your breakfast cereal fortifying additives.  If you see a number in gematria you don’t like, change the damn thing!  Let’s look at what happens to the Doomsday Clock at 30 seconds.  In the four base ciphers that’s 140 in reverse on the Gematrinator calculator.  The biggest of the four values.  Now there is an unwritten rule of not changing 140 into a second time to get a bigger value, it makes the bullshit too obvious.  But you don’t get anyone stopping you from claiming that the unit is different.  That’s 140 YEARS!  We’ve got 140 years to fix this mess.  More time to give your money to a grifter.  Lots more time.

For engagement purposes, nothing is a substitute for being deliberately wrong about everything to whip up the clueless into a frenzy.  In theory, the gematria crowd being firmly in the disinformation camp, could start an easy campaign of just arbitrarily assigning a different number other than the actual Doomsday number.  Of course, they will never come to a consensus on a new number.  That hardly matters to them or everyone else.  The new number is wrong.  But the mere existence of a number means that it’s not zero.  And if somehow it were to drop to zero?  In gematria you drop zeroes!  It must be a number other than zero!  Saved!

Trying to get these guys motivated for something other than doom and gloom is tough, really tough.  Although with minimal practice you could turn words and phrases like DOOMSDAY, ARMAGEDDON and END OF GHE WORLD into messages of peace, love, tranquility, utopia and happiness we haven’t seen these tried yet.  Maybe one day someone will successfully predict their decode that they can get through the next day without acting like an irresponsible douchebag.  Thereby starting a new trend and maybe not be right 100% of the time, but each day of not being an irresponsible douchebag makes the world a better place, one day at a time.

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