Sunday, November 19, 2023

Grab Your Popcorn -Fight!,and%20pay%20any%20necessary%20taxes.

Fight! Fight!  After school Billy and Donnie are going to…call each other more nasty names.  But this time it’s serious.  This could actually lead to a challenge to call each other nasty names during RECESS!!

Billy and Donnie are actually working together.  They have been getting more attention by calling each other poopyheads, and being the type of bully that is basically a coward at heart they really don’t want to both be ostracized by it actually coming to blows.

Due to lack of time I’ve been fairly focused on the lunacy of sports betting gematria.  As time has marched forward there is now significant content regarding the basic format.  The format I’ve posted about starting over five years ago.  Pick both teams, fudge your prediction success rate by finding a narrative for the favorite.  Lie like crazy about past results and hopefully you’ve done some maintenance to remove all the backlog of damaging wrong info you previously posted.  Now I have the utter joy of watching the entire process play out in the fundamentalist religious setting.

So here’s the way that works.  You don’t want it to be an actual spiritual message.  No need for going into the love of God.  You aren’t going to be doing marriage ceremonies, consoling people at funerals, visiting the sick at hospitals or any of the good things that religion does in society.  The grift is in the hatred, and nobody is hated more than the Devil.  That scapegoat is way overused.  So you need your standard internet grifting arbitrary scapegoat.  The Antichrist is your go to guy.  It’s super easy to predict that anyone is going to be exposed as the Antichrist soon.  And of course gematria comes into play anytime you want to get away with a wrong prediction.  A new narrative for “soon” will appear tomorrow.

Actually, that “soon” and tomorrow line is startling true.  On the sports side you have your bullshit claims of your “most mind blowing decode ever” every day.  Maybe, if each day is constantly better than the last you just plain suck at your job.  If you put a little more effort into the previous one, that would always be your bestest decode forever.  But, I digress.  It’s pretty tiresome and unoriginal to predict the Revelation scripture end of the world being tomorrow.  Every.  Single. Day.  But here we are.

I actually get along pretty well hanging out with real Christians, despite my agnostic stance.  I have a lot of experience with family and friends and will even pop into a church as a show of support for a wedding and to be mildly sociable.  I go to religious holidays get togethers and behave respectfully during the pre meal prayer.  It’s not harming anyone.  I’ve been blessed that my life among real Christians taught me that there are a lot that take the good side seriously.  And I can spot a fake a mile away.

Well, we’ve already covered the go to failed prediction of end of the world enough for now.  So let’s go to the part about “Thou shalt not steal, even if you’re a libertarian that doesn’t want to pay taxes”. (See, I’m willing to annoy anyone.  What’s it matter if the world ends tomorrow?). That’s why that link is at the start.

In the real economic format of YouTube, the goal is to get monetized, so advertisers get to share in your success by putting out people can enjoy.  Fake Christian YouTubers have many unfair advantages.  They are used to their targets being in an atmosphere of donating to support the ministry.  And they are used to the idea of not paying taxes.  And they are familiar with the theme of being persecuted for their beliefs.  And they have forgiveness for being wrong covered by the big guy.

The typical sports decode gone wrong is sidestepped by reporting the decode after the game.  You know it’s going to be wrong as soon as you put out the “world ends tomorrow” message.  There’s no pressure for covering up your tracks.  The being wrong all the time and forgiven for it part is rock solid.  Alex Jones approves.

Not everyone, like a couple gazillion butt tons of people, aren’t going searching for the constant downer content.  So you’re going to have a large number of people to cast shade on as your persecutors.  Somehow, not being interested isn’t actually persecution, but whatever.  You don’t want your channel monetized.  The big bucks are donations.  Donations aren’t taxable to a church.  Both Patreon and YouTube income are taxable.  But psychologically, Patreon gets an edge since sending money as a gift seems like you’re supporting a tax free charity.

If a fake Christian grifter wants to go to the extent of making a fake charity, that’s too much like work.  The go to for actual non taxable gifts is having people send you money through PayPal.  Bingo.  A friend sent me money.

So for some time now, we’ve had the Sports Gematria channel pointing out the actual deficiencies in the sports betting gematria format.  These have in turn lead to a lot of hate video trades between some of the bigger names in the sports gematria arena.  Some sports predictors dabble in how God loves you (and may or may not have a favorite team.  That’s my guess, they don’t actually talk about that.). Some fake Christians dabble in sports betting.  That’s the way grift magnetism works.  But now, oh boy, the attacks between competing fake Christian messagers is really heating up.

That’s a long walk for something that can be summed up quite easily.  The religious YouTube grifter reality check.  Why on Earth, if the world is ending soon, does it do you any good to give someone else your money today?  That’s a super easy way to spot the fakes.  The world is ending soon.  Here’s my PayPal account.  Send me your money today and then I’ll ask you for more tomorrow since the world isn’t going to end.

In theory, one could keep the money saved up so that you can buy candied yams for the Thanksgiving dinner, and share with your table mates what you are actually thankful for.  Your health, your promotion, how much you love your kids, kind of like a nice normal conversation.  One could, in theory, donate money to a brick and mortar church that has some programs in place like feeding shut in elderly people.  Or maybe just going right for a respectable well established charity.  Red Cross is a pretty safe one, for example.

Wouldn’t that be better than getting conflicting messages on who exactly is the Antichrist?

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