Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Know Your Grifter Incoherent Story Telling - Crisis Actors

I have read a lot of what would be called nutty stuff.  And I can honestly say that I didn’t see this one coming and simultaneously not be surprised at all how people can hold opposing thoughts simultaneously.

One of the never ending quests of the internet grifter is to develop a narrative about a problem that is not a problem.  And choosing an arbitrary scapegoat as the figurehead of the problem is the key to the story.  It’s not just enough that all sports are rigged.  Every athlete that gets injured is a “Manchurian Candidate”.  A puppet of the evil empire. Born and bred to play professional sports, where leviathans with fitness training band good nutrition ram into each other all the time and actually do get hurt on a regular basis because of something called physics.  And naturally, in the sports world this means that all popular sports figures are arbitrary scapegoats for being targeted as faking an injury.  Just like nobody dies from being a 97 year old with declining health it was the Covid vaccine that killed them - every single sports injury is fake.  You also get to add to the incoherent stories and proclaim that every single sports injury is related to the vaccine.

The ultimate and most famous case of arbitrary crisis actor declarations is Sandy Hook families.  The same way that later Pizzagate content whipped up Edgar Welch - https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna775621 into arming himself and “investigating” a pizza parlor basement for human trafficking at a pizza parlor that didn’t even have a basement, Alex Jones target audience of people with zero critical thinking skills got the bright idea that the grieving families were not real.  They were simply actors, getting paid to pretend to grieve children who were not dead.

The concept of crisis actors has been around a long time now.  It’s a staple of conspiracy mentality.  And as with Pizzagate and Sandy Hook, the concept usually involves actors of some notoriety.  A face that was seen on TV such as a grieving parent of a dead child.  A game show contestant.  A victim of an earthquake or other disaster that had their photo taken by actual journalists.  Now we have homeless crisis actors.

Sure, they’ve been seen on TV, but interviewing actual homeless people isn’t spectacular news.  There’s a bunch of them.  You don’t need to have an actor portraying a homeless person with so many actual homeless people to pick and choose from.  It’s an actual problem instead of a fictitious narrative about Hillary Clinton sucking adrenochrome out of young children.

As near as I can tell this started after washed up actor Scott Baio announced his departure from California because of the actual homeless problem.  Ultimately, it doesn’t matter as long as there is a healthy sized crowd of people that don’t think before the type and press the like and share buttons.  Now in addition to the challenges of being actually homeless these not actually actors have the suspicion and unwanted attention of people that don’t believe in facts making arbitrary decisions about what happens to them.

An out of work actor walks into the office of the Cabal and begs for work since he’s so desperate, he’s been out of work so long that he’s lost his his home.

“Please, I haven’t eaten in days.”
“We’re looking for crisis actors for our next school shooting, ya got any skills?”
“Actually, I’m an actor and I live in my car because I don’t have a home.”
“Screw you, you’re an actor and homeless, we’re looking for people to play a role of being homeless.”
“But, but…”

The next time there is a mass shooting, which I suppose is today, that might not be an active shooter.  It may just be a crisis shooter.  Somebody who shoots people to give the illusion that there are people who shoot people.  

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