Wednesday, September 19, 2018

No DI for

The video relates to some unsavory comment searched for multiple times on the website, and represents a classic example of the principle of Dipshitmatic Immunity.  The problem the actual believers in gematria have is the inability to properly translate the information provided in the video.

The translation performed probably goes something like this:

I see the number and I see that there obviously a bunch of shills trying to make Hubbard look bad.  The duality of numbers is of no concern to me because Zach is the great teacher and understands this stuff.

The actual translation should be more like:

Wait a second.  Once we try to talk about the entire language being encoded, shouldn’t there be some meaning to this?  The gematria tells me so.  Am I not really believing the message because of the source of the message instead of the actual message?

I had my fun and have gotten to the point where given a target number to reach in short order I can provide an alternate meaning to arrive at the same number, including numbers larger than what are normally used.  The database on Gematrix is essentially a collection of phrases, some short or even a single word, some longer and comical in their awkwardness.  Once you get the list of matches you have to apply some other criteria besides the numerology to get the meaning.  So the easiest cop out is to trust the source and confirmation bias instead of just admitting that small numbers are pretty much meaningless.

There’s a lot of bluster about exposing patterns of small numbers being used.  But really, how can you be sure that 113 means “DISHONEST” instead of Truth.

Instead of putting out content that needs to be translated it would save everyone a lot of time by just saying, “Believe my message because it’s me.”without resorting to the numbers.  Otherwise you get a video like this that presents a lot of ad hominem arguments about fat slobs and Gematrix bad vs. me good.  Which like Jake Lebowski goes a long way towards debunking the system while the information is presented in a manner of proof that it works.  Highlighting the site that is a collection of matches for numbers isn’t going to help the intelligent uninitiated user when confronted with single word antonyms for the first time.  It’s easy to dismiss “Cam Newton throws fifteen passes because his ducks are so sick”=XXXX as meaningless.  But what are you going to do when you get down to the brass tacks and try to convince someone about CHRIST=77 and ANTICHRIST=77?  Make a new cipher like the Telephone keypad one just introduced?  Make another number that can be chosen to use or ignore.

A benefit of dipshitmatic immunity is to keep intelligent critics at bay.  There’s no point in arguing with someone who already has their mind made up because of the source of the information instead of a rational conclusion drawn based on the actual information.  As I often say, I have the luxury of being right, so I present the real story here for those that might get curious about what this gematria business is all about when they accidentally get clickbait tricked into watching the video.  And should they also see an attack video like this one they don’t have to put any effort in to dismissing it for the waste of time it is.

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