Tuesday, July 31, 2018

The Mathematics Of The Confused Matrix


Once upon a time, there was this lonely and bored Matrix that sought to create an end to its tedium by screwing around with numbers.  That wasn’t enough, so it needed to either create people or at least use its supreme power by influencing their language so it could hide some numbers.  And for some real lulz it made sure to let the secret code buried into the language get leaked to some very, very bad organic people now known as the NWO/Freemasons/Illuminati/Reptilian robot clones/a whole bunch of others that are too numerous to name and have yet to be figured out by the astute researchers.

These are numbers, after all, so there can be no question that the math thing is important.  Math without numbers is like existence without bacon smoothies, Jenna Coleman or Wollongong - simply not worth it.  Along the way, while creating somewhere around 53,901,156,854 different ways to hide the numbers this Matrix decided that it was going to create some elisions that are known as MATHEMATICAL CIPHERS.

In the infinite wisdom of the Matrix, it realized that since any number that got too big was too much like meaningful it was just going to play around with little itsy bitsy numbers, and since any little itsy bitsy number could be reproduced from the 53,901,156,854 ways to hide it, confusion for lulz became the reason for the Matrix to want to continue on Matrixing.  Wanting to make mad, passionate love to solar eclipses would not begin until 2017, mortal time.

So the Matrix buried the deep meaning of the important math phrases MATHEMATICS and MATHEMATICS OF THE CIRCLE into the ordinal and Jewish elisions to confuse everyone that expected to find them in the mathematical elisions.

Because that makes all kinds of fucking sense.

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