Monday, July 23, 2018

The Fake Person No Lose Scenario

Sports no lose scenarios can be easy to spot.  If you’re doing the standard reporting after the fact game plan just pull up the date numerology and it doesn’t even matter which team the stats apply to, it counts.  If you want to get gutsy you can predict ahead of time, then just declare that the script is deep and/or they changed it (make sure to word it that they OBVIOUSLY changed it) to make the truth seekers look bad.  Kawhi Leonard born on June 29th.  6+29=35.  If something big is expected, say, 35 days after some arbitrarily selected date - somebody else’s birthday, or a death, and someone scores 35 points it’s rigged!  And don’t forget that there’s more than one date numerology!  6/29/91= 6+2+9+9+1=27 and others.

Extend this to the not sports arena, and you get an equally huge database of date numerology to play with.  There’s been lots of bad stuff that happens and oddly this gets recorded in history.  So every crisis has numbers, very tiny insignificant numbers and there’s always something to find.  Some of it just sounds better than the others.  The master story tellers and Dan do a better job than most since they have more practice.

But you know, ever crisis has crisis actors.  And even without gematria as soon as that label is placed it’s an instant no lose situation.

With the video being nine hours old and only a shade above 200 views this could be some form of suppression.  The only person that matters in the truth community, so he said, hasn’t scraped up more than 540 subscribers.  Which has been specifically whined about in the FTFM blog.

It’s been a bumpy road and the channel is new.  More time is needed for the tens of thousands of previous subscribers to get the word out that he’s back.  And Drkshdw’s comment points to the possible origin.  Google really didn’t seem to like the videos about Parkland and David Hogg.   5 likes off of 212 views, at least a couple of other people seem to agree.

But wait a garsh danged minute.  Isn’t the purpose of a crisis actor to be the figurehead of the hoax story?  To be the actor to spread the word around for the real master plan?  Those duck boat victims weren’t really victims.  It could have been declared some sort of sacrifice ritual, but the prevailing theory seems to be that nobody really died and that it was faked.  This could be an attempt to take away our constitutional rights to boats!

What about David Hogg?  For some reason they have him as an untouchable.  This is worded very well, and I’m not being sarcastic.  There is for some reason that Hogg is different.  Videos were pulled, community guideline strikes were given, channels were deleted.  Yet the prevailing opinion is that like Sandy Hook that Parkland was a hoax to take away our guns.  Except of course that going around different narrators getting any kind of consensus about anything is impossible.  Turning to the gematria doesn’t clear anything up because I could make the numbers show it was either a ritual sacrifice with real death or a hoax with crisis actors.  Or I could turn it into a tribute to the joys of life, love, puppies and rainbows.

Or I could just accept that I can’t have everything both ways and concede that the popular mainstream version makes more sense than what is being spouted off by people that can’t make up their minds on what they believe in, bouncing around between different logical fallacies playing pigeon chess with kettle logic.

I’m going to have to organize a post someday.  Questions that need to be answered before the story is presented.

1). Which version of gematria, all the language is encoded or just what the media says?
2). Which version of fake people are you using?  Ones that are trying to make your life miserable by ruining your reputation or hoax figureheads?  And how do you tell which is which, is there some kind of training seminar we don’t know about?
3). Is it the NWO or the Organic Matrix?


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