Friday, July 27, 2018

Evidence of Absence

Really?  Isn’t gematria supposed to provide numerical evidence instead of resorting to the weak logical fallacy of the argument of incredulity?  Are we really resorting to, “I do/don’t believe something” as evidence?  Yes, you are.  Because these lame attempts have been popping up a lot lately.

Ok, here’s how it should work.  If the rapist has his DNA sampled and it matches the sample collected by the forensic team there’s actual evidence that this is the perp.  If it’s missing, you go back to the drawing board and start looking for the real criminal.  The CSI’s aren’t looking for a pink unicorn, they can be pretty sure it’s not there.

These comments were about the duck boat thing.  There’s also a lot of talk about no blood being shown in photos as if the media is under some legal or moral obligation to include all the gruesome details.  There’s lots of stuff “missing” from every story.  I don’t know where to even begin.  Umm, “There’s no proof that so and so is actually a police officer.  If I don’t believe it, then it must be true!  That’s a crisis actor!”

A bit ago there was at least an attempt to try and find something to latch on to that could be complained about.  Like, “No real policeman would wear his badge that far down on his shirt”.  Or, “There’s no way that many bullets could be fired without blood!”  And you also get to deliberately misinterpret the evidence like not understanding that a golf ball will roll down a slope and therefore it must be a magnet.

The significance of this trend is that since the fascination with finding that every thing can be synchronized with everything else that there’s no reliability in gematria.  As I’ve said, once you get past the gematria not working, your left with arguing the point some other way.  You can try the scientific way, a core reason for this blog’s existence, and that will inevitably fail.  But at least some effort is required to point out what’s wrong.  Like the photo was altered or you forgot about continental drift when doing gematria on dinosaurs including GPS coordinates.  I guess I’m getting bored since a really good scientific whopper hasn’t shown up lately and I’ve discontinued science in my factual error of the month posts.

Other people have countered the evidence of absence idea more eloquently than me.  But should you encounter it the best plan is the reliable tool of not allowing the burden of proof to be shifted.  There’s no footage of the duck boat capsizing?  There’s also no proof that the duck boat didn’t capsize.  You believe gematria works?  There’s no actual proof it does.  It’s a convenient excuse to introduce whatever topic you really want to talk about, like enjoying harassing police and the slimy jewmedia.

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