Friday, February 2, 2018

Shoehorning In Gematria

If you've been around here for awhile you may have noticed at times that I go astray and start rambling about something silly, e.g. Vikings pillaging for new shoes.

At lot of these are a byproduct of a lame attempt to interject some levity into the horrid source material which is so lifeless and dark that it would be impossible for me to have anyone read my point of view. Add to this trying to finish up before real life takes control, food, take car of the dumbass dog, finding the crappiest movie on TV, etc.... Add to this recognition that sometimes the daily post is just getting too long. But I do try and tie up the loose shoelaces in some semblance of nearby chronology. So here's why I have a sudden interest in Viking footwear.

This is a really big logical fallacy in gematria and there has to be some casual users that simply haven't been presented with the reality in the right way, or they would realize how wrong the system is.

Person's name = number
Number = freemason

Why? Maybe that number should mean rutabaga. Or Viking shoes. Or nuclear weapons, or whatever. The entire system is built on taking it on faith that it has to be freemasonry or Illuminati.

I've touched on this before I found out the more formal name of shoehorning, suggesting they update their catch phrases since nobody is really scared by freemasons. Ninjas would be much scarier. Now that I think about it, Ninja Vikings. With rocket launchers. Yeah, no way I'm getting any sleep tonight.

This would be a good one for open minded little Johnny's parents. "Mumsy, Billy's older brother said the freemasons are out to get us". Mom says, "Shoehorning. Look it up. Or ask your Dad". Dad, "I'm reciting the information in that link above verbatim, now until they are upgraded to ninja Vikings with rocket launchers, don't bother me."

For those unable to access the link, don't care to access the link, or are too scared to because of ninja Vikings with rocket launchers, the name is derived from the little device that lets you slip an uncomfortably tight shoe onto your fat foot. Freemasonry is being shoehorned into the gematria story by saying, well that's the right number for Scottish Rite, so fuck yeah, that must be what it means.

Open minded little Johnny should be paying attention to other details. First of all, ninjas don't wear shoes, per se. Next, take a look at what they say about their own names. The storytellers have names and lots of elisions available and prime numbers and other tricks. I'll betcha that whenever they talk about themselves it's going to be neutral or praiseworthy. Give me any name and I can turn it into the most vile, disgusting attribute imaginable, that is, shoehorning the opposite of what they suggest. By extension, the loyal minions posting in the comments are immune from the negative shoehorning. If Johnny's parents are really busy they can abbreviate the conversation. "Johnny, lists up. Genius and moron have the same value in the original system. Freemasonry and Anti-masonry share the same value. Stop worrying about ninja Vikings, study hard and go cure cancer someday. And get me a beer".

I've spread decided that since shoehorning is so annoyingly prevalent that I'm going to create another character. Erik Vollongongr, the topic of Lucy Furcertain's doctoral thesis. The Viking without shoes so he can sneak around like a ninja. The Viking with horns on his helmet so we get the complete shoe/horn package. The horns that Vikipedia updated their site on just last week because Erik created the first rocket launcher and those were the projectiles. Because all that makes no less sense than shoehorning in freemasonry.

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