Saturday, February 10, 2018


So yesterday I said to myself, "Hey self, the video about the Holocaust Hoax has the comments disabled. The alternate link on the sock puppet channel was deleted by YouTube. I want insane comments about the Holocaust! Let's check the video put up just before the Holocaust video. Usually these guys let it spill over into the next best option."

So, good news for me, I don't have to scroll through for bizarro landers - first one. Gene Simmons of Kiss owns the © for the dollar sign. I said to myself, "Why yes, not only does that sound perfectly reasonable, I actually heard that before." Then I stopped being sarcastic, gagged on my swallow of spit and the dog got excited because he heard one of the phrases he is familiar with and thinks is his name:

No. Fucking. Way.

This could be a candidate for the monthly award, but with the imminent strike on the account I'm not sure how long the channel will last. It could be an addition to the misused terms list. Which it is, but the whole concept is wrong. Eventually, here we are posting today since this deserves a picture of a badger and is a timely example of why truthers aren't taken seriously.

OK, now first Mr. DeWeaver is from Australia. So we can already guess his exposure to Wollongong gematria ambiguity is at a higher dosage than most people. And his avatar proves it - a triangle shape. The actual mark of the Beast, not the circle.

A copyright violation is for rights of authorship to something that was produced by an individual. Like a song or book. The individual pieces that make that up like the words in the book are not copyrighted, it's the book as a whole. If you could copyright the pieces, then somebody is sitting on a butt load of cash for copyrighting the word "the". If anything, this would be a trademark ™ violation. A symbol commonly designated as significantly representing something. Like the McDonalds Golden Arches. Or the smiley face which WalMart decided it was entitled to.

And lost the ensuing legal battle because it was 😊 too common and not their property.*

At times I have a hard time grasping the kind of mindset that thinks this kind of thing is true without any fact checking. That's not to say that you can instantly dismiss it, but IF SOMETHING SOUNDS TOO GOOD (or weird) TO BE TRUE IT PROBABLY IS. A quick check of the internet reveals absolutely zero connection between Gene Simmons and the dollar symbol. There is a months old deal about trying to get the rights to the "devil's horns" hand gesture that looks like the ASL "I love you" hand sign or Spidey shooting his webs. But zippo on the dollar sign.

That's about strange concepts in general not being thought out terribly well. But you believe in gematria, so you're looking for easy answers instead of <insert badger picture here> actual truth. Like 59 couldn't possibly mean anything but freemason. So let me explain to you why the dollar sign story is completely wrong.

Now I've been typing out the words "dollar sign" instead of actually using it. In case you think I'm afraid of using it because of imminent litigation:
KI$$ My A$$ Gene Simmon$. Every computer keyboard and typewriter has a dollar sign. Copyright infringement! (Henceforth abbreviated CI). Every time it's typed - CI! Every game show that displays $ amounts - CI! Jeopardy is rigged AND a breeding ground for litigation. The receipt from Dan's Wendy's lunch-CI! Every invoice, tv commercial, IOU note handwritten in crayon -CI! If Gene TRIED to get a copyright for this I imagine the response would be a simple two word, "Pi$$ off".

And with the use of symbols in gematria it would also work this way. If somebody is trying to bypass a naughty word filter or are forced to make a password that includes at least one symbol, like me your cleverness is usually to make your password something like P@$$word123 so you can still remember it as a word. Everyone knows when you type a$$hole you mean asshole. A copyright violation in practicality doesn't happen for identical content. Like Robin Thicke's song, Blurred Lines, it was close enough to Marvin Gaye's song. CI! So you guys have already shown that S=5 and similar stuff because they LOOK alike. Every 5, S and yes even Z - CI! (I'm not making that up. I've seen Z is a backwards five numerous times.) Oh Je, er....Attu flipperx how many of that letter before the letter t have I typed thux far- CI!

If there was ever a post that begged for being chided for nonsensicality this is it. Instead of "That's just plain fucking stupid" we get a "Really?" And a bunch of likes including the channel ❤ symbol. That all started off with a post about the $ symbol being copyrighted, using that $ in the text.

CI!!!!!!!!!! (Dumba$$)

* If there was any truth to this the best Simmons could hope for is the use of something like $ in KI$$. WalMart might have a variation of a smiley they think is unique, but the courts rightfully didn't want to open up a lamprey argument. If the courts have a change of heart about copyright type issues I'm working on the paperwork to get a patent, copyright and trademark on dust. Not the word, the actual dust. You may want to stop sloughing off dead skin cells now to be on the safe side.

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