Sunday, February 9, 2025

The Fear of Learning, Part 1


If you missed out on gematria around 2016 through 2018 you might not be aware that its use as propaganda was off the charts nuts.  Nowadays it’s settled into mostly a sports gambling grift.  Not anywhere near as fun as the wacko stories that came about from what seems like a long forgotten era.

In theory, instead of the time Pi/Eclipse ritual for a 102 year old’s passing those that saw a 102 would have been inclined to drop in how 102 meant SLAVERY, or even the “N” word.  A cheap mental gymnastics cop out.  I’m not racist, the evil empire that created the ritual is.

Although the 102 point NBA story isn’t quite that old, it still serves the purpose to show that there’s still a lingering presence of the topic of bigotry.  The author is one of Zach’s long term flunkies.  An author that also has our favorite number 113 in their most recent video.  Checking the stats, that video has 430 views after about a week.  A lot of work for a little bit of attention.  And still stuck on the old 113 MUST mean deception.  Even though it’s been amply covered here that Veracious=113, and Truth=113 (Capitals Added cipher).  And there’s a whole host of words that relate to truth that equal 113, which never get acknowledged.  This is why I took the time to find OPPRESSOR=102.  Just because you have a fear of learning that a simple antonym shows the meaningless of conspiracy gematria doesn’t mean that others might want to learn from past mistakes.

As for the 113 in the videos, there’s also a list of vaguely related words that don’t really count as synonyms of DISHONEST=113.  Things like PERVERTED and GREEN SCREEN.  And that in turn leads to the logical step that isn’t spoken aloud, that should mean that similar “nice” sound words like SCHOLAR=113 as well as SCHOLARLY=113.  Lawful=113 (Reverse Capitals Added).  It is fairly simple to find not just a neutral and totally unrelated story, but actually find the opposite to the author’s intent.

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