That’s a video of a “debate” by a group of truthers. Not so much a group as an oddball collection of diverse ideas unified by a singular theme - things aren’t going well and let’s talk about our grievances.
I really need to watch the whole thing through since it amuses me to see Zach’s own tactics being used against him. Getting there late in the proceedings it seemed to me more to be a gang up and attack Zach than any kind of sensible debate. He never got any traction, constantly being interrupted. Whether this was planned or just came about organically, who knows?
The repeated interruption was the perfectly valid knock against gematria. Or actually two, but the more important one first. For a decade he’s been allegedly making predictions, but if you look back over the history with an open and unbiased mind he’s NEVER predicted anything of significance. The format is always the same. Here’s what happened yesterday. Here’s what they did. A psychic 900 number from the old days that just tells you what the weather was yesterday and a couple of hometown ball scores. A local news channel with a penchant for the morbid and throwing in a little bit of political propaganda which would be opinion except it’s dressed up as fact with a nonexistent magic code. And the news channel doesn’t operate by advertisers. It’s PBS supported by donations. You get an Attaboy!TM instead of a tote bag or shirt.
These debates are a no lose situation for all the panelists other than maybe investing more time than wanted. Any engagement is good engagement in the world of online grifting. That video may be on Zach’s channel for now, but somebody else surely will keep it up. There will probably be some follow ups with several key people claiming total victory. And that’s the second point. When your brand is never admitting your ever wrong, it sure is incredibly hard to believe you spend hours on a livestream getting slaughtered by your own tactics (never let them get a word in) when you should be so ridiculously rich with your magic code these people would be beneath you.
Here, let me do a non truther debate argument. You don’t need to have a magic code.
I think that people in general suck at long term planning. The government knows this and preys upon it. “You’ll have a 401k to retire on.” “You’ll have social security to retire on.” “Groceries will go down day one in my administration.” Every argument is some vague promise that decades later is, “Oops I’m sorry. Can’t do that. Sorry.” While the reality is nobody who is super rich cares about the cost of climate change mitigation in the future. The U.S. won WWII by being the only country without massive infrastructure loss by getting the shit bombed out of it. Now, the capitalists focused narrowly on the short term are having a harder and harder time disguising the party is over.
Now what was so hard about that? Now magic gematria numbers talking about 2038 bits crashing UNIX systems. No bullshit Taylor Swift is an Illuminati puppet scapegoating. No trying to convince people that Covid is a hoax and selling snake oil. You don’t need the magical oriented thinking of conspiracy theory to whine about things being wrong. The only use for it is if you are also capitalizing on someone’s lack of long term thinking to suck more money out of the working class, ironically by the same short sightedness that made them desperate enough to listen to you in the first place.
Once you began to realize that a magic sports code isn’t going to make you super wealthy you can begin talking openly with people smarter than you and get help from them instead of the knee jerk reaction of attacking them you’ve been taught to do. You’re probably going to need some real friends in the next four years.
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