Friday, February 23, 2024

Typical Conspiracy Thinking

Even if your carrier wasn’t AT&T you were affected by the outage yesterday.  It’s just a question of to what degree.  Maybe you have a relative that needs a prescription medication.  The normal driver for the delivery route has a new stop and he’s not familiar with it so he Googles…oh shit.  It’s close by so he talks to someone that gives him solid directions.  Your relative has to wait an extra hour.

Not end of the world stuff other than my limit on how many analogies I’m allowed to use.

Like a pandemic that people aren’t accustomed to because of their addiction to convenience, the outage freaked out the conspiracy crowd.  The low level believers require a heavy dose of misinformation on a daily basis.  The types of people who if they’re actually employed sneak a quick glance at the phone for an update on whatever bad news started their morning off instead of actually being productive.  Or they couldn’t listen to their favorite cult leader for directions on what they are supposed to think.

And higher up the food chain, feel some compassion for the miserable cult leader.  Although crank/grift magnetism is great for engagement it doesn’t help for a sudden shift in dynamics.  It’s perfectly fine if someone who believes the Earth is flat shows up on your gematria channel that you use GPS coordinates gematria on.  Confirmation bias has evolved that they will just dismiss the contradictions.  Attaboys!TM will be exchanged and semi peaceful coexistence will be found.  But every clique leader has a particular schtick.  The one thing that keeps the mid level on the pyramid scheme going.  Be it how the Jesuits are rigging the NFL and car races, how Michelle Obama actually being a man fits into the Rapture, or how 200 year old eclipses affect the cryptocurrency prices.  All very real and very stupid hot takes on what’s going on in the world.  And the competition to outstupid the other cliques for engagement and the grifting dollar is intense.  So how do you handle a sudden shift in dynamics (I hesitate to say emergency as it wasn’t quite that bad)?

The clique leader, not having time and resources to totally rebrand their image maintains the basic infrastructure with daily videos.  The backbone of the grifting economy.  You already have a good idea what they are going to say.  Repetition is important, treating every audience like a new one.  Put the basics in every video, for gematria mention A=1, B=2, C=3….  Every video every day.  The clique leader has mastered the overall theme.  And has enough psychological savvy to figure out who is showing signs of being a mid level flunky.  The mid level types need guidance on the specifics TODAY.  What tiny little bit ties into TODAY that makes it a little bit special.  What makes it simultaneously more intelligent and confusing to achieve a return visit.  The mid level type controls the flow of the newbie thought process.  Keeping them on topic by giving the Attaboy!TM, blocking out the normies who troll, and throwing out support for the idea that donating might be a great idea.

Yes, pity the mid level person in the MLM scheme for having to deal with the inconsistency in the low level members.  They have to deliver a message to the cult that ANYTHING is an item that requires positive feedback.  You’re one of us.  You’re one of the flock of truly enlightened.  But what they suck at is dealing with a rapid shift and how easily distracted the cognitively damaged get and wander off topic.

As the gullible search for answers on a new issue they bounce around on all kinds of different sources.  Not reliable sources, just different as the seek confirmation that the world is in fact out to get them and everything is manufactured to make their lives more miserable.  Personally, not just for their in crowd.  And when they stray the results are spectacular.  A wild mish mash of incompatible ideas that don’t gel together into a consistent theory.  Once able to get back online, or if online but having to wait for the dead leaders input all kinds of incompatibility arises.  It’s solar flares.  It’s a government plot to attack truthers.  It’s a cyber attack from Russia.  It’s a cyber attack from China.  It’s a ritual for the upcoming eclipse in April.  It’s a ritual because of the Antichrist.  It’s aliens in the clouds with their chemtrails.  It’s aliens from a secret unidentified planet in our solar system.  It's….

A golden opportunity for misinformation researchers to identify who is “sold on the idea” and qualifies as a true believer and who is just in it for the grift.  There’s an old rule for those that research these things.  You don’t attack those that truly believe.  But once you’ve elevated to fraud, people will talk about your grift non stop.  You are now peddling disinformation instead of just mindlessly repeating misinformation.  

The clique leaders hate this.  People shift allegiances suddenly, or drop out all together, if they’re smart enough and do some actual research on what’s going on.  Finding a good mid level lieutenant to replace a lost one is tough.  Putting “stealing money from people on the Internet” isn’t a great item for your resume.  There’s few choices for the mid level lieutenant.  Move on.  Double down on the crazy and dream you’ll be one of the few to make it as leader of your own clique.  Or maybe even become one of those rare vocal critics that didn’t like being used and turn against your former masters.

You can complain until you are blue in the face about your alternative “facts” prove your point.  Normies don’t buy it.  And gematria is pretty easy to debunk.  There’s something wrong every day with every decode, just by the nature of the system.

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