Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Solving The National Debt

There’s a plethora of multitudes of actual conspiracy hidden behind the scenes that you don’t know about.  And we here have painstakingly analyzed the details and FIGURED IT OUT, as you can tell because WE USE CAPITAL LETTERS.  And gematria.  GEMATRIA IS PULLING THINGS OUT YOUR BUTT TRUTH.

Without a doubt the the crypto bros gematria community is the most focused on money.  And since X is the big thing now we know that XRP is the most bestest crypto ever.  And guess what XRP is equal to?  (Yes, this is actual talked about by actual gematria crypto bros, if you can forgive my breaking from the text intended to be in sarcasm font.)

XRP = 58.  And what else do we know about 58?  This year is the year for Super Bowl 58.  Which means gambling.  Which means money.  Which means solutions to monetary problems by putting everything you have on one team since you love roulette.  But that’s just part of the story.  That’s the cover up because crypto bros talk about the US Debt Clock.  A site that runs number counters that have meaningless numbers, impossible to be accurate, in garish colors designed to appeal to a two year old and complete with your standard offering of shitty ads and the word “BIGLY”.  Hint:  That BIGLY is important.  Beyond that it’s in CAPITAL LETTERS.  Letters so big they’re YUGE.

Note you can get an app on your phone.  Not because it’s super important to this narrative, but if your messing around with crypto and shitty ads aren’t enough to fuck up your phone with tracking cookies you may need to go full download the app mode.

So just so you’re with me so far, because we’re getting to the good stuff.  Super Bowl 58.  Money  XRP.  Money.  Debt.  Money.

And money has NUMBERS attached to it.  Like other than which leader’s Face ID printed on it something that gematria users with limited pattern recognition skills and a desire to not retain their money need as an identifier of how much money it is they lost.  Like how there’s a $10 bill and a $100 bill and a one dollar bill that are all the same to a gematria loser user after dropping zeroes.  The rest of you can keep your extra $99 if you happen to have a $100 bill in your possession.

So gematria people love to be involved in scams.  Which add a YUGE and BIGLY amount to the national debt.  The associated waste of resources for law enforcement and the legal system.  And they love themselves weird letters.  We’ve had the Q stuff.  We’re about to get slammed this year with the X stuff.  What else has a value placed on weird letters?

Scrabble.  The values of Q and X are right up there at the top.  Although the Q stuff is still around and will never go away, at least the normies who prefer $100 to actually be $100 know about it by now.  X stuff will hopefully reach that point, soon.

Now, we just need to anticipate the two remaining phases before they happen.  Z and J.  The most BIGLY underutilized Scrabble letters remaining.  Planning ahead.  Forethought.  Inoculation before it gets out of hand.  Maybe, oh, be satisfied with a sensible economical vehicle instead of a fossil fuel guzzling monstrosity of a status symbol.  Before you get into the upcoming ZRP and JRP desperation of gambling on the Super Bowl to try and get you past your tilt phase of the bad decisions you made.  It’s gonna be a long time before the debt is eliminated and an NFL expansion team that starts with the letter Z comes around.  And by the time that happens the Jaguars might be renamed, so who knows.

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