Thursday, August 30, 2018

Using Gematria To Predict 2019 Super Bowl Champion

Oh, I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time, so glad it’s finally here.  But first the disclaimer.

If you were tricked by the clickbaity title and firmly believe that gematria works despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, this is not for you.  Move along.  Because this isn’t going to give you any hints.  If you refuse to believe that you’re making decisions outside of numerology as the season progresses you’re too close minded to face reality at this time.

For the real story:

In essence, this recaps that every single NFLteam has a connection to 99, for the 99th NFL season.  Now that this was officially declared important two days ago:
There’s always an out.  There’s always some small glimmer of numerology to rely on that justifies that any given team may have been the secret pick.  So wanting to limit my time input, I waited until the upcoming NFL season because 9’s are a lot easier to deal with than 8’s since there is the really stupid rule that 9’s and 6’s are the same since they are upside down opposites.  Combine this with another stupid rule of dropping digits, mostly 0’s and 1’s, and I’ve got a 99th season connection for every team.  So if you’re going to predict with gematria today, you have absolutely no reliance on the team name.  Although notice that in the linked post that PATRIOT=99 (not pluralized) gets top billing.  How generous to mention the preseason Vegas odds favorite.  My list is based off just the team names except the Saints.  Also this nonsense about the 523 for the Patriot (we’re not sure exactly which one of the team is the Patriot in question) will be addressed at the end.  So get ready to drop and flip some digits.  Some teams have more than one match, which will also be addressed at the end.

Arizona Cardinals 990 Sumerian
Los Angeles Rams 960 Sumerian
49er 199 Trigonal
Seattle Seahawks 166 Jewish
Bear 1909 Reverse Extended
Lion 99 Franc Baconis
Packers 99 Francis Bacon
Minnesota Vikings 96 Reverse Reduced
Atlanta 606 Trigonal
Carolina 99 Francis Bacon
Saints —. Louisiana 606 Sumerian. More on this at the bottom.
Buccaneer 69 Jewish
Dallas Cowboys 606 Satanic
NY Giants 1909 Squares
Philadelphia Eagles 96 reduced, 69 Septenary
Denver Broncos 69 Jewish Reduced
Chiefs 99 Baconis
Los A. Chargers 99 RSR
Raiders 690 Rev Sum 299 Eng Extended
Baltimore Ravens 66 Reduced
Cincinnati 66 Reverse  Red
Cleveland Browns 169
Pittsburgh 166 Francis Bacon
Houston Texans 66 Reduced
Colts 69 Reduced
Jacksonville Jaguars 66 Reduced
Tennessee Titans 1999 Reverse Trigonal
Bill 99 rev Franc Baconis
Patriot 99
New York Jets 990 Sumerian
Dolphin 666 Reverse Sumerian

1). Multiple matches - there seems to be extra weight paid to multiple “clues”, however just starting from scratch with no other info you can’t exclude any team.  Now think of that if you’re a believer and made it this far.  You’re going to get more “clues” as the season progresses.  More “clues”, like who is winning and who sucks ass.  Completely outside of gematria.  You’re an idiot if you can’t find two and three digit numbers supporting who won the game as the season goes on.

2). The Saints - I’m glad that the initial run through the 2,561,909,473 different elisions didn’t yield one for the Saints.  Because when I first started Hubbard was all over his unwise prediction of Green Bay up until they finally got eliminated.  The reason?  44.  Because WISCONSIN=44 and GEORGIA=44.  So the State counts, too.  To this day he still counts this as a correct prediction and is a major reason he doesn’t go on record early anymore.

3). 523.  WOW, what a stretch.  Just to add another alignment to successfully predict the preseason favorite dynasty team.  Because nothing says number of games played is important like picking the number of games played from the season before.

So there you go.  Look for all those additional clues as the winners emerge.  Throw away a couple hundred bucks to the pay for play guys while you’re at it.  They deserve it just as much as the Nigerian princes.

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