Tuesday, August 7, 2018

The Gematria Definition Of Synchronicity

If you want to look for it here’s the source, I’m not sifting through almost four hours of live stream to find it again.  It was closer to the beginning.


At least there’s a thumbnail of a puppy.

We have a really big problem with not understanding the meaning of words, which is a really big problem when you’re making a big deal about the mysteries of language which has a lot of words in it.

What was said was something like, “What I’ve noticed about the synchronicity stuff is that even if it’s not important right now it comes up later.”


Here’s the dictionary definition of synchronicity:

The simultaneous occurrence of events that appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.

I’ve known Dan thinks this way for a long time, just never saw it in a video expressly stayed so obviously.  If he would ever realize how much lack of simultaneous occurrence there is it could change his mind.  And monkeys could fly.

In gematria, synchronicity means matching numbers show up regardless of how far in time apart the events occur.  Currently some “simultaneous” events synchronized with Dan’s  predictions and mysterious events go back pretty far on the ole clock-a-rooney.  Some leeway can be forgiven in declaring an event to be at the same time.  The TV show has someone say, “Bless you” and seconds later someone in the same room as you sneezes.  You dreamed about someone last night you haven’t seen in five years, that morning at the IHOP you see them.  Maybe....but is hours away still really simultaneous?  No.

The deep rooted misconception of synchronicity isn’t just the lack of understanding the definition.  It’s a pattern of thinking, not unique to Dan yet certainly on display more frequently.  “I just talked about this a couple of days ago” style comments pepper his videos and blog posts.  Some of the stuff goes back YEARS in time.  Just because that’s what the number meant it before it HAS to mean that now.  There’s no expiration date.  Synchronicity stretches into infinity.

And in the big picture this relates to how significant historic events are handled.  The often repeated numbers of school shootings, 9/11, etc...aren’t going to change unless you start looking for bigger, more significant numbers.  “Oh, what are the odds?”  If a number means something any time in the past OR is being held indefinitely for the future the odds are virtually 100%.  All solar eclipses in the past or all upcoming eclipses.  You never have to identify anything truly simultaneous and it’s still gematria magic.

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