Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Hurricane Maria And The Death Toll Change

There’s been a lot of blog posts and videos cranked out and there’s not really any originality among them.  So for lack of anything better I’m latching on to this death toll update.

 I don’t need to debunk anything, just let them yammer on and debunk themselves.  But a novice critic encountering gematria for the first time might need a bit of a nudge in the right direction on exactly what is wrong with this.  Aside from the major stuff like completely shoehorning in the Freemasons with no logical foundation.

Hardly a new “rule” if you can call a rule something that is just created on the fly to support the current numbers of the day is this fuzzy math of the updated toll.  Because 2975 is simply too big a number to work with straight up.  And since this is how the minions operate and a year ago Pi was so popular even the big names operate this way on occasion.  2975 too big?  Well let’s lop off 64 and call it 2911.  Doggone it, that’s still too big.  Let me invoke the 11 is a master number rule, which supposedly means if I find an 11 I don’t reduce it to 2, but here it means I get to separate it from the other two digits and call this a 29 and 11.  And then since everyone that reads regularly knows every two digit number is evil, the work is done.  No further explanation needed.

I’m hugely unimpressed since if the way to prove the NWO is involved is to simply fuck around on a computer screen until you find a two digit number you like.  A 2975 in a narrative?  Oh, no way by itself.  That would be too much like work.

Even the 2975 is shady as the official news is that it’s an educated guess.  The NWO likes to mock us with the headlines.  And since this is traffic in human misery instead of mocking us with sports I suppose we are treated to this for a bit of a change of pace.  Don’t you think it would be more mockeringful to post something exact?  2,977!  Suck it sheeple!  Muahahahahaha!!!   Instead despite their power the selective incompetence chooses to make us work for the decode of 2975-64=2911=29 & 11.  When if they can bury numbers in this manner virtually and combination of two two digit numbers could be derived.

But the real issue I want to restate to the newcomers is what this mad dog says.  Darn right you aren’t supposed to decode what’s not in the news story.

There are at the core two basic approaches.  Either brute force of matching arbitrarily chosen items (in this case first death toll then the new one) and farting around until you happen to find a number or two you like or hitting on the number, sticking with it and playing around altering it in some way to make the number you like such as this 29 & 11.  Both of these are alterations.  But, since the NWO works so mysteriously we could have had the death toll represent something to do with frigging baseball.  Like actual material we got with Hurricane Harvey.  Declare it a mocking tribute and, I don’t know, find a player with jersey number 29 with an active 11 game hitting streak.  Which is so sad because that’s actually the kind of meaningless sports stats you can dredge up from brute force comparison that really appears.  Especially sad since the energy spent on it to validate being a racist anti-government drug user is enormous.

So just to hit HURRICANE MARIA=139, something that is acknowledged as somewhat of a “rule” is thrown away and justified to PhraseShop in NEW DEATH TOLL=139.  I understand the motivation.  If you want to argue entire language encoded it’s easily shot down with grammar —> antonyms and restructuring acsentence.  “Bob is a douchebag, Mary is cool”=“Mary is a douchebag, Bob is cool”.  I’m still pretty sure the Organic Matrix doesn’t give a rip about this.  But once we bring up the Masons we’re talking what’s the story that was printed.  Arguably NEW DEATH TOLL is the most logical, but you can bet that if that didn’t work on the first try the alternatives would have been tried.  Sad because energy in investigating whether the Illuminati actually meant REVISED DEATH TOLL or UPDATED DEATH TOLL is expended.

Do you really need to buy a 700+ page book to justify finding two digit numbers in an infinite number of ways?  I can save you the time by putting up a post of all the two digit numbers.  I’ll even throw in the three digit numbers for free.  It’s obvious I’m a paid shill, so that will save you lots of time.

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