Thursday, December 29, 2016

Wordology 101, Some Of The Basics

I would be remiss if I did not splain(real word) some of the basics of Wordology. I am the leading authority on the subject. So me and my crack team of Wordologists, me and the dog, have decided to use an example comparing something from Nad's Mindless Freaks blog as a starting point. First of all, want to point out that my dog's name is Bertie. Really. I'm not making this up. Now rearrange the letters of BERTIE and you get ETRIBE. Proves that he is part of the electronic tribe of Wordologists.

Recently Mindless Freaks had an example of various predestined things proven by numbers in football. That is worth an entire post and I promise (or threaten, if you prefer) to devote an entire post to football. But this is clearly beyond the scope of the basics I offer here.

Dan, er...I mean fond of using dates in his number "proofs." To the extent that the calendar year is often part of the so called calculation. 2016 in that scheme has a near infinite variety of numbers you can throw out there to create a number to suit yourself. You can get 36 by adding 20+16. 9 by adding 2+0+1+6. 2x16=32. 2x0x1x6=0. 16/2=8. And on and on it goes. Forget for a minute that any number can be created to fit your scenario in this manner. Wordology proves it is the words that really matter.

The year is two thousand sixteen.
Two=Too. There are too many numbers available in Nad's numerology.
Thousand=Thou Sand. Thou as in your. Sand as in the Sandman. Your dreaming if you think these numbers prove anything.
Sixteen=Sick Teen. Pre-adolescent illness prevented his brain from developing properly.

My crack team has spent some extra time reading the ingredients of food in my kitchen cabinets and unearthed that the secret is in words related to foods and dates. If you are new to this I will try to minimize my condescension. Frankly, I'm surprised I have to explain this. It's fairly obvious.

The moment that I tied in food and dates was reading the back of pasta boxes. After cooking you strain pasta in a colander. Colander =calendar. Looking at the calendar I see that this is December. Consonant, vowel, consonant, vowel followed by "mber". This is the sane pattern as Cucumber. You can pickle cucumbers. Pickle = Pick L. A clear sign that we are to pick calendar months that gave the letter L. Which are April and July. Note that April, July and December all relate to the growing season. April starts, July is at the peak. December is winter and the growing season is over. (Results can be duplicated in the Southern Hemisphere by watering plants with water that was flushed by toilets in the Northern Hemisphere).

April+July= two months. Add one since the word calendar has an L, result is three. Three=tree. Trees grow-see how this works? It's all in the words. Everything points towards plants. Not numbers.
In conclusion. Plants grow in pots. You must be on drugs to believe this stuff. Which makes me a crackpot. Remember. From the start I admit that this is parody.  So who is the real crackpot?

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