Wednesday, September 4, 2024

I Had A Dreem, And Beholed Wat Was Revealled


All aspiring grifters need to keep this in their bag of tricks.  There are multiple variations and different angles to choose from.  It works something like this.

Psychologically, some people are not so far gone that their mental state allows them to genuinely have “voices in their head” commanding them what to do.  That’s not the same as looking for a song from a higher power and seeing something that gets confirmation bias interpreted as what you wanted to believe all along.  We’re talking school shooter level crazy.  But if someone gets elevated to a trusted source, often extremely undeservedly, they can lay claim to having secret knowledge being beamed into their noggin in some way.  And those that follow the magical knowledge receiver, aka cult members, they know they aren’t getting the magic knowledge beaming themselves, and they yearn for it.  Listening in and hoping they can keep following and pick up tricks to get the same dopamine rush…and the accompanying attention.

I haven’t had the Lord command me to do gematria in a while, but when he does I drink Dos Equis.  Or I’m commanded to literally misspell a word.  I’m not sure how fuzzy that picture is going to look, but he was commanded to gematrify “Mastur Key”.  Then, just for giggles without the command he followed up with “Master Key”, so as not to come off sounding like a total loon.  And the seed is planted via association, what the reward will be.  It’s not a happy afterlife, it’s not slamming those pesky communist libs, it’s cryptocurrency which means MONEY.  Because someone else had a dream, not your own personal dream.

If it didn’t work, it wouldn’t be a thing that gets constantly repeated.  And here’s some actual variations of the magical knowledge implantation process.  Really, used within 2024 and often repeated from the same source. (To be fair, Hubbard studied real hard to uncover his secret knowledge.  And that story involving the coldest day on record has just been repeated.  I’m sure it will be told again.  I like the hard work angle better than magical beaming angle.)

You can choose your favorite deity as the source.

You can choose a human figure, a sort of avatar of the deity as a subsidiary to the deity to be the source.

You can literally claim it’s aliens beaming the knowledge to the brain.  And they come in lots of forms and do wonderful things with probing.

You can have a dream, and if you’re lucky you aren’t told to spell things wrong.  That would be awfully confusing.

You don’t have to actually be asleep and dream.  Even cooler is a dream or fugue state where you aren’t in control of your body and fully conscious you experience the visions.  That actually happening would be terrifying.  Think of being commanded to spell things wrong and not being able to move your hands to write things down wrong.  Yikes.

Go the Spidey Sense route.  Pick your favorite body part (not genitalia, that would be GOP politician level creepy) and mention with increased pitch and volume, “Oh my gosh!  My nose is itching!!!”  The cultures are now aware you are experiencing a vision.  Usually involving shitty image quality.

You have a friend you haven’t seen in a long time.  And by golly the gematria synchronicity is through the roof!  It’s gotta be an old friend, you would actually be in synchronicity all the time hanging out with a real friend, literally having overlapping two digit numbers in the thousands or more within hours of close contact.  A fake friend is much better for those situations so you can pick and choose what your fake friend says and does.

Or the gematria synchronicity is with some really, really old event like a hundred year old eclipse.  That’s such powerful synchronicity it breaks the definition of synchronicity.  Our XRP friend should take time out from brushing up on his spelling and work on some astronomy and astrology.  Lots of crypto decoding in that arena.

Rest assured that today and every day, out there somewhere somebody is having some sort of magical epiphany related to baseless conspiracy theory activity and they need your money to keep the magic going.  And the vast majority of those are currently tied to those that think it’s a good idea to reelect Donald Trump.

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