Thursday, September 5, 2024

Cross Pollination Thoughts

“Hit the like button!”  “Share this with everyone you know!”  “Important announcement, my most mind blowing decode ever!”

There’s a lot of hype in gematria YouTube videos, for the same reasons the GOP attacks with manufactured evidence.  The real evidence from their messaging, their ideas is more and more not working.  For example whether you like the idea or hate it or are neutral, religion has been steadily on the decline:

A way to identify a deeply unserious account is that they have no identification with anything except their mission.  Which by looking through the majority of content is based on being against something more than pro the other side.  It’s not so much about belief in something but exclusion of contradictory evidence that regards the purveyors of misinformation. And with lack of quality let’s substitute quantity, heavily supplemented with what people with critical thinking skills call Making Shit Up.  We’re still talking about birth certificates and celebrities being opposite genders of what they really are.

 Somehow we are supposed to believe that BIDEN = 29 (reverse reduction) means something bad about Biden while TRUMP = 29 (reverse reduction) isn’t necessarily pro Trump, but it’s just to be ignored.  So within all the negative made up shit, the relatively new people digesting and trying to make sense of this, they show actual signs of real life.  They haven’t been sold on devoting their life to the mission, maybe even just being a useful idiot for a single vote in a couple months.  And you can tell a newcomer without bookmarking like I do.  They have videos that show what else they do that might actually be entertaining.

Whether it actually still works or not, misinformation and disinformation peddlers encourage the sharing like algorithms still pull data from what content you have been viewing beyond baseless conspiracy content.  So not everything in the pool is anti vaccination, anti liberals, anti transgender, or racist.  At least not openly.  These people are still doing the same things as the last time I checked:

First person shooter video games - teens, 20’s
Rap music - teens, 20’s
Cooking - older people
Gardening - older people 
Cats and dogs -older people

Once these activities are set aside in favor of doing nothing but reposting conspiracy content, that’s a victim of deliberate grooming into the conspiracy rabbit hole.  Sure there are other things that I could list, but for a quick top hits content that’s what comes to mind.

Since there is some social burden on the “tribe” to look after its members it should be like the birds and the bees uncomfortable talk.  Billy is spending time with video game YouTube shoot em ups, that’s not bad.  He shouldn’t be banned from them.  But he should be warned to be aware that scammers are there.  Mom’s retired at home and using social media to supplement her gardening - looking at other gardening.  She’s been out of touch on advances in technology and grifter tactics that evolve.  Encourage actual gardening and being wary of accounts that have gardening + hatred.

It all comes down to loneliness and social media echo chambers.  It’s a strange new world where somebody craves social contact so much that they disregard family and friends in favor of a stranger who begs for money on the internet.

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